Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-8-16
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Thunderbolt NEWS April 8, 2016 7
Comedy is the cure … Talk early, talk often to
children about drugs
Airman 1st Class Pedro Mota by Maj. but about being there for them when
DAPHNEY BREWTON the issues come up — on TV, at the
Comedian Bernie McGrenahan presents an innovative prevention program which focuses movies, on the radio, about celebri-
on safety, respect, resiliency and bystander responsibilities. With an emphasis on pre- 56th Medical Operations Squadron ties or sports figures, or about their
vention and risk-reduction training, he delivered a standup comedy performance March friends. Parents should not miss an
21 at Luke Air Force Base. The performance “Comedy is the Cure” encourages the audi- The need to provide meaningful opportunity to teach their children or
ence to have the courage to ask for help and the resilience to make a change. This sole- education on the dangers of underage they will likely get their information
source program targets: Resiliency, safety, bystander intervention and respect. drinking and drug use at Luke Air from the media, the Internet or other
Force Base has never been greater and sources that not only misrepresent the
parents play a significant role. negative impact of alcohol and drugs
but actually glorify their use.
As children get older and alcohol
and drugs enter the picture, parents Parents have more influence over
are faced with a unique set of chal- their children’s attitudes and deci-
lenges. They can simply sit back and sions about alcohol than most people
hope their children will “get through may think. The key is to start early.
it,” or they can take an active role in
learning about alcohol and drugs and Children go through stages as they
help their children do the same. grow up. What is appropriate to tell
an 18-year-old will vary dramatically
It can be a daunting task to talk from what should be told to a 9-year-
with children about drinking and old. It’s never too early to begin the
drug use, but it will be well worth the conversation. The more informed they
effort. In fact, research has shown are, the better off they’ll be.
that children who have conversations
with their parents about the dangers According to the National Council
of alcohol and drug use are 50 percent on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence,
less likely to use these substances. basic guidelines to assist parents
Parents can be a primary source of
positive and reliable information, and Listen before you talk — Encour-
it is important to be on the lookout and age conversation: Most parents want
take advantage of teachable moments.
It’s not so much about “the big talk,” See '58*6, Page 12
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