Page 22 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-18-15
P. 22
Dec. 18, 2015 NEWS Thunderbolt
Banana Ice Cream freshly ground black pepper, to taste each shell. Just before baking, press and sugar. Whisk together until fluffy.
1/2 cup buttermilk marshmallows into potatoes. Whisk hot milk mixture slowly into the
Recipe by Senior Airman Grace Lee, 1/3 cup milk 4. Bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit until eggs. Pour mixture into saucepan. Cook
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs 4 Tbsp. butter potatoes are hot and marshmallows are over medium heat, stirring constantly
1/2 cup miniature marshmallows golden brown, 10 to 12 minutes. for 3 minutes, or until thick. Do not
Ingredients: Directions: allow mixture to boil. Strain to remove
2 ripened bananas 1. Adjust oven rack to low position and Amazingly Good Eggnog cloves, and let cool for about an hour.
3. Stir in rum, cream, 2 teaspoon vanilla,
Directions: heat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Recipe by username: NATALIESMOM, and nutmeg. Refrigerate overnight
1. Peel and slice bananas into thinly. Place potatoes on a baking sheet lined before serving.
2. Set bananas in freezer for at least 2 with parchment paper or foil. Bake un-
hours. til fork tender, about 45 to 60 minutes. Ingredients: Maple Nut Sticky Buns
3. Take frozen bananas out and add to Let cool slightly. 4 cups milk
food processor. Blend bananas until 2. Handling the potatoes with a potholder, 5 whole cloves Recipe provided by Jaycee Boyer
it has a creamy consistency simi- slice each in half lengthwise and scoop 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
lar to ice cream. Drizzle with dark potato flesh into a blender or food pro- 1 tsp. ground cinnamon Note: Both the egg and the butter need to
chocolate and top with favorite nuts. cessor - for an especially silky texture, 12 egg yolks be at room temperature before beginning.
Enjoy! use the blender - leaving a 14-inch bor- 1 ½ cups sugar
der of flesh to support the potato skin. 2 ½ cups light rum Ingredients:
Twice-Baked Sweet Potatoes Puree scooped-out flesh, along with 4 cups light cream 3 cups flour, divided (2 and 1)
with Mini Marshmallows salt and pepper, until smooth. With 2 tsp. vanilla extract 1/4 cup sugar
machine motor running, gradually 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg 1 package quick-rising active dry yeast
Recipe by Pam Anderson, add both milks through feeder tube. 1 tsp. salt
USA WEEKEND columnist, Stop machine, add butter, then process Directions: 1 cup hot water (must be between 120
taken from until potatoes are silky smooth. (Puree 1. Combine milk, cloves, 1/2 teaspoon va- degrees Fahrenheit and 130 degrees
and potato shells can be cooled, then nilla, and cinnamon in a saucepan, and Fahrenheit)
Ingredients: refrigerated in an airtight container, heat over lowest setting for 5 minutes. 6 Tbsp. butter, softened and divided (2
4 medium sweet potatoes up to 2 days.) Slowly bring milk mixture to a boil. and 4)
1/4 tsp. salt 3. Return to room temperature before 2. In a large bowl, combine egg yolks
proceeding. Spoon puree back into See RECIPES, Page 23
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