Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-18-15
P. 8

Dec. 18, 2015                          NEWS                                                  Thunderbolt


                                                   The fuels system repair shop Airmen
                                                   at Osan Air Base developed an eight-
                                                   step process to correlate with the TOs
                                                   vidually over time.

Washington                                        San Antonio                                Japan

 Members of Joint Base Lewis-McChord               Total Force leaders from across the        Nirai Fire Department partnered with
 and other bases participated in exercise          Air Force recently gathered here to        .DGHQD$LU%DVH¿UVWUHVSRQGHUVLQDKX-
 Rainier War to help hone their skills.            discuss the future of professionalism      manitarian relief exercise Dec. 3 at Kadena.
 Aircrews from McChord; Pearl Harbor-              in the force and how to forge better       7KLVLVWKH¿UVWH[HUFLVHLQZKLFKWKH1LUDL
 Hickam, Hawaii; Elmendorf-Richardson,             Airmen at a Profession of Arms Center      FD partnered with Kadena to get to parts
 Alaska; and Joint Base Charleston, South          of Excellence conference.                  of the surrounding area that have been
 Carolina, departed from McChord Field                                                        LQDFFHVVLEOHGXHWRÀRRGLQJE\GULYLQJ
 Dec. 10 to participate in a joint forcible                                                   through the base.
 entry exercise over Moses Lake, Wash-

                   Pronghorn at home on range

The Sonoran pronghorn are released into the
pen during the annual operation at the Barry M.
Goldwater Range in Gila Bend. Once the prong-
horns recover from the stress of moving, they
are released into the wild on the east side of
Highway 85 away from pilot training.

Team members bring a Sonoran pronghorn to                                                                                                                                                               Photos by Senior Airman Devante Williams
the inspection table during the annual pronghorn
operation at the BMGR. The members cover the      A recovery team at the Barry M. Goldwater Range in Arizona secures a Sonoran pronghorn Dec. 10 while marking
pronghorn’s eyes to relieve stress and help them  and veterinary teams process it for relocation during the annual pronghorn capture and release operation at the
                                                  tiple agencies, the group is hoping to delist the Sonoran Pronghorn species from the indangered species list. The
                                                  current population is about 200 but was once as low as 12.
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