Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-8-16
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April 8, 2016 NEWS Thunderbolt
12 Tora, Tora, Tora
'58*6 (from Page 7) Be positive: Many parents
Exchange Airman 1st Class Pedro Mota have discovered talking about
to have all the answers, but in these issues with their children
sweepstakes An A6M Zero aircraft, part of the Tora Tora Tora the beginning, it’s important to has built bridges rather than
GHPRQVWUDWLRQWHDPÀLHVRYHUKHDG$SULODW/XNH$LU listen to what children are say- walls between them and have
winner scores Force Base, Ariz. Luke’s 75 years of Airpower 2016 air show ing. Knowing that the parents are watched those children learn to
included static displays and aerial demonstrations for the really listening is one of the most make healthy, mature decisions
trip to Cubs game public to enjoy. important things to them. on their own.
The Army & Air Force Exchange Talk to your child — Ask open- Family history: Both research
Service is teaming up with Ford Gum, ended questions: Parents should and personal experiences have
maker of Big League Chew, to take one talk regularly to their children shown that addiction is a chronic,
lucky winner out to the ballgame to about their feelings, friends and progressive disease that can be
root, root, root for the Chicago Cubs at activities. As much as possible, linked to family history and genet-
Wrigley Field. avoid questions that have a sim- ics. If there is a family history of
ple “yes” or “no” answer. problems with alcohol or drugs,
The worldwide Ford Gum Sweep- parents should be matter of fact
stakes’ prize, worth $5,000, includes Be involved: Parents should get about it as with any other chronic
airfare for four to Chicago (trip must to know their child’s friends and disease such as heart disease,
originate in the contiguous United continue to educate them about diabetes or cancer.
States), lodging for three nights, hotel the importance of maintaining
transportation, four tickets to a Cubs good health – psychological, emo- “Alcohol and drug use is a very
game and spending money. Authorized tional and physical. risky business for young people,”
military shoppers 18 and older can enter said Andrew Pucher, NCADD
online at Set expectations, limits and president and chief executive
sweepstakes through June 16. consequences: Parents should officer. “Parents can make a dif-
make it clear they do not want ference. The longer children delay
“Nothing beats enjoying our national their child drinking or using drinking and using drugs, the less
pastime at a legendary ballpark,” said drugs. Parents should reinforce likely they are to develop prob-
Aileen Rivenburg, Exchange general trust in children not to use drugs lems associated with it. That’s
manager. “I encourage Luke Exchange or alcohol. Make clear possible why it is so important to help your
shoppers to enter this worldwide contest. consequences, both legal and child make smart decisions about
All it takes is a couple clicks online.” medical, and be clear about alcohol and drugs.”
what will happen if the rules are
The Ford Gum sweepstakes drawing broken. April is Alcohol Awareness
will take place on or about June 23. No Month and the Luke Air Force
purchase is necessary to enter or win. Be honest and open: Parents Base Alcohol and Drug Abuse Pre-
should demonstrate care about vention and Treatment Program
Courtesy of AAFES what their child is going through is encouraging parents to speak
when they make decisions that to their children early and often
DSeHnleaiccaiklotsuhfsor ! could affect their lives in the about alcohol and other drugs.
present and future.
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