Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt August 2016
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Thunderbolt NEWS August 2016 9
PEOPLE substances are banned for use by U.S. ment coaching program that will provide ate health information and services, com-
FIRST military service members. short, facilitated, interactive learning op- municate about patients’ health, process
portunities. patients’ needs and requests, and deter-
Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is mine the best health care options to help
compiled from information from the Air Force Article/815483/know-your-supplements-it-could- patients manage their health.
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup- Article/815057/training-for-new-civilian-perfor-
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness cost-you.aspx mance-management-program-now-available.
Flight, Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel aspx Article/811780/health-literacy-key-for-better-
of ce and armed forces news services. For the Performance management health-better-care.aspx
complete story, go to the web address listed at program training available Health literacy key for
the end of the story. better health, better care Nominations for first enlisted
Educational training is available to civil- RPA pilots being accepted
Dietary supplements could ians and their supervisors in advance of the Just as literacy in reading and writing is
lead to positive urinalysis Air Force’s April 2017 transition to the new critical to processing information in day-to- The Air Force is accepting nominations
Department of Defense-wide Performance day life, health care has its own component to ll its rst class of enlisted remotely
Airmen should be careful when taking Management and Appraisal Program. of literacy. Health literacy is the capacity piloted aircraft pilots as part of a deliber-
dietary supplements — because of the of individuals to obtain, process and un- ate approach to enhance the intelligence,
potential health risks, but also because A phased implementation of DPMAP, derstand health information and services surveillance and reconnaissance mission.
they could lead to a positive urinalysis part of the DOD’s collaborative labor-man- in order to make informed decisions about
test result, according to officials with agement effort, New Beginnings, began in their health. The first enlisted RPA pilot selection
Air Force Reserve Command’s Medical April 2016 with a limited number of Army, board will convene at the Air Force Person-
Services Directorate and staff judge ad- Navy and defense agency civilians. Many factors can determine a person’s nel Center from Jan. 23 through 26, 2017,
vocate’s of ce. health literacy. Familiarity with medical with application packages due to AFPC by
Department of the Air Force civilians terms or having an understanding of hu- Nov. 18. The selection board process mirrors
“You really need to do your homework are part of phase II with the rst annual man body functions can affect a person’s that of the Undergraduate Flying Training
and check with your doctor before tak- appraisal period beginning April 1, 2017, ability to fully comprehend health infor- program and allows candidates time to
ing any kind of supplement,” said Dr. and closing March 31, 2018. mation. Patients often nd themselves in complete all eligibility requirements.
Don Jenrette, the AFRC’s Drug Demand positions to interpret numbers or even take
Reduction Program manager. “And you “Our Airmen, including our civilian Air- risks to make a health care decision. Some “The Air Force will take advantage of
should know all of the ingredients that are men, are critical to accomplishing the Air have complex medical conditions that re- this opportunity to integrate enlisted pilots
in any supplement you might be taking.” Force’s mission,” said Air Force Secretary quire intricate self-care. Patients who are into the RQ-4 Global Hawk community,”
Deborah Lee James. “New Beginnings diagnosed with a serious illness could be said Chief Master Sgt. Eric Rigby, the en-
Dietary supplements are intended to focuses on institutionalizing a culture scared or confused, severely hampering listed aircrew assignments chief at AFPC.
provide nutrients that may otherwise not of high performance through greater their ability to understand their care. “RQ-4 is the most established of our RPA
be consumed in suf cient quantities. The employee-supervisor communication and communities and presents an opportunity
most common supplements are vitamins. accountability, increased employee engage- At the core of health literacy is commu- to posture our force in a new way for the
Other popular supplements promise help ment, transparent processes, and improved nication between patients and their health dynamic future operating environment in
in gaining or losing weight, or in improv- capabilities in recruiting, developing and care providers. In order to make the best air, space and cyberspace.”
ing athletic or sexual performance. rewarding our workforce.” decisions about their health, patients need
clear information they can understand. Applicants must be staff sergeant
Jenrette said he and his DDR special- Training options include either the six- Through patient-centered care, the Air through senior master sergeant from the
ists in the eld are often asked if there hour web-based training via Joint Knowl- Force is working to educate health profes- 1A and 1U career elds and have six years
is a list of dietary supplements that are edge Online, a 14-hour in-resident class, sionals to become better communicators. of retainability upon course graduation.
banned or illegal for use by military or a combination of the two. Training must
members. be complete for transition into DPMAP. “Health literacy depends on the complex- “We have an incredibly talented pool of
The online JKO training is available under ity of information and tasks a patient is enlisted Airmen, and we’re con dent that a
He said that Air Force Instruction 90- course numbers PM101A for part one, and required to perform,” said Lt. Col. Laura rigorous selection process will yield excellent
507, “Military Drug Demand Reduction PM101B for part two. While the online Lien, the chief nurse of the 628th Medical enlisted aircrew who will continue to provide
Program,” speci cally bans any supple- training is available now, employees will Group. “Health literacy spans the entire combatant commanders with the ISR they
ment that contains hemp and hemp seeds receive further information when DPMAP encounter within a military treatment need to win today’s ght,” Rigby said.
or hemp seed oil, but there is not a com- training is scheduled for their base. facility from the minute a patient walks
prehensive list of banned supplements in the door.” The end goal is to have the Global Hawk
by name. He did say, however, that the “The new program will bring some admin- enterprise manned by a majority of enlisted
Defense Department is clear about what istrative changes, but the key tenet of our Easy-to-read signage, a well-thought-out pilots in day-to-day operations with key
current civilian evaluation system will be oor plan and careful furniture placement leadership positions lled by of cers expe-
retained — individual performance will be can enhance the patient experience. rienced in the ISR mission set.
linked to organizational mission and goals,” Health care providers rely on health
James said. literacy to help individuals nd appropri-
Additional Air Force training related to
DPMAP and New Beginnings, expected in pilots-being-accepted.aspx
the fall, includes a performance manage-
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