Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-18-15
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Thunderbolt                                         NEWS                                                                                                              Dec. 18, 2015                     7                                                                                                               

Red, green can bring on ‘blue’ feelings

   The holiday season is here, and often,     times of year. With military service, the            t'FFMJOHMPOFMZ                            can engage in activities that can improve
there is no better time to spend with rela-   unexpected is, oftentimes, expected. Serving         t$SZJOHTQFMMT                             your mood or contact professional help that
tives and carry on family traditions than     your country can mean not knowing your               No matter what your situation may be,       can assist with getting you through this
this time of year. In the United States,      next duty station or being commissioned           if you or your family are in Arizona, know     difficult time.
Thanksgiving and Christmas are known          with a deployment, or task that takes you         that this state has a great deal of holiday
to be the two most celebrated and happiest    away from your loved ones during the              activities to help you get out of the holiday     If you are experiencing the holiday blues
days of the year due the social festivities,  holiday seasons. For young service mem-           blues. For example, you can visit Glendale     and need professional assistance, visit the
gift exchanges and gatherings which may       bers, this can cause significant hardship,        Glitters, Zoolights, Tempe Festival of Lights  Luke Air Force Base 56th Medical Group
provide individuals with a sense of fulfill-  especially for those assigned to their first      Parade, CitySkate Ice Rink at CityScape,       Mental Health Clinic. Hours of operation are
ment, belonging and acceptance. Moreover,     duty station around the holidays with no          and many more. These events are great for      7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
during these times, we are frequently         family or loved ones nearby with whom             everyone and afford one the opportunity to
brought back to cherished memories and        to celebrate. Furthermore, being in a new         venture out and experience the festivities        There are additional resources such as
moments of the past.                          location can bring about added stress or          of the holidays. Moreover, for deploying       the Luke AFB Chapel, Military OneSource,
                                              dramatic mood or physical changes due to          or deployed service members, know your         and Behavioral Health Optimization on
   However for some, this time of year can    having to adjust and acclimate to a new           absence during this time of year will be an    base to assist if needed.
also be the most emotionally exhaustive       environment and meeting new people.               emotional time for your family, so be sure
and least joyful depending on one’s life                                                        to think ahead. Prepare to send them cards        For more information, call 623-856-7579.
circumstances.                                   This sense of dismay is known as the           and letters expressing how much you miss
                                              “holiday blues” and is a result of one’s fear of  them. For service members with children,                              Courtesy of 56th Medical Group
   Thoughts over passed love ones or the      disappointing others, increased expectations      purchase sentimental gifts your children
ending of a relationship around a holiday     of gift giving and exchanges, anniversaries       may cherish for times to come.
may illicit a sense of sadness and depres-    and general bad memories associated with             Nonetheless, for those experiencing the
sion for some. The holidays may also nega-    this time of year. The holiday blues can be       holiday blues, know that you may not be
tively impact the way one responds to daily   temporary, but if you notice some of the          alone. So, though you may not be having
stressors such as long working hours, high-   physical and emotional symptoms listed            a traditional holiday, you may be able to
way/road traffic, caring for aging parents,   below lasting for more than two weeks, do         spend it with others going through the same
and financial strains and burdens.            seek assistance:                                  experiences and in-turn, make your holiday
                                                                                                a more joyful one.
   These things have the potential to in-        t)FBEBDIFT                                       Keep in mind that knowing your triggers
crease the stress level to an already busy       t&YDFTTJWFFBUJOHMPTTPGBQQFUJUF            (e.g. loss of a loved one, separation from
life due to hyped commercialism and feeling      t*ODSFBTFVTFPGBMDPIPM                      loved ones, anniversaries, and etc.) can help
a need to make the holiday season the best       t%JGĀDVMUZTMFFQJOHPSFYDFTTJWFTMFFQ        you deal with the holiday blues because you
for everyone else.                               t'FFMJOHGBUJHVF
   For service members and their families,
the holidays can be one of the toughest

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