Page 13 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-18-15
P. 13
Thunderbolt NEWS Dec. 18, 2015
REVOLUTION (from Page 2) FORWARD (from Page 4)
Ho, ho, use methods such as the distrib- I offered to drive her back to her
ho … uted aperture system, which gives home if the Airman didn’t mind fol-
the capability for full situational lowing me. The Airmen agreed and
Santa and Mrs. awareness warning the pilot of we helped the woman to the back
Clause visit incoming aircraft and missile seat of the car.
children Dec. threats, makes it hard to believe
9 at the Luke there was once a time our military As we drove I found out that she
Air Force Base only had feet on the ground, un- had just had cataract surgery and
Library. The able to fly. can’t drive at night. She also has
Clauses joined COPD. When we arrived at her
Lt. Col. Tonya The Industrial Revolution came home, the Airman and I helped her
Mack, 56th Force and changed the world. The world into her home and called her daugh-
Support Squad- wouldn’t be like it is today if not ter. I left a message as to what had
ron commander, for the Industrial Revolution. happened and that her mother was
during story There wouldn’t be any of the tech- safe and at home, about 6:40 p.m.
time. Santa met nology we have today — advanced
with each child military tactics or keeping our The woman was breathing nor-
and listened to military members safe. Without mal, and she gave us a big hug
their Christmas the industrial revolution there thanking us for being so kind to her.
Staff Sgt. Marcy Copeland wishes. would be no major gains for our She said she didn’t know how she
military. would have gotten home. We left
FWSA announce 4th quarter awards our names and phone numbers and
Some may be looking into the offered to call later to make sure she
The following individuals are quarterly award Company grade officer: 2nd Lt. Shaun future wondering what’s next. was still doing OK.
winners: Chaplin, 56th CPTS How to know, who to ask? A
Field grade officers: Chaplain (Maj.) David simple answer was provided by While driving back I found out
56th Fighter Wing staff agencies Barns, 56th FW Chapel a professor. a little more about the amazing
Civilian: (Category I): Beverly Dennie, 56th Airman Victoria Colbourne, 56th
Airman: Airman 1st Class Brandon Wright, FW Staff Judge Advocate “We can only achieve a better Equipment Maintenance Squad-
56th Comptroller Squadron Civilian: (Category II): Vorel Seay, 56th future if we have a more com- ron, her family and her kind heart.
NCO: Tech. Sgt. Timothy Boyer, 56th FW CPTS prehensive understanding of our She has been in the Air Force for
Public Affairs Civilian: (Category III): Chelsea Owens, past,” said Jared Diamond, pro- eight months, and Luke is her first
Senior NCO: Master Sgt. Adria Baker, 56th 56th CPTS fessor of environmental history. assignment. She took the time to
CPTS “Only by recognizing the role of “pass it forward” and help someone
geography, can we begin to over- in need.
come today’s problems because
while geography and history Later, the daughter called to
may give us our start at life, they thank us for taking good care of her
should never dictate our destiny.” mother and showing such compas-
sion to a complete stranger.
Scott Mendelson
15350 W. McDowell Rd., Goodyear, AZ 85395
(623) 925-1815