Page 4 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-18-15
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Dec. 18, 2015 SPOTLIGHT Thunderbolt
Airman Victoria Colbourne Thunderbolts pass it forward … Sharon Kozak
56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron by 56th Fighter Wing
Aerospace Ground Equipment apprentice SHARON KOZAK Community Support coordinator
Hometown: Tampa, Florida 56th Fighter Wing Hometown: Plainfield, Illinois
Years in service: Eight months Years in service/Career: Five at Luke Air Force Base and
Family: Steve Colbourne, husband; and Jordan Col- I was at a store on a Thursday night when I 25 in special education
bourne, son noticed an older woman leaning on a display table. Education: Aurora University, Illinois, master of social work,
Education: Pursuing a Community College of the Air She didn’t look well, and I asked if she needed as- master of business administration/leadership certificate
Force degree in aerospace ground equipment technology sistance. She said she was fine and left the store. Inspirations: My father and mother; never distort your au-
Inspirations: My faith in God and my family thentic self
Goals: To earn senior airman below-the-zone, obtain an I checked out and once outside, I noticed the Goals: To make a difference
associate degree within one year of earning my 5 Level same woman in her car and an Airman at her car Greatest feat: Skydiving – jumping out of a plane at 13,000
in my specialty code door. I went over and asked if she needed me to feet and wanting to do it again
call 911. The Airman had the door open and was Self-description: I work with enthusiasm and creativ-
Greatest feat: Being the best wife and mother talking to her trying to calm her breathing down. ity,dedicated to improving the quality of life of service
I can be, while pursuing my education and members and their families; never content to accept
career advancement After several minutes the woman’s breathing current institutions are good enough; always
Self-description: Highly motivated and seemed not as shallow, and we began to gather on the vanguard of program development and
focused, always put my best foot forward, information. She had just come from her doctor’s improvement; desire to inspire others through
optimistic and love to help others office and had tried to pick up her prescription in personal integrity, courage, strength of char-
Famous last words: “I hope what I’ve done the drive-thru, but the pharmacy technician told acter and high moral purpose.
in my life will inspire others to always her to come into the building and give her signature. Famous last words: “The best way
give and help others selflessly to succeed is by helping others to
Off-duty interests: Exploring She started to cry and thanked us for asking success.”
new places, making memories about her. It was about 5:20 p.m. and getting Off-duty interests: The Car-
with my family, cooking and dark, so we asked where she lived and if there dinals, walking and my church
reading was someone we could call. Her home was on family
How do you make the base, 37th Avenue, about 40 miles away. Her daughter How do you make the base, your-
yourself and the Air Force was at work. self and the Air Force better: As a
better: By providing a fresh mentor, I serve as a model for those
outlook, ideas and processes See FORWARD, Page 13 who need to build skills and encour-
that can be used to better the way agement; in the process, I develop
things are done not only on this my own skills, cultivate positive
base, but Air Force wide. I better emotions, embrace optimism, practice
myself by always challenging altruism and inspire co-workers
myself to think outside of the box.
Chief selects announced at Luke AETC announces medical awards
The following senior master sergeants 308th Aircraft Maintenance Unit The following individuals and unit are Pharmacy technician: Senior Airman
have been selected for promotion to chief: Rochelle Hemingway, Air Force Medical Service yearly award Sergey Voytov
Cameron Johnson, winners: Clinical dentist: Capt. Elizabeth Mc-
56th Medical Operations Squadron Biomedical Sciences Corps large- Court
56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron Jason Boyle, Detachment 12, team award: 56th Medical Group Civilian: Annissa Chavez
Michael Schrick,
372nd Training Squadron
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