Page 10 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-18-15
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Dec. 18, 2015 NEWS Thunderbolt
MWD handler — not an ordinary Airman
Story and photo by deployments or secret service assign- Rango, 56th lenges and knowing at the end of the day
Senior Airman ments. They train on explosives and drug Security Forc- your partner always has your back,” Gon-
detection, which is used stateside and es Squadron zalez said. They are eager to please you
JAMES HENSLEY abroad by both military and civilians. Military Work- because that’s how dogs are. They just
ing Dog, licks want to feel loved, so they’ll do anything
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs Each MWD is unique, and Gonzalez Staff Sgt. Jus- and everything to have that relationship.
approaches training each one differently. tin Gonzalez,
While most dogs are considered pets, 56th SFS MWD Gonzalez’s commitment to the job is
in the Air Force a select few Airmen “Every day I get to come to work is a handler, Nov. noticed by his coworkers as well.
view them as partners and lifesavers new day,” he said. “The dogs are always 17 at Luke Air
for not just themselves, but for others. excited to see you and learn something )RUFH%DVH,W¶V “Gonzalez is eager to learn all the
These Airmen are trained to deploy important for different aspects of K-9 training for the
with military working dogs who detect MWD handlers MWD program,” said Staff Sgt. Jessica
explosive devices in advance of lives be- to develop a Keller, 56th SFS MWD handler. “This job
ing in danger. good working is always evolving and new tactics and
relationship training methods are constantly being
One Airman came into the Air Force with their dogs used. His knowledge of the MWD is ex-
with a goal of being a MWD handler. to strengthen tremely important, not only for his own
the bond be- K-9 partner but for the mentorship of
“I grew up with a love for dogs and tween them, other handlers. In the future, I see Gon-
seeing them work, I wanted to learn the Gonzalez said. zalez pursing a K-9 career from handler to
skillset myself,” said Staff Sgt. Justin trainer where he can help educate newer
Gonzalez, 56th Security Forces Squadron new. They’re constantly pushing my but- handlers and military working dogs.”
Military Working Dog handler. “I joined tons and making me better than I was
the Air Force in 2009 because I wanted before I got to work. Learning to trust Gonzalez looks toward the future with
to get out on my own. I came in knowing somebody and making a bond isn’t easy goals firmly established.
I wanted to be in security forces because but once it’s solid, it’s something that
I had a passion for it.” can’t easily be broken.” “Right now I’m happy with what I’m
doing but would like to take this skillset
Becoming a MWD handler is a long The connection Gonzalez has with the and the tools I’ve acquired to the school
process which requires time in security dogs shows. house for MWD handlers,” he said. “If
forces, a detailed application, a tight se- that’s not possible, I’d like to do it locally
lection process, and months of training “I enjoy the new obstacles and chal- on the outside. Not very many people
after being selected. The job requires can say they get to come to work every
much from the MWD handlers including day with dogs. I wouldn’t trade it for
working weekends, time training and anything.”
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