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Thunderbolt NEWS Dec. 18, 2015
Tips for holiday budgeting
by Senior Airman Preparing ahead of time is the key to a successful holi- Courtesy photo
GRACE LEE day budget.
budgeting or with finances, come in and talk to us. We can
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs “Planning for a holiday budget begins in January and help you create a spending plan. We have techniques and
not in November or December,” Carmichael said. ”Part tools to help you succeed.”
During the holidays most people spend time with loved of an overall budget is to have a savings plan but also
ones and spread holiday cheer, but it can also be a time Christmas comes every year; we know when it comes. So For more information, call the A&FRC at 623-856-6550.
when some find themselves in a financial bind. it’s a matter of planning ahead and putting something In addition to having trained financial counselors, they
away toward that, whether it’s for retirement, vacation have free publications, guides, classes and other resources
“The holidays can be a stressful time for many, because or for Christmas gifts.” to answer all questions concerning finance. The A&FRC
most people want to give more than they have or can afford,” also provides one-on-one appointments.
said Robert Griffin, Airman and Family Readiness Center It takes consistency and discipline to save for the holi-
community readiness specialist. “Then after Christmas is days.
over, they end up regretting overspending because they’re
tight or short on money when the bills come in the New “I recommend someone to make a goal of how much they
Year.” want to save specifically for holiday gifts in the beginning of
the year,” Griffin said. “So say someone has a goal of saving
While planning is preferred, buying something un- $600 for gifts, they would then need to save $50 per month
planned can hurt one financially. till December to reach that goal.”
“What can get people into trouble is making an impulse Additionally, one could figure out how much to save by
buy on an item they know someone wants and putting it using a spreadsheet to list who they want to purchase a
on their credit card,” said Cory Carmichael, A&FRC com- gift for, what the gift is and the cost of the gift, Griffin said.
munity readiness specialist. “It’s hard to take advantage Then after writing the list out, total the amount it will cost
of a Christmas sale if you’re going to be paying interest on for the gifts.
it for the next year. Allocate a certain part of your budget
toward the holiday or gift giving. If you need to, try and “The best part of using a holiday budget is it keeps you
reduce spending in certain areas like eating out less, or not on track for the following year and you’re not falling behind
going to the convenient store as much for certain items.” on bills and making minimum payments on your credit
cards,” Griffin said. “If you’re having a difficult time with
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