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Thunderbolt                                           NEWS                                                                                                                                                Feb. 19, 2016                     5                                                                                                                                                   

What is your locus?                                                                                      ‘Start Small, Think Big’

  Commentary by Senior Master Sgt.                    attitude or proper time management, — it’s         theme of Military Saves Week
           OLUWASINA AWOLUSI                          our nature. We need to cultivate a better un-
                                                      derstanding of the events in our lives and avoid      Military Saves Week is Feb. 22 through 27, and the campaign’s slogan,
                       56th Medical Support Squadron  the thought that someone is trying to get us.      “Start Small, Think Big,” speaks to the long-term benefits of saving even a
                                                                                                         small amount each month.
   Your first thought to the commentary’s title          Why should you know what your locus is?
was probably “what do you mean?” Merriam-             Like I stated earlier, this lesson sunk in for        The Military Saves program is designed to educate and motivate service
Webster defines locus as “a central or main           me at NCOA a few years back, and it has defi-      members and their families to reduce debt and save their hard-earned
place where something happens or is found.” So        nitely stuck with me as I continue my service      money for both emergencies and financial goals. Military Saves is also an
it basically means center. Now add the words          as an NCO and as an Airman. Here are a few         opportunity to teach children about saving and other good financial habits
“of control.” Locus of control is a lesson that       things I have learned after internalizing and      through the concurrent Military Youth Saves Campaign.
first sunk in for me when I went to the NCO           applying the lesson:
Academy at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.                                                                 The 56th Force Support Squadron Airman & Family Readiness Center
                                                         1. You define your own happiness: Due to the    invites active-duty, National Guard and Reserve service members, retirees,
   In psychology, locus of control refers to how      fact that I have an internal locus of control, I   Defense Department, and Coast Guard civilians, veterans, defense contrac-
an individual views the outcome of events             believe my happiness is driven by how much         tors, and family members of all ages to participate in the Military Saves
in their life, either internally or externally.       control I feel I have over circumstances.          Campaign.
People with internal locus feel their actions
directly affect events. While those who have             2. You are responsible for actions you can         A&FRC is offering the following series of financial classes 11 a.m. to noon
external locus believe their actions don’t affect     control: It’s just as simple as it’s stated. Al-   Monday through Feb. 26 in Bldg. 1113.
the outcome, the outcome is instead influenced        though it’s easier to blame others for what
by external factors. For example, factors such        happens to me, I focus on my responsibility           Monday: How to Successfully Negotiate a New Car Purchase
as attitude and tone of communication are             for my actions.                                       Tuesday: Home Buying A to Z
things you can control. While external factors                                                              Wednesday: Thrift Savings Plan, Investing Made Simple
such as weather, other people, and organiza-             3. Success is quicker to achieve since there       Thursday: Smart Options for Your Tax Refund
tional hours are things outside of your control.      is little resistance: Focus on what you need to       Feb. 26: Debt Free in 1-5 Years
                                                      do while considering the obstacles that could         The week ends with a Financial Expo 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Feb. 27 at the Wig-
   So why am I elaborating on this topic? Too         slow down progress, then work around them.         wam Resort in Litchfield Park.
often I hear, “I would have (insert excuse) if                                                              Participants can strengthen their financial now and in the future by at-
(insert blame assigned to others).” Some people,         So after reading this article, I hope you have  tending breakout sessions and connecting with financial resources. Free
including Airmen such as you and me, blame            an understanding of what locus of control is       food and prizes are included. Those who register at http://fightercountry.
others for outcomes they can control. We tend         and how it can be beneficial in everyday life      org/MSW will receive a free gift at the event.
to try to change what we can’t such as regula-        if properly applied. My challenge to you is to        To take the Saver Pledge and receive tools and resources to help those
tions and ignore what we can change like our          understand what your locus of control is and       interested meet debt reduction and savings goals, go to http://www.mili-
                                                      make changes in your life to have a better
                                                      handle on your own locus.                             For more information about the Military Saves campaign, stop by the
                                                                                                         Airman & Family Readiness Center in Bldg. 1113 or call 623-856-6550.

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