Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt August 2016
P. 7

Thunderbolt                                                        NEWS                                                                                                             August 2016  7                                                                                                                           

Education center o ers path to degrees                                                                           ALS  (from Page 4)                        56th Medical Operations
   For decades, data from the Bureau of    increasing the probability of complet-                                56th Component
Labor Statistics have shown that work-     ing the degree on time, increasing sat-                               Maintenance Squadron                      Robert Cheruiyot and Keandrea Gilyard
ers with higher education have lower       isfaction in their education and nding
unemployment rates and higher earn-        long-term ful llment in a career.                                     Julie Riojas                              56th Aerospace Medicine
ings than those without. The bottom                                                                                                                        Squadron
line? Earning a college degree increases      The course helps participants un-                                  56th EMS
the probability of obtaining a higher-     derstand nancial resources available                                                                            Melissa Franks
paying job and staying employed.           such as the Post 9-11 and Montgom-                                    Jason Farnam and Kamela Jackson
                                           ery G.I. Bills, completing the FAFSA,                                                                           944th CES
   For service members interested in       federal and nonfederal loans, grants,                                 56th Aircraft Maintenance
pursuing higher education after tran-      work-study programs, and scholar-                                                                               Nairi Cornejo
sitioning from the military, the Luke      ships. These benefits and resources                                   Squadron
Air Force Base Education and Train-        can be used to defray most if not all the                                                                       944th Medical Squadron
ing Center offers a two-day “Accessing     costs associated with higher education.                               Jared Breitinger, Johnanthony Centano,
Higher Education” workshop. This                                                                                 Cameron Duf eld, Eriq Durga, Charles      Jamie Moore
track is designed to help guide indi-         “Many service members rely com-                                    Hayes, Kory Hickok, Kalan Knapp, Zach-
viduals through the decisions involved     pletely on the Post 9-11 G.I. Bill stipend                            ary Martel, Miguel McDowell and Michael   161st SFS
in pursuing a college education, includ-   to help with living costs,” said Sandy                                Padilla
ing providing information on nancial       Cooper, 56th FSS Education Services                                                                             Brandon Baldenegro
aid, college applications, and how to      specialist. “But there are so many other                              756th AMXS
research and compare schools.              options out there to get nancial help                                                                           720th OSS
                                           to cover school and living expenses. We                               Justin Parenteau, Evan Shawback and
   “Transitioning service members          want to make sure those transitioning                                 Maurice Simmons                           Jathen Castaneda
interested in attending an institute       out of the service are aware of these
of higher learning should be present,”     opportunities.”                                                       56th CES                                                      Courtesy of Tech. Sgt. Danielle Cook
said Robert Flack, 56th Force Sup-                                                                                                                                                      56th Force Support Squadron
port Squadron Education Services              The next Accessing Higher Educa-                                   Christopher Buice, Alexander Hernandez
specialist. “The information provided      tion workshop will be 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.                                and Darius Seeley
is universal based on how to make an       Sept. 14 and 15.
informed decision. The resources pro-                                                                            56th Security Forces
vided are invaluable to anyone involved       Sessions are offered every other                                   Squadron
in the college search.”                    month but frequency will be increased
                                           if there is a greater demand.                                         Phillip Mast and Curtis Varner
   Students will identify long-term ca-
reer goals and align their educational        For more information or to register,                               56th Logistics Readiness
plans to meet those goals. Having a        call the Luke AFB Education Center                                    Squadron
plan allows the student to choose a        at 623-856-7722 or visit Bldg. 1150,
school that also aligns with their goals,  Room 3136.                                                            Dustin Bryson, Tyler Covington and Shane
                                                Courtesy of 56th FSS Education Center
                                                                                                                 56th Medical Support

                                                                                                                 Jason Nguyen

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