Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-8-16
P. 8
April 8, 2016 NEWS Thunderbolt
PEOPLE the operation he needed to survive. At that tion to explaining the range of possible test science or word puzzles; puzzle boxes; secret
FIRST point in time with what we had available, we and treatment if recommended. They can codes; or history questions.
were still trying to muster the tools needed use skin and blood tests to diagnose you
Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is to operate on him. and treatments can include medications or
compiled from information from the Air Force allergy shots. Article/704972/afsva-on-trend-with-mystery-escape-
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup- “The REBOA (catheter) was not just an
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness answer; it was the only answer that was rooms.aspx
Flight, Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel capable of saving his life.” WLFOHWULFDUHR௺HUVUHOLHIIRUVSULQJDOOHUJLHV
office and armed forces news services. For the 90 female missileers,
complete story, go to the web address listed at aspx B-52 aircrews make history
the end of the story. Article/708499/wartime-medical-innovation-saves-
AFSVA on trend with Ninety female missileers made Air Force
Wartime innovation lives-at-home.aspx mystery escape rooms history March 22 as the first all-female mis-
saves lives at home sile alert crews to serve on alert at three
75,&$5(R௺HUV Master criminal James Moriarty is expect- intercontinental ballistic missile wings
In the early morning hours of Feb. 21, a allergies relief ing Sherlock Holmes to walk into his parlor. simultaneously.
28-year-old gunshot victim is inside an am- He’s laid a trap, of course, for the brilliant
bulance en route to University of California The weather is finally warming and we can detective. Unfortunately, you and your com- In honor of Women’s History Month, mis-
Davis Medical Center, the only level I trauma spend more time outdoors. Unfortunately, for panions have arrived instead. Now you have sileers based out of Minot Air Force Base,
center in Sacramento, California.The patient, some, warm weather brings suffering from 60 minutes to outsmart Moriarty and escape. North Dakota; F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming;
receiving cardiopulmonary resuscitation dur- seasonal allergies. However, there is hope. The clock is ticking… and Malmstrom AFB, Montana, completed a
ing transport, is fading quickly due to blood TRICARE covers proven services and sup- 24-hour alert shift to sustain an active alert
loss from multiple gunshot wounds. plies needed to diagnose and treat allergies. Interactive, immersive escape rooms, such status of the nation’s ICBM force.
as Moriarty’s Parlor, are gaining popularity
After a quick evaluation in the emergency According to the Centers for Disease Con- worldwide as entertainment and team-build- According to the U.S. Census Bureau,
department, doctors determine that the trol and Prevention, allergies are the sixth ing experiences.The Air Force Services Activ- women make up almost 51 percent of the
wounded man needs an operation immedi- leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S. ity is offering a choice of six room scenarios to nation’s population. Women currently make
ately if he’s going to survive. with an annual cost in excess of $18 billion. 20 Air Force installations enterprise-wide as up 19 percent of the Air Force, the highest
More than 50 million Americans suffer from part of its Recharge for Resiliency initiative. percentage of any service.
In the operating room, Lt. Col. (Dr.) Joseph allergies each year. There are several types
DuBose, a 60th Surgical Operations Squad- of allergic diseases or diseases worsened by “We’re on trend and on time,” said Sandy In addition to female missileers, B-52
ron vascular and trauma surgeon, notices allergies, but the most common are: Hillard, community and leisure branch chief Stratofortress aircrews from Minot AFB and
how quickly the victim is deteriorating. for AFSVA Programs Directorate. “Mystery Barksdale AFB, Louisiana, participated by
t)BZGFWFS Escape Room concepts/businesses are pop- fielding all-female flight crews.
“We needed to buy some time,” DuBose t"TUINB ping up across the nation. We are ecstatic
recalled. “We had to restore blood flow to t$POKVODUJWJUJT QJOLFZF
to serve our military communities with the Goodwin flew as aircraft commander for
his critical organs so that we could conduct t "MMFSHJD TLJO DPOEJUJPOT IJWFT
opportunity.” one of the B-52s alongside six other women.
In total, 14 women whose ranks range from
dermatitis) Participants are provided a background lieutenant to colonel flew in the bomber for-
story before being placed in a themed room mation, serving in the roles of pilot, weapons
If you think you have seasonal allergies, containing puzzles, clues and riddles. A story system officer and electronic warfare officer.
talk to your health care provider. Your pro- unfolds as they work together through the
vider can provide you with tips on how to room’s challenges, which may include math,
reduce or eliminate your exposure in addi- Article/702695/90-female-missileers-b-52-aircrews-
SOUND “Superman. “Superman “Batman would “Superman
OFF! He’s an alien would win. He’s win because would win. He
with god- the man of steel he’s Batman.” has the power to
Batman vs. like super and has abilities take out Batman
Superman: Who strength.” Batman doesn’t without breaking
would win? Why? have.” a sweat.”
Senior Airman Senior Airman Senior Airman Airman 1st Class
56th Security Forces Squadron 56th SFS 56th Comptroller Squadron 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
Antioch Church of God in Christ
9600 W. Peoria Ave. Peoria, AZ 85345
Superintendent Jonathan E. Logan, Pastor
Missionary Christine Logan, First Lady
Phone: 623-486-9007 Service Times: 7:30 am SOMETIMES MY
Fax: 623-486-0246 Sunday: 8:00 am HUMAN DOESN’T Prayer 9:45 am WEAR PANTS AT Worship Service 11:15 am HOME. IT’S A RIOT.
Sunday School
Worship Service 6:30 pm — COLBY
Wednesday: 7:00 pm adopted 06-18-11
Bible Study
Luke Worship Center
Ministry to the Military
Luke Worship Center is seeking a group of people interested
in starting up a Pentecostal style church near Luke AFB.
If you are interested and want more information we will be
at the Wigwam Resort, Palo Verde room on Apr. 16th from
10-2. There will be hourly door prizes. The Wigwam Resort
Contact Joe Bender 623 734 4693
Mary Bender 623 734 2595