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Thunderbolt NEWS April 8, 2016 3
Cadet IPs teach AF Academy IN BRIEF
sophomores to soar in Arizona April: SAAM events
by Tech. Sgt. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the Defense
JASMINE REIF Department theme is “Know Your Part! Do Your Part! The 56th
Fighter Wing Sexual Assault Prevention Response Office is featur-
U.S. Air Force Academy Public Affairs ing a contest,Walk a Mile in Their Shoes, by supplying pedometers
to track the number of steps taken during the month. Participants
Blizzard-like conditions may &RXUWHV\SKRWR can compete as individuals or units. Movie Wednesdays are
have struck the U.S. Air Force 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 13, 20 and 27. A brown bag lunch will be
Academy earlier this month, but Cadet 2nd Class Khornwitpong Soonthonnitikul, an international stu- provided.Limited seating is available.To sign up,call 623-856-4878.
in Arizona the weather was per- GHQWIURP7KDLODQGDWWKH86$LU)RUFH$FDGHP\ÀLHVXSVLGHGRZQLQ Unmasking Sexual Assault is an ongoing event to fill the The Wall
fect for cadet instructor pilots who a TG-16A glider during aerobatics training over Coolidge, Arizona. of Masks with masks decorated by participants, which have been
taught academy sophomores the provided by the SAPRO. Hands Across Luke is 3 to 3:12 p.m.April
art of soaring in Coolidge, Arizona. dets to aviation, which is what Four TG-16A gliders were 29 on the north and south sides of the Maj. Troy Gilbert bridge.
many of them will do in their trailered from the academy to Ari- Participants meet at 3 p.m. at Club Five Six and must be in place by
During their two-week trip to Air Force careers,” he said. “It zona for the event. 3:10 p.m. There will be a moment of silence from 3:11 to 3:12 p.m.
Arizona, 15 cadets and four offi- provides leadership opportunities For more information, call Evelyn Perez at 623-856-4878.
cers from the 94th Flying Train- because cadets are in charge of “It’s been a great experience and
ing Squadron’s Academy Soaring the trip. Making reservations and gives us a whole new perspective,” Scholarships for housing residents
Program taught the cadets how to working with airfields gives them Gould said. “It’s a great way to get
perform aerobatics. experience they will use in the op- away from homework and be with Balfour Beatty Communities is accepting scholarship applica-
erational Air Force when they go people who want to fly. It’s a chance tions for the 2016/2017 school term to those living in a Balfour
“We went to Arizona to get six on a temporary duty assignment.” to challenge yourself and a lot of Beatty Communities-owned and managed property. The appli-
to seven straight days of flying,” fun.” cant pool has expanded to include leaseholders, their spouses
said soaring instructor pilot Ca- and dependents. Luke housing residents who are attending
det 1st Class Joseph Gould. “The or will be attending an accredited educational or technical
sophomores were nervous at first institution for the 2016/2017 term may apply until April 30.
because they had never been For more information or to submit an application, go to www.
inverted [in a glider], but they re- For information on living in base
ally got into it. They have a lot to housing, call Balfour Beatty Communities at 623-388-3515 or
learn, but by the end of the week Rodney Marks, Housing Referral Office, at 623-856-7643.
they were very good at aerobatics.”
Space camp
The 94th FTS flies more than
17,000 sorties a year, making it Air Force Space Camp is July 31 through Aug. 5 in Hunts-
the most active soaring operation ville, Alabama. Applicants must be dependents of active-duty
in the U.S. Each year, 80 cadets military, retired military, Air Force civilian employees, Air
attend a semester-long instructor National Guard or AF Reserve. For more information, go to
pilot upgrade course.
“The soaring program broad- Teen aviation camp
ened my horizons,” said Cadet
3rd Class Merrick Isley. “I didn’t Air Force Teen Aviation Camp is June 18 through 24 at the U.S.
get to experience airmanship Air Force Academy north of Colorado Springs, Colorado.Applicants
my freshman year and this pro- must be dependents of active-duty military, retired military, Air
gram exposed me to the best the Force civilian employees, Air National Guard or AF Reserve. For
academy has. This is a positive more information, call Teresa Witschen at 210-395-7514.
environment and helps everyone
grow. This training in Arizona AFAF campaign
has been great because we don’t
have school, and I get to focus on The Air Force Assistance Fund is an annual effort to raise
flying.” funds to support Air Force families in need. The campaign runs
from March 21 through April 29.The goal for unit representatives
Capt. Brian Ross, 94th FTS is to have a 100 percent contact rate with active-duty personnel.
group training officer, is a 2008 For more information, go to
academy graduate. He returned
to his alma mater in 2014 to learn CCAF mentorship training
to pilot gliders.
The 56th Force Support Squadron Education Center will of-
“This program introduces ca- fer on-going Community College of the Air Force mentorship
training at 8:30 a.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month
THUNDERBOLT ALMANAC in the education center in Bldg 1150. The program provides
guidance on using the Air Force Virtual Education Center and
Fiscal 2016 graduates training for mentors who want to assist Airmen seeking a CCAF
in their workplace. The requirements are to have completed a
61st FS.......................................................... 17 314th FS ........................................................ 8 CCAF degree and possess a desire to mentor fellow Airmen.
62nd FS........................................................... 0 56th TRS...................................................... 36 For more information, call education center at 623-856-7722.
309th FS ......................................................... 7 607th ACS.................................................... 98
310th FS ....................................................... 25 372nd TRS, Det. 12 ..................................... 31 Luke Experience presents ...
311th FS ......................................................... 8 56th OSS (IFTU) ........................................... 0
Luke Experience is presenting a “Flashback to the 80s” at
Hours flown Sorties flown T-Bolts 37 Luke Airmen 7 p.m. today and Saturday, and 2 p.m. Sunday at the Luke Air Force
Deployed are deployed to Base Theater. The show is family friendly and admission is free.
F-35 2,828.9 1,907 For more information, call Lacey Quattlebaum at 623-856-9949.
F-16 7,004.1 5,241 14 countries
around the world. Mission-essential materials
Funding is now available for offices to submit their mission-
essential requirements for periodicals and books through the
Luke Air Force Base Library. For more information, call Pam
Lum at 623-856-3893.
SOAR commissioning
For Airmen wishing to submit a commissioning package for
the Air Force ROTC program, Scholarships for Outstanding Air-
men to ROTC, the submission date to Air Education and Train-
ing Command is Sept. 15. Waivers are due Sept. 1. For more
information, visit the education center or call 623-856-7722.