Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-19-16
P. 8
Feb. 19, 2016 NEWS Thunderbolt
PEOPLE to today’s and tomorrow’s threats. ing of follow-on capabilities and will delay gaps are across the en route care spectrum.
FIRST “The United States can’t fight, much less retirement of the first A-10s until fiscal
Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is win, today’s wars without airpower,” Welsh $UWLFOHDLUIRUFHFRQWLQXHVWRLPSURYH
compiled from information from the Air Force said. “That’s just the way modern warfare KWWSZZZDIPLO1HZV$UWLFOH'LVSOD\WDELG FDUHLQWKHDLUDVS[
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup- has moved. The demand signal for that $UWLFOHDIRI¿FLDOVDQQRXQFHI\EXG
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness airpower continues to rise. AF culture, standards
Flight, Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel JHWIRUFHVWUXFWXUHFKDQJHVDVS[ QRZLQSDOPRIKDQG
office and armed forces news services. For the KWWSZZZDIPLO1HZV$UWLFOH'LVSOD\WDELG
complete story, go to the web address listed at $UWLFOHVHFDIFVDIWHVWLI\RQI\DI Air Force continues to A series of mobile applications developed
the end of the story. improve care in the air by the 367th Training Support Squadron at
posture.aspx Hill Air Force Base, Utah, is giving Airmen
6HF$)&6$)WHVWLI\RQ The Air Force is committed to research ready access to Air Force standards, culture
¿VFDO$)SRVWXUH $)RI¿FLDOVDQQRXQFH)< and development for advancements in en and basic doctrine.
Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James While the unit — part of the 82nd
and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Air Force officials released force structure The Air Mobility Command Surgeon Training Wing’s 782nd Training Group at
Welsh III testified before the Senate Ap- changes resulting from the president’s fiscal General’s office and researchers across the Sheppard AFB, Texas — typically focuses
propriations Committee on the fiscal 2017 2017 budget Feb. 12. Air Force, to include the 711th Human Re- on computer-based training in support of
Air Force posture on Capitol Hill Feb. 10. source Wing at Wright Patterson Air Force aircraft maintenance, its unique skill set
This year’s budget request continues the Base, Ohio, have been working together to proved a perfect match when the Air Force
Both James and Welsh stressed that the momentum gained from the recovery pro- improve how the Air Force provides care in was looking for a way to put the “little blue
need for airpower continues to rise and the vided by the 2015 Bipartisan Budget Act, the air. The AMC/SG is responsible for clini- book” and other core Air Force documents
gap between the U.S. Air Force and its clos- but still reflects the tough choices the Air cal oversight of the Air Force aeromedical literally into the hands of Airmen.
est pursuers is closing. Force was forced to make as the demand for evacuation (AE) system.
Air Force capability continues to increase as “Our focus is mainly on developing com-
“Bottom line here is that … we are fully the Budget Control Act looms in fiscal 2018. “Over the last 15 years, the joint com- puter-based training or videos for maintain-
engaged in every region of the world, in munity has made tremendous strides in ers on the flightline,” said Tech. Sgt. Kaimi
every mission area, across the full spectrum The fiscal 2017 budget leverages the total providing care to our wounded warriors,” Pacheco, the app designer. “So developing
of military operations,” James said. “Put force — active duty, Guard and Reserve — said Col. Susan Dukes, the En Route Care mobile apps is a little out of the norm for
simply: we have never been busier on such to maintain the service’s ability to support Research Division chief for the Air Force us, which is challenging. The other products
a sustained and global basis.” ongoing operations while ensuring the ser- School of Aerospace Medicine at Wright we create are mostly linear, or step by step,
vice is ready to face future threats. The bud- Patterson AFB. in nature, but when you’re developing apps
The Fiscal Year 2017 Air Force Posture get keeps the active-duty force at 317,000 you have to include functionality that lets
Statement states the president’s fiscal while posturing the force for future growth. “We now have programs of research spe- the user go in many different directions.”
2017 budget aims to build, train and Guard and Reserve manning will remain cific to en route care. It’s very important
equip an Air Force capable of responding constant, but the Air Force will continue to clinicians and researchers to capture Still, the team was confident it could not
plans to transfer aircraft and flying mis- lessons learned in order to improve our only get the job done, but get it done quickly
sions to Air National Guard and Air Force policies and procedures for patient care,” and exceed expectations.
Reserve locations that would otherwise Dukes said.
have no mission due to fleet divestments. KWWSZZZDIPLO1HZV$UWLFOH'LVSOD\WDELG
The budget rephases divestment of the ducts a capability based assessment which
A-10 Thunderbolt II to coincide with field- informs the surgeon general’s office where SDOPRI\RXUKDQGDVS[
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