Page 1 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt August 2016
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Train the world’s greatest F-35 and F-16 ghter pilots                                                                                            August 2016
                                                                                                                                                          Vol. 16, No. 21

 F-35 MRA course, 3
 New chief at Luke, 4
 Preventing Zika, 5
 Load crew comp, 20
 Airman Olympian, 27

                                         Courtesy photo                                                                                                                                                                                                     Airman 1st Class Pedro Mota

MWD RETIRES FROM DUTY                                    Maj. Gen. James Hecker, 19th Air Force commander, hands the guidon to Brig. Gen. Brook Leonard, incoming 56th Fighter Wing
                                                         commander, July 13 at Luke Air Force Base.
                                     See Page 10
                                                         Team Luke welcomes new commander

 Continue to get Luke’s latest                                           by Tech. Sgt.                         “Maria and I are extremely excited to be   Force’s newest fth-generation ghter. He
  news and information from                                     LUTHER MITCHELL Jr.                         here today, to join your team and to serve    ushered in pilot training for the F-35, saw
these sources:                                                                             you,” Leonard said. “This was our rst as-     the F-35 program go from two to 39 F-35s,
                                                                          56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  signment 22 years ago after getting mar-      and postured Luke for initial operational,                                                                                ried, and it’s awesome to rejoin your team.”  capability at Hill AFB, Utah.                               LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz. —
                                                         Luke Air Force Base Airmen welcomed a                 The ceremony was of ciated by Maj. Gen.       “I’m proud of you,” Pleus said. “As I take
           and social media                              new wing commander July 13 when Brig.              James Hecker, 19th Air Force commander,       a last look across your faces I see friends,
                                                         Gen. Brook Leonard took command of the             at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, who       and that is what I will miss the most.
Luke56thFW  @LukeAFB                                     56th Fighter Wing from outgoing com-               narrated Pleus’ many accomplishments          Thank you for all the opportunities you
                                                         mander Brig. Gen. Scott Pleus.                     at Luke.                                      have given Jennifer and me, and I hope
Date of publication                                                                                                                                       we cross paths soon.”
                                                            Leonard, a command pilot with more                 “They ew 33,000 sorties during the two
First Friday                                             than 2,900 flying hours, including 576             years the Pleus family commanded here,”          Pleus will go on to work as the direc-
                                                         combat hours, comes to Luke from the Pen-          Hecker said. “They produced 800 ghter         tor of the F-35 Integration Of ce at the
  of the month                                           tagon, where he served as senior military          pilots and 600 air weapons controllers.       Pentagon.
                                                         assistant to the secretary of the Air Force.       You’ve had several challenges, but you
    Submission deadline                                                                                     knocked every single one of them out of          As the change of command concluded,
                                                            He entered the Air Force in May 1992 as         the park.”                                    Leonard reinforced his priorities and vi-
15th day of the month                                    a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy.                                                        sion for the future at Luke.
                                                         This is his second tour as a wing command-            Hecker continued to praise Pleus for
prior to date of publication                             er, having previously commanded the 51st           his leadership during his tenure at the          “Our part as the 56th FW is to build the
                                                         Fighter Wing at Osan Air Base, Republic            wing, and presented him with a Legion of      future of airpower,” he said. “Our Air Force
  Veterans                                               of Korea, from 2013 through 2015.                  Merit award.                                  is growing and our enemies continue to
                                                                                                                                                          pursue. We must also grow and while doing
            Tell us Your Story                              The general is accompanied by his wife,            Under Pleus’ command, the wing in-         so pursue excellence. We build the future
  Active-duty, Reserve, Retirees                         Maria, and their six children.                     tegrated the F-35 Lightning II, the Air       of airpower, and it starts here.”
All military branches are included
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