Page 18 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-18-15
P. 18

Dec. 18, 2015                                             FEATURE                                                                                                    Thunderbolt

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Senior Airman Devante Williams

Two F-15SGs from the 428th Fighter Squadron prepare to take off Dec. 11 at Luke Air Force Base. The F-15s came in support of the training exercise Forging Sabre from

RSAF hone combat skills during Forging Sabre exercise

                                                                                 by Senior Airman                       partners a chance to train for a combat      Attack Helicopter Detachment from Silver
                                                                                     GRACE LEE                          scenario in phenomenal airspace with the     Bell Army Heliport, Marana, Arizona, the
                                                                                                                        ability to employ live and inert weapons,”   Peace Prairie Chinook Helicopter Detach-
                                                                                      56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  Forino said. “It’s a great opportunity for   ment from Grant Prairie, Texas, and more.
                                                                                                                        a large group of Singapore Armed Forces
                                                                        Luke Air Force Base hosted Forging Sa-          members to hone their combat skills”            The goal of Forging Sabre was fulfilled
                                                                     bre, a large group exercise involving mem-                                                      thanks to all the Luke Thunderbolts in-
                                                                     bers of the Republic of Singapore Armed               More than six Singapore units were in-    volved, Forino said.
                                                                     Forces Nov. 30 through Dec. 15 at Luke Air         volved in the exercise, including the 425th
                                                                     Force Base.                                        FS, the 428th FS from Mountain Home             “It was a tremendous effort by many
                                                                                                                        AFB, Idaho, the Peace Vanguard Apache        people and agencies to make it a success,”
                                                                        “Exercise Forging Sabre consists of                                                          Forino said.
                                                                     day and night large-force employment
                                            Staff Sgt. Staci Miller  in scenario-based training,” said Lt. Col.                                                                                                                       Senior Airman Devante Williams
                                                                     John Forino, 425th Fighter Squadron com-
Ng Eng Hen, Singapore defense min-                                   mander. “We also integrate the RSAF com-           6LQJDSRUHRI¿FLDOVUHFHLYHDEULH¿QJRQWKH)/LJKWQLQJ,,DW/XNH
ister, learns about the F-35 Lightning ll                            mand post for real-time battle injects and
Helmet Mounted Display System during                                 scenario updates.”
his visit to the 61st Fighter Squadron
Dec. 10 during Forging Sabre at Luke                                    The partnership between the RSAF and the
Air Force Base.                                                      U.S. is essential for not only training but mis-
                                                                     sion success, according to Singapore officials.

                                                                        “We have a very deep relationship with
                                                                     Luke Air Force Base, and to be able to train
                                                                     here to test our systems is very important
                                                                     for us,” said Ng Eng Hen, Singapore defense
                                                                     minister. “But beyond that, I think this
                                                                     relationship is built on shared values and
                                                                     perspectives and that we both believe in
                                                                     a strong defense. We are very thankful to
                                                                     Luke Air Force Base and the surrounding
                                                                     communities for allowing our armed forces
                                                                     to train here.”

                                                                        The goal of the exercise is to provide high-
                                                                     end training for all armed forces personnel.

                                                                        “Forging Sabre allows our Singaporean
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