Page 27 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-18-15
P. 27

Thunderbolt                               SPORTS COMMENTARY                                                                                              Dec. 18, 2015
RUNNING                 (from Page 20)    bag packed at all times served me well.  about the first 10 miles, everything
                                            It comes down to choices you make      felt great, frequent water stations        Sports Shorts
    Tech. Sgt. Karl Clymer, 56th Range                                             with local base and community sup-
   0DQDJHPHQW2I¿FHVXSHULQWHQGHQW       every moment. If a person really pays    porters were making everything per-      Red-eye open
                                          attention, they can pinpoint when they   fect. About mile 12, it struck me that
right person for many years. People       make the excuse or give up. Even if I    I was nearly half way done with a           The Red-Eye Open golf tourna-
around me deserved better. I woke up      missed a day, I used it as motivation    full marathon! Mile 15 brought some      ment is 8 a.m. Jan. 1 at Falcon Dunes
and realized I couldn’t continue on the   to put in the extra effort on my next    pains and a little fatigue. The people   Golf Course. The cost is $52 per club
path I was on.                            workout. Most of this was a mental       I was running with were maintaining      member, $57 per nonmember and $62
                                          game. You just don’t give in to nega-    about a 10:45 pace. Around mile 15 I     per guest and includes a continental
  My body had begun to acclimate          tive feelings or think you can’t do it.  started having to take an occasional     breakfast and Bloody Marys, greens
to the higher elevation of Colorado       It’s also OK to listen to your body and  walk. By mile 17 the gradual inclines    fee, range balls, cart rental, lunch and
Springs, a 5000-foot difference. I        occasionally take a rest day.            and hills were causing extra effort,     prizes. Register by Dec. 26. For more
found when I returned to Phoenix                                                   and my calves were sore and legs         information, call 623-535-9334.
I could breathe more easily when            When I started getting into double-    growing heavier with every step. “I
running. A friend challenged me to        digit-mile runs, odd things started      will definitely do more hill training    <RXWKKROLGD\¿WQHVVIXQ
run a marathon. I accepted, wanting       happening, some pains here and there.    next time,” I thought.                   hour
a long-term goal to maintain what I       I encountered sore knees, feet and
had gained. I found online and used       back. I didn’t ignore it, instead I did    At mile 19 my back was in excruciat-      The 56th Force Support Squadron
Hal Higdon’s beginners’ marathon          research and realized they were com-     ing pain. I stopped and applied pain     Youth Center open rec members ages
guide.                                    mon running related injuries, easily     relief gel in a large handful over my    9 to 12 can play basketball, floor
                                          preventable and repairable. I found      lower back and calves. The change in     hockey, volleyball and more 2 to
  I started about 20 weeks out, know-     stretches, certain workouts, supple-     sensation was just enough to allow my    3 p.m. during winter break Dec. 21
ing I would be ready if I committed to    ments, foam rollers and the application  mind to tolerate the push for miles      through 23 and 28 through 30. For
the plan every day. Sometimes, I didn’t   of heat and cold could help. I learned   20 through 24. At this point, I was      more information or to sign up, call
want to get out of bed early but luckily  about running postures, breathing and    alternating walking with jogging on      623-856-7470.
my desire to be better outweighed this.   even choosing the right music.           a pretty frequent basis. I took note of
At times life would plot against my                                                several people sidelined with locals     Squadron challenge
workouts, but I would just take my stuff    Training in a Phoenix summer is        helping them. I noticed they appeared
with me and find another time during      definitely a challenge. Initially I was  in much better physical shape than          The first Friday of the month, two
the day. I found that keeping a workout   waking up around six in the morn-        me. Runners of all shapes and sizes      squadrons compete in six events —
                                          ing to avoid the heat and sun. As        crossed that finish line; it was truly   bench press, 40-yard dash, vertical
                                          the weeks went by, the weekend long      awesome.                                 jump, three-cone drill, broad jump and
                                          runs required me to get up earlier.                                               short shuttle. Six-member teams must
                                          Eventually I was starting at two in        This was a surreal moment, the         include one female competitor. For
                                          the morning and running for hours        realization that commitment, prepa-      more information, call 623-856-6241.
                                          until the sun came up. Once in a while   ration and mental resilience were far
                                          I would sleep in, and be forced to run   more important than ideal weight or      Snowbowl ski trip
                                          later in the day. I had a pretty rough   my image in a mirror. Initially those
                                          July afternoon with a 14-mile run; I     things were a driving factor in my          The 56th Force Support Squadron
                                          wore a hat, sunblock, and drank lots of  motivation and had greatly improved.     Outdoor Recreation is featuring a ski
                                          water. One hundred thirteen degrees      Eventually in all this, life stripped    day at 5 a.m. Jan. 16 at Snowbowl
                                          will motivate you to get up early even   away the superficial desires. I was      near Flagstaff. Ski and snowboard
                                          if you’re the stubborn type.             left with wanting to feel good and live  packages are available for youth to
                                                                                   more meaningfully. It’s also proof that  age 17, adults, and seniors, ages 65
                                            The day of my first Air Force mara-    everyone has the ability do something    and over. Registration deadline is
                                          thon in Dayton, Ohio, was exceptional.   extraordinary.                           Jan. 9. For more information, call
                                          It was overcast and cool, I couldn’t                                              623-856-6267.
                                          have been luckier for weather. For

of the

                       Thursday          Tech. Sgt.                  Staff Sgt.                  Civilian           Airman 1st Class           Master Sgt.
     7DPSD%D\YV6W/RXLV          Mike Mavrakis                 Sean Walls              Michael Jenks            Winston Morris         Jeremy Roberts
                                    56th Fighter Wing       56th Operations Group  56th Mission Support Group  56th Maintenance Group     56th Medical Group
                          Sunday                                    7DPSD%D\
       %XIIDORYV:DVKLQJWRQ            7DPSD%D\                                             7DPSD%D\                7DPSD%D\                6W/RXLV
   .DQVDV&LW\YV%DOWLPRUH                                           %XIIDOR
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      &DUROLQDYV1<*LDQWV          .DQVDV&LW\                                           .DQVDV&LW\               .DQVDV&LW\            .DQVDV&LW\
       &KLFDJRYV0LQQHVRWD                                          &DUROLQD
    +RXVWRQYV,QGLDQDSROLV              &DUROLQD                   0LQQHVRWD                   &DUROLQD                 &DUROLQD                &DUROLQD
      $WODQWDYV-DFNVRQYLOOH             &KLFDJR                  ,QGLDQDSROLV               0LQQHVRWD                  &KLFDJR               0LQQHVRWD
7HQQHVVHHYV1HZ(QJODQG                 +RXVWRQ                                                +RXVWRQ                  +RXVWRQ                 +RXVWRQ
     $UL]RQDYV3KLODGHOSKLD           -DFNVRQYLOOH                   Atlanta                                             Atlanta             -DFNVRQYLOOH
                                       1HZ(QJODQG                 1HZ(QJODQG                    Atlanta              1HZ(QJODQG            1HZ(QJODQG
         &OHYHODQGYV6HDWWOH             $UL]RQD                                            1HZ(QJODQG                 $UL]RQD
      *UHHQ%D\YV2DNODQG                6HDWWOH                    $UL]RQD                                              6HDWWOH                $UL]RQD
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        'HQYHUYV3LWWVEXUJK              'HQYHU                   *UHHQ%D\                     6HDWWOH                  'HQYHU               *UHHQ%D\
         0LDPLYV6DQ'LHJR             6DQ'LHJR                   Pittsburgh                *UHHQ%D\                    0LDPL               Pittsburgh
&LQFLQQDWLYV6DQ)UDQFLVFR             &LQFLQQDWL                  6DQ'LHJR                  Pittsburgh               &LQFLQQDWL               0LDPL
                                          1<-HWV                  &LQFLQQDWL                   0LDPL                   1<-HWV           6DQ)UDQFLVFR
           1<-HWVYV'DOODV                                       1<-HWV                 &LQFLQQDWL                                       1<-HWV
                         Monday             'HWURLW                                             1<-HWV              1HZ2UOHDQV
                                         SHUFHQW                1HZ2UOHDQV                                           SHUFHQW            1HZ2UOHDQV
     'HWURLWYV1HZ2UOHDQV           SHUFHQW                 SHUFHQW                1HZ2UOHDQV               SHUFHQW             SHUFHQW
    Last week’s percentage            ³:K\HYHQWU\"               SHUFHQW                 SHUFHQW                                       SHUFHQW
                                   ,ZLOOZLQHYHU\WLPH´             ³.QRZ                  SHUFHQW          ³7REHWKHPDQ\RX            ³$OO,GR
   Year to date percentage                                           \RXUUROH´                 “This is        KDYHWREHDWWKHPDQ´          LVZLQ´
                       Trash talk
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