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April 8, 2016        NEWS                                                                                                           Thunderbolt

Luke hosts Tuskegee 75th anniversary

Members of the original Tuskegee Airmen share a moment before the third annual      Story and photo by Tech Sgt.                       “The ceremony was a remembrance of
Tuskegee Airmen Commemoration Day ceremony March 24 at Luke Air Force Base.                   LOUIS VEGA Jr.                        what happened in the past and an op-
The ceremony, held at the Tuskegee Airmen Memorial Air Park, celebrates the men                                                     portunity to see what I think has been
DQGZRPHQZKRVHUYHGDV7XVNHJHH$LUPHQZKRVLJQLI\VDFUL¿FHDQGWKHVWUXJJOH                   944th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  the most important accomplishment of
to overcome adversity in the face of racial discrimination.                                                                         the Tuskegee Airmen, the integration of
                                                                                    A ceremony honoring 75 years of the             the Armed Forces,” Ashby said. “Believe in
                                                                                 Tuskegee Airmen experience and the great           yourselves, and put forth the effort needed
                                                                                 heritage of the “Red Tail” warriors from the       to accomplish your goals,” he continued as
                                                                                 302nd Fighter Squadron took place March            a message to today’s youth and a blueprint
                                                                                 24 during the Third Annual Tuskegee                for success.
                                                                                 Airmen Commemoration Day at Luke Air
                                                                                 Force Base.                                           ARAC is named for Fred Archer, who
                                                                                                                                    was the first African American to earn the
                                                                                    The commemorative ceremony, held at the         rank of chief master sergeant and Lincoln
                                                                                 Tuskegee Airmen Memorial Air Park, high-           Ragsdale, a pilot with the 99th Fighter
                                                                                 lighted the incredible bravery, commitment         Squadron in World War II, and later a civil
                                                                                 and expertise of the Tuskegee Airmen who           rights leader here in Phoenix during the
                                                                                 signify sacrifice, the struggles of overcoming     50s and ‘60s.
                                                                                 adversity in the face of racial discrimination,
                                                                                 and a strong legacy of pioneer aviators.              “More than 50 Tuskegee Airmen chapters
                                                                                                                                    are established nationwide with a two-
                                                                                    About 80 people attended the ceremony           fold purpose,” said Bernard Bruce, 56th
                                                                                 including retired Lt. Col. Robert Ashby,           FW ground safety manager and ARAC
                                                                                 retired Lt. Col. Asa Herring, and retired          chapter historian. “The first is to honor
                                                                                 Tech. Sgt. Rudolf Silas, three of the original     the accomplishments of those who trained
                                                                                 Tuskegee Airmen, members of the Archer-            and performed as Tuskegee Airmen dur-
                                                                                 Ragsdale Arizona Chapter Tuskegee Air-             ing World War II. The second is to inspire
                                                                                 men, the Honorable Jerry Weirs, Glendale           youth to outstanding achievements in
                                                                                 mayor, and leadership from the 56th and            leadership through social and educational
                                                                                 944th fighter wings.                               activities, science, technology, engineering
                                                                                                                                    and math. That is our passion, and that is
                                                                                    During the ceremony, a wreath was laid          our challenge.”
                                                                                 at the base of the Red Tail by the original
                                                                                 Tuskegee Airmen, while the Luke AFB                   In July 1987, the 944th FW reactivated
                                                                                 Honor Guard performed Taps, and rendered
                                                                                 military honors.                                                                See TUSKEGEE, Page 15

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