Page 13 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt August 2016
P. 13

Thunderbolt                                                     NEWS                                                                                      August 2016

Pokémon Go — not all fun, games

   Watch out! Everyone’s favorite game from the ‘90s is         ing option, the security risk is not worth it. When linking         Stopping in the middle of a road should only be done in an
back, this time in the form of a mobile phone application.      the app to a Google account, gamers are granting the game        emergency. Doing so while playing Pokémon could result in
That’s right, with Nintendo’s release of its new Pokémon Go     programmers full access to their Google accounts including       the gamer being cited by local authorities.
mobile game, people across America are catching Pokémon         saved Google Drive documents, personal data, email, per-
fever again.                                                    sonal photos and more. To protect from allowing access to           6. Whether on or off base, gamers should be mindful of
                                                                Google accounts, sign-up through the game website.               where they are playing.
   Wondering how the game works? Well, Pokémon Go uses
a mobile phone’s GPS to spot virtual Pokémon on a game             2. Do not play Pokémon Go while walking in uniform.              Examples of places where people have played Pokémon Go
map that is pinned to real world locations. When gamers            To play Pokémon Go, gamers must walk around with the          include the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. and the
                                                                app open on their devices. According to AFI 36-2903, Dress       Arlington National Cemetery.Whether in uniform or civilian
 nd a Pokémon on their game map, whether it be in a             and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel, dated            clothes, military members are to act appropriately at all times.
supermarket or bathroom, their smartphone camera opens          July 18, 2011, paragraph, it is unacceptable to walk
up, giving them a view of the virtual Pokémon in the real       in uniform and use any personal electronic media devices,           Players should also be careful of where they are being lead
world. Players then ick a Poké Ball toward the creature to      earpieces, or speakerphones unless it is an emergency, or        while playing. One police department reported the game has
capture it. As they move around playing the game, different     noti cations are necessary.                                      been used to lure victims into discreet locations where they
types of Pokémon will appear on the game map depending             3. Do not trespass while playing Pokémon Go.                  can be robbed. Always maintain situational awareness.
on where the player is and the time of day. The more Poké-         Since the game’s release, gamers have been disciplined
mon and items collected the better chance a player has of       for trying to catch a Pokémon in unauthorized areas. Law            The bottom line for military members is to use common
beating other gamers.                                           enforcement of cials reported in Washington they appre-          sense when playing the game. No game is worth jeopardiz-
                                                                hended several Pokémon Go gamers for trespassing at a            ing a career over.
   The game has caused people to venture into many loca-        local police station while playing the game.
tions in order to catch Pokémon. For instance, it has been         At a military installation, going to unauthorized areas in                             Courtesy of 96th Test Wing Judge Advocate office
reported that people have caught Pokémon in places like a       order to catch a Pokémon is forbidden. Jumping the fence to
neighbor’s backyard, schools, funerals and hospitals (while     visit an unauthorized area on base can trigger emergency
the gamer’s wife was in labor). This game also poses a sub-     alerts across base and could result in disciplinary action.
stantial security risk to users when they agree to allow full      4. Be mindful of what is being photographed.
access permission to their Google accounts during sign-up.         One of Pokémon Go’s features allows gamers to see Poké-
                                                                mon in the real world by using a smart phone camera.Taking
   For military members playing the game, it is important       pictures of classi ed areas, privileged information, or any
to remember a few rules:                                        number of other con dential, privacy act, or for of cial use
                                                                only information, is not allowed.
   1. Avoid opting for the sign-up method that links the game      5. While driving, gamers are not to stop a car in the middle
to a personal Google account.                                   of the road to catch a Pokémon.

   There are two methods of sign-up to play Pokémon Go.
The rst, which is more extensive, is to sign up for a “Trainer
Club” account on the game website. The second option is to
link the app to a Google account. While this may be a tempt-

                                                                LOCATIONS ACROSS THE VALLEY, INCLUDING:

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                                                                      Happy Valley Rd. & 35 Ave.                                      2860 W. Peoria Ave.
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  • No appointment needed; walk-in care                                                                                                     I-17 & Dunlap
  • Online check-in at                                              GOODYEAR                                              2423 W. Dunlap Ave.
  • On-site x-rays and labs                                             McDowell & Litchfield Rds.
  • Most insurance accepted, including military                                                                                         Phoenix, AZ 85021
                                                                          1507 N. Litchfield Rd.                                            602-216-6862
    plans, Medicaid and Medicare                                          Goodyear, AZ 85395
* Visit for hours of operation by location.                        623-215-0040                                       RH Johnson Blvd. & Bell Rd.

                                                                                 MARYVALE                                                12775 W. Bell Rd.
                                                                      Indian School Rd. & 83rd Ave.                                    Surprise, AZ 85378 
                                                                      8260 W. Indian School Rd.
                                                                           Phoenix, AZ 85033
                                                                               623-846-7122                                                  TOLLESON
                                                                                                                                   99 Ave. & Lower Buckeye
                                                                                  PHOENIX                                        9870 W. Lower Buckeye Rd.
                                                                      Thomas Rd. East of 35th Ave.
                                                                                                                                       Tolleson, AZ 85353 
                                                                          3302 W. Thomas Rd.                                               623-215-0189
                                                                            Phoenix, AZ 85017

                                                                              Colter & 19 Ave.
                                                                             5201 N. 19th Ave.
                                                                            Phoenix, AZ 85015


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