Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-19-16
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Feb. 19, 2016 NEWS Thunderbolt
Courtesy photo Staring MVD alternatives
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PHOENIX — By expanding the use of technology
An F-35A Lightning and third-party options, the Arizona Department of
II team parks the Transportation Motor Vehicle Division is making it
DLUFUDIW)HEIRU easier for motorists to renew vehicle registrations,
WKH¿UVWWLPHDW apply for driver licenses and more without visiting
Mountain Home Air MVD offices.
Force Base, Idaho.
7KHDLUFUDIWDUULYHG Numbers for 2015 tell the story:
at the base to con- 4.4 million: That’s the number of transactions by
duct operational residents processed last year through ServiceAri-
testing in order to That’s an increase from 4.2 million in 2014.
determine its com- This past year, 60 percent of all vehicle registration
bat capabilities. renewals were done through ServiceArizona. In addi-
tion, 3.3 million transactions were processed through
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED by businesses like car dealer-
ships, bringing the total to 7.7 million transactions.
ServiceArizona is accessible through desktops, laptops
and mobile devices.
4 million: That’s the number of 2015 transactions
processed by Authorized Third Party businesses conve-
niently located around the state. It’s an increase from
3.8 million in 2014.
By comparison, Motor Vehicle Division offices, which
typically handle more complex transactions, processed
3.1 million in 2015.
22, another notable number: It’s how many Autho-
rized Third Party businesses offer assistance with
driver licenses and identification cards in addition to
the vehicle title and registration services available at
most authorized businesses. That’s an increase from
seven such businesses in 2014. The Motor Vehicle Divi-
sion aims to continue to increase that number.
Offering more options to customers is among the
many ways the Motor Vehicle Division is improving
service and meeting Governor Doug Ducey’s call for
innovation and efficiency in state government.
“At MVD, our vision is to get Arizona ‘out of the line
and safely on the road.’ Our private industry partners
and online service options through
make these important transactions more convenient for
Arizonans to conduct,” Motor Vehicle Division Director
Eric Jorgensen said.
Other alternatives include 39 ServiceArizona kiosks
located in many Motor Vehicle Division offices and
a few city courthouses. These kiosks offer the same
functionality as the ServiceArizona website.
For more information, visit
A list of Authorized Third Party businesses and MVD
offices can be found at
Courtesy of
Justice Report Administrative Discharges 56th Medical Group
An airman was discharged for minor disciplinary
The following is a list of administrative actions issued infractions. Article 15s
in January at Luke Air Force Base: Administrative Demotions A staff sergeant received nonjudicial punishment for
A staff sergeant was demoted to the rank of senior wrongful use of percocet. The airman received a reduction
56th Maintenance Group airman for failure to fulfill responsibilities by driving in rank to senior airman, suspended forfeiture of $1,241
under the influence of alcohol. pay per month for two months and a reprimand.
Courts-Martial A staff sergeant was demoted to the rank of senior An airman first class received nonjudicial punish-
An airman first class was found in violation of one airman for failure to fulfill responsibilities by driving ment for underage drinking in the dormitory. The air-
charge and one specification in Article 112a, wrongful under the influence of alcohol. man received a reduction in rank to airman, suspended
use of cocaine. The airman received a reduction in rank forfeiture of $867 pay per month for two months and a
to airman basic, restriction to base for two months and 56th Mission Support Group reprimand.
hard labor without confinement for one month. Administrative Demotions
Articles 15 Article 15s A senior airman was demoted to the rank of airman first
A technical sergeant received nonjudicial punishment An airman first class received nonjudicial punishment for class for failure to keep fit.
for assault consummated by a battery upon a child. The driving under the influence of alcohol. The airman received Punishments for similar offenses may vary from case
airman received a reduction in rank to staff sergeant. a reduction in rank to airman and a reprimand. to case based on the circumstances of the offense and fac-
A senior airman received nonjudicial punishment for Administrative Discharges tors such as: an offender’s age, military and disciplinary
assault consummated by a battery. The airman received A staff sergeant was discharged for commission of a seri- record, financial condition, and suitability for continued
a reduction in rank to airman first class, forfeiture of ous offense. service. To ensure fair administration of justice through-
$1,027 pay, 30 days extra duty and a reprimand. Administrative Demotions out the Luke AFB community, the legal office reviews all
A senior airman was demoted to the rank of airman first cases.
class for failure to fulfill responsibilities by driving under the
influence of alcohol. &RXUWHV\RIWKHWK)LJKWHU:LQJ/HJDO2I¿FH