Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-18-15
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Thunderbolt                                                                                                                         NEWS                                                                                             Dec. 18, 2015           9                                                                                                                                                                              

 PEOPLE                                                account can request one by following the                                                     Support Brigade procurement analyst and                   rial for the Promotion Fitness Examination
   FIRST                                               instructions on the Air Force Retirees Ser-                                                  acquisition planner.                                      and U.S. Air Force Supervisory Examina-
                                                       vices website.                                                                                                                                         tion,” Denter said.
   Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is                                                                                                          
compiled from information from the Air Force                                                                                      asp?id=123464605
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Support                        Article/636941/nominations-sought-for-                                                                                                      Article/636339/airman-handbook-desktop-icon-
Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness Flight,                              2016-joan-orr-spouse-award.aspx                                          Airman Handbook
Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel office and                                                                                                 desktop icon available                                                                        available-dec-18.aspx
armed forces news services. For the complete story,    Strategic Sourcing: Save
go to the web address listed at the end of the story.  big bucks through JOSE                                                                          Airmen will be able to access the Air-                 Lackland spouses’ club
                                                                                                                                                    man Handbook via a desktop icon slated                    elects male president
Nominations sought for                                    When shopping personally, many people                                                     to begin today.
Joan Orr spouse award                                  seek ways to save money. They may use                                                                                                                     The Lackland Officers’ Spouses’ Club
                                                       coupons, compare vendors’ prices, or buy                                                        The Airman Handbook is a compilation                   recently elected Caesar Jordan Nafrada as
   Air Force Personnel Center officials will           in bulk to receive discounts.                                                                of policies, procedures and standards that                the club’s first male president.
accept nominations for the 2016 Air Force                                                                                                           guide Airmen’s actions within the profes-
Association Joan Orr Air Force Spouse of                  The military also looks for ways to save                                                  sion of arms.                                                Nafrada initially joined as a way to repay
the Year Award through Feb. 1, 2016.                   money while shopping, and the Joint Of-                                                                                                                a group that helped him in the past. When
                                                       fice Supplies in Europe program has the                                                         Each desktop will have an icon with an                 he graduated from Kadena High School in
   The award honors significant contribu-              capability to possibly save the Department                                                   e-Link to the handbook for easy and im-                   Okinawa 20 years ago, Nafrada received
tions made by non-military spouses of Air              of Defense more than $1 million per year.                                                    mediate access.                                           aid for college from the local club.
Force military members.
                                                          This is expected to happen as the pro-                                                       Kevin Denter, a Profession of Arms Cen-                   “Years ago as a military dependent, I
   The nominee’s spouse must be an active-             gram aims to revamp how U.S. Air Forces                                                      ter of Excellence professionalism program                 received an officers’ wives’ club scholarship;
duty Air Force, Air National Guard or Air              in Europe’s and U.S. Army in Europe’s                                                        analyst, said the handbook is a professional              it was the only financial aid I received,”
Force Reserve member.                                  Government Purchase Card cardholders                                                         development tool for all Airmen: active duty,             he said.
                                                       buy office supplies without taking advan-                                                    Reserve, Guard, and civilian.
   Organization and base-level personnel               tage of discounts.                                                                                                                                        After deciding to join the LOSC last
must contact their major command, field                                                                                                                “The handbook is an indispensable re-                  year, Nafrada originally served as the
operating agency or direct reporting unit for             The idea for the program’s creation began                                                 source for Airmen to continue to learn, grow              scholarships chairman. He then ran for
applicable suspense dates and additional in-           when service component contracting offices                                                   and propel our Air Force into the future,”                the president position and was elected, and
formation regarding nomination procedures.             reviewed the fiscal year 2014 office supply                                                  Denter said. “It is a single publication that             will serve in this capacity until June 2016.
                                                       purchases.                                                                                   addresses important information on Air
   Each MAJCOM, FOA or DRU may sub-                                                                                                                 Force history, doctrine, values, customs,                    “There was an opportunity there, to
mit one nomination.                                       During the past year, the 1,600 GPC                                                       courtesies and much more.”                                challenge myself to do something I never
                                                       cardholders in USAFE bought office sup-                                                                                                                pictured myself ever doing,” Nafrada said.
   For more information about Air Force                plies from more than 400 different vendors,                                                     During the April 2014 biannual Enlisted
personnel programs, go to the myPers web-              effectively negating any benefits that would                                                 Board of Directors meeting, a decision was                   With the traditional role of the military
site. Individuals who do not have a myPers             normally come from bulk purchases.                                                           made to combine the Professional Develop-                 spouse adapting over the past few decades,
                                                                                                                                                    ment Guide and Air Force Handbook into                    Nafrada’s concern is providing social, com-
                                                          USAREUR’s approximate 900 GPCs                                                            one publication so all Airmen would have                  munity service and support programs for
                                                       were similarly spread out, making more                                                       a true desktop reference for the profession               every officer’s spouse on Lackland.
                                                       than 9,000 purchases through 380 vendors,                                                    of arms.
                                                       said Peter Deibert, 409th Contracting                                                                                                          
                                                                                                                                                       “The handbook provides reference mate-                 $UWLFOHODFNODQGVSRXVHVFOXEGLYHUVL¿HV


SOUND                                                                    “Spend time                                                                “I’ll probably                     “Trying to             “I’ll be spend-
  OFF!                                                                   with family,                                                               be here, so I                      go home to             ing Christmas
                                                                         probably take                                                              plan on going                      spend time             with my own
What are your plans                                                      trips to Cali-                                                             to the Christ-                     with family,           family, and
  for the holidays?                                                      fornia and                                                                 mas party on                       but if I stay          my mom and
                                                                         Sedona.”                                                                   base.”                             here, I’ll hang        sister.”
                                                                                                                                                                                       out with

                           Staff Sgt.                                                                             Airman 1st Class                                  Airman 1st Class                          Master Sgt.
                           MARCUS IRIZARRY                                                                        MICHAEL BURT                                      ROBERT ORR                                KRISTINA GONZALES
                           56th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron                                                     56th Security Forces Squadron                     56th SFS                                  56th Medical Group

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Phone: 623-486-9007        Service Times:               7:30 am                                                   BY CHOICE HOTELS         PHONE: 623.271.9005
Fax: 623-486-0246          Sunday:                      8:00 am                                                                              FAX: 623.271.9808  Prayer                       9:45 am       Worship Service             11:15 am                                                           
                           Sunday School
                           Worship Service              6:30 pm                                                                      Just 7 miles from Luke AFB
                           Wednesday:                   7:00 pm                                                                     Ask for the “Luke AFB Rate”
                           Bible Study
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