Page 23 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-18-15
P. 23

Thunderbolt                           SPORTS COMMENTARY                                                                                                                              Dec. 18, 2015
The running man
                                              RECIPES  (from Page 22)
             by Tech. Sgt.
           KARL CLYMER                          1 egg at room temperature                                                      The U.S. Armed Forces Blended Retirement System
                                                1/2 cup brown sugar
             WK5DQJH0DQDJHPHQW2IÀFH        1 tsp. cinnamon                                                                                                   At a Glance
  I failed a physical training test             1. Combine 2 cups flour, sugar, yeast and salt   Saving with the New Blended Retirement System                                                       Today’s Retirement System:
in February, and then ran every
day for 21 days straight to pass                    in large bowl                                The FY16 National Defense Authorization Act provides our military force with a modernized                         Annuity
another in March. I did it just in              2. Stir in hot water, 2 Tbsp. softened butter    retirement plan built for retirement savings. Beginning in 2018, our service members can gain
time to go to the NCO Academy                                                                    automatic and matching Thrift Savings Plan contributions as well as mid-career                    2.5% x Years Served x Retired Pay Base
in April.                                           and room temperature egg. Beat until         compensation incentives plus a monthly annuity for life. All service members under                      after completing 20 years of service
                                                    smooth. Gradually stir in remaining cup of   the current system are grandfathered into today’s retirement system.
  At the NCOA I made some                           flour until soft dough forms. Cover tightly
great friends with classmates. We                   with plastic wrap and let the dough rise     1 Automatic and                                                2 Continuation Pay                         3 Annuity
shared many commonalities such                      at room temperature until doubled. (About         Matching Contributions
as knowing the Air Force, rank,                     30 minutes.)                                                                                                       Received once you complete                 Gained after completing
facing many of the same struggles             3. Grease a 13x9 inch pan and spread pecans              Seen immediately
in our professional and personal                 and maple syrup evenly over the bottom.                                                                               12 years of service                        20 years of service
lives, age, interests, and goals to           4. On a moderately floured surface, roll dough
be productive. Several of us would               into 15x12 inch rectangle. Spread it with       You Contribute   DoD Auto     DoD Matches  DoD Total                                                                xx
hike nearly every day in the local               remaining 4 Tbsp. softened butter. Combine                      Contribution
Colorado Springs area. The major-                brown sugar and cinnamon in small bowl                 0%                           0%         1%                                                         2% Years Retired
ity of our class even volunteered                and sprinkle over butter. Starting with the            1%            1%             1%         3%                                                                       Served Pay Base
and participated as a group for the              12-inch side, roll it up tightly. Cut into 12          2%            1%             2%         5%
Fort Carson Reebok Spartan event.                slices and place slices in pan. Cover tightly          3%            1%             3%         7%
                                                 with plastic wrap. If baking the rolls the             4%            1%            3.5%      8.5%
  NCOA was a catalyst for my                     same day, let rise until buns double—about             5%            1%             4%        10%
own change. I realized I could get               one hour.                                                            1%
into shape, far better than I had             5. Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit—
imagined, learn new things, be                   uncover buns and bake until golden brown          The DoD automatically adds 1% of your basic pay               You’ll receive a cash payment at the       Calculate your retired pay base
worth something to others and                    for 25-30 minutes. Cool for one minute,         to your Thrift Savings Plan after 60 days of service.            completion of 12 years of service          by averaging the basic pay of
myself, and ultimately overcome                  loosen edges and invert onto serving plate.                                                                      if you’ve made the choice to stay in     the highest rank you held for 36
fear of failure. I learned to take               Serve Warm.                                       You’ll see matching contributions at the start of 3 through           uniform for 4 more years.          months. You’ll gain this monthly
apart barriers and work on them in            Tip: If making this dish for breakfast, complete                the completion 26 years of service, and...                                                   annuity for life after completing 20
manageable pieces. I also realized            steps 1 through 4 the night prior, covering them                                                                  Active Component—2.5 months of basic pay
who I was, and I had not been the             tightly and keeping them in the fridge. In the                        You’re fully vested—                        Reserve Component —0.5 month of basic pay              years of service.
                                              morning, while the oven is preheating let the        it’s yours to keep—at the beginning 3 years
                        See RUNNING, Page 27  dough sit, covered at room temperature for          of service and goes with you when you leave.
                                              about an hour so they can rise before baking.
                                                                                                 Options for Collecting Your Retirement Pay                           (̆HFWLYH'DWHRIWKH1HZ6\VWHP

                                                                                                 Active Component              Reserve Component                                                   `After January 1, 2018,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    you’ll be automatically enrolled in the
                                                                                                 Full retired pay                         Full retired pay beginning                                Blended Retirement System (BRS)
                                                                                                                                                     at age 60*
                                                                                                                                                                      Your Retirement              `After January 1, 2006,
                                                                                                                               or                                     System                        but before January 1, 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                    you’ll have the choice to enroll in the
                                                                                                                                                                      If you joined                 Blended Retirement System or remain
                                                                                                                                                                      WKHVHUYLFH                in today’s current retirement system

                                                                                                        Lump sum with reduced retired pay                                                          `Before January 1, 2006,
                                                                                                 on the date the service member begins receiving retired                                            you’ll be grandfathered and remain in
                                                                                                                                                                                                    today’s current retirement system
                                                                                                             pay until reaching full retirement age.

                                                                                                 * Could be earlier based on credited active/inactive service

                                                                                                 Additional information coming soon.
                                                                                                 Sources: Sections 631, 632, 633, 634, and 635 of the FY 2016 National Defense Authorization Act, passed in both chambers of Congress.

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                                                                                                            in a digital format!

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