Page 4 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt August 2016
P. 4

August 2016                        SPOTLIGHT                                                                                                                                                                           Thunderbolt

ALS graduates 44 in class 16-5

   The 56th Fighter Wing Airman Leader-       Physical training
ship School graduated 43 senior airmen and    Fire breather: Taylor Keller, 56th EMS
one staff sergeant June 30 in class 16-5.
                                                 Other graduates are:
   The award winners are:
John L. Levitow Award: Dontae Smith,          56th OSS
56th Communications Squadron
Distinguished graduates: John Dam-            Christopher Brown and Leroy Pace
eron, 56th Operations Support Squadron,
William Langston, 56th Civil Engineer         607th Air Control Squadron
Squadron; and Tatiana Short, 56th
Equipment Maintenance Squadron                Apollo Smith
Commandant’s Award: Donald Ham-
mond, 56th CES                                310th Fighter Squadron
Academic achievement: John Dam-
eron, 56th OSS                                Staff Sgt. Renee Polk

                                              56th Maintenance Group

                                              Jasmine Codding and Meiling Keiki

                                                                                        See ALS, Page 7

FWSAs announce quarterly awards                                                                          Chief Master Sgt. Randy Kwiatkowski, 56th Fighter Wing command chief, speaks
                                                                                                         to Thunderbolts during an all-call session July 1 at Luke Air Force Base. Kwiat-
   The following individuals received second quarter awards from the 56th Fighter Wing                   kowski spoke on several hot topics pertinent to Airmen at all levels, including his
staff agencies:                                                                                          vision for maintaining high-quality Airmen.
Airman: Senior Airman Corey Shires, 56th Comptroller Squadron
NCO: Tech. Sgt. Timothy Boyer, 56th FW Public Affairs                                                    New command chief takes reins
Senior NCO: Master Sgt. Loraine Reese, 56th FW Inspector General Of ce
Company grade of cer: Capt. Jheremy Perkins, 56th FW Legal Of ce                                         Story and photo by Senior Airman                                                             “I’m passionate about those who sustain
Civilian: (Category I): Yvonne Godwin, 56th CPTS                                                                     CORY GOSSETT                                                                  the Air Force,” Kwiatkowski said. “Taking
Civilian: (Category II): Kiley Dougherty, 56th FWPA                                                                                                                                                care of our Airmen is the most important
Civilian: (Category III): Chelsea Owens, 56th CPTS                                                                       56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs                                          thing we can do.”

AETC names Allen trophy heir                  19th AF announces Sijan award                                 LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz. —                                                              He stressed that treating people well
                                                                                                         Charged with leading professional de-                                                     goes a long way.
   The following individual received the Air     The following individual received the                   velopment for the enlisted at Luke Air
Education and Training Command nomi-          19th Air Force nomination for the Lance P.                 Force Base, Chief Master Sgt. Randy                                                          “This team isn’t about what’s on your
nation for the General Lew Allen Jr.Trophy:   Sijan award:                                               Kwiatkowski has taken the reins as the                                                    sleeve,” Kwiatkowski said. “It’s the differ-
Company grade of cer: Capt. Keith             Field grade of cer: Maj. Matthew                           56th Fighter Wing’s newest command                                                        ence we make in the lives of those who’ve
Bacon, 54th Maintenance Squadron,             Hoyt, 54th Operations Support Squad-                       chief, replacing Chief John Mazza in June.                                                sworn to make the same sacri ces as you.”
Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico           ron, Holloman AFB
                                                                                                            Kwiatkowski focuses his effort on creat-                                                  Kwiatkowski spoke at an all-call last
                                                                                                         ing and maintaining high-quality enlisted                                                 month on several topics pertinent to the
                                                                                                         Airmen that lead the charge training the                                                  Air Force at all levels, emphasizing the
                                                                                                         world’s greatest F-35 and F-16 ghter                                                      importance of Air Force culture and en-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     See REINS, Page 18

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