Page 18 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt August 2016
P. 18
August 2016 NEWS Thunderbolt
REINS (from Page 4)
Chaplain’s thoughts ... suring we create one that sets Airmen
up for success.
Comprehensive Airmen a way to say, “Sorry son, we’d love to send Courtesy photo
Fitness — lessons from Fido you to college, but we spent your college “We must get people to think about
fund on the dog.” Lucy, 14 human dignity and respect to inspire
I have a confession to make. I am not a movement, a new way of thinking,”
an animal lover. I am really more of an Struggles notwithstanding, I have said Kwiatkowski. “But it starts right
“animal tolerater,” to coin a phrase. Oh learned a few lessons from Lucy, our here, with treating others like they’re
sure, I have fond memories from child- 14-year-old cocker spaniel. the most important person on the
hood of Barron our dachshund, Lady our planet. When Airmen start treating
collie, and Littlebit the mutt-puppy I Unconditional love: Dogs do it better each other like this, you’ll see magic
found and carried home when I was 11. than humans. Dogs don’t weigh out their happen.”
We even had a few cats, including Mopsey, love on a scale, they just get happy every
our ginormous feline, that stalked the time you come home. You don’t even have Kwiatkowski’s vision for mission
neighborhood for rodents and brought to be an animal lover for your dog to think success depends upon the passion
them home as a token of her love. Each you are the best thing since sliced bread. of Airmen.
of these pets, and a host of wild critters,
were a signi cant part of my growth and Forgiveness: Yes, I’m anthropomorphiz- “There is no denying the level of
development as a child. ing, dogs likely have little understand- passion among the members of our
ing of forgiveness, yet they put up with team,” he said. “We have phenomenal
But, as a child, I didn’t know anything their humans very well, even when we Airmen across every function of the
about the cost of caring for a pet. I knew are unkind or short-tempered. Admit it, 56th Fighter Wing who are passion-
nothing about vet bills or the price of dog we’ve all yelled at the dog, or worse, and ate about who they are, about the
food. I didn’t understand it when dad blew the pooch keeps coming back as our best specialized services they provide for
his stack when our dog gnawed on the friend and loyal defender. our nation and about the future of our
dining room table leg, but I understand Air Force. To sustain this passion, we
now how hard he worked to provide for Joyful exuberance: Dogs get excited simply have to be honest with them.”
us. Of course, I knew nothing about inter- about the everyday aspects of life, like
national travel with pets; but thanks to mealtime, outdoor time, road trips or Continuing to fuel this passion and
the Air Force, I know ALL about that now. treats. Their joy and excitement is comical providing the tools Airmen need for
Please, don’t get me going on the ransom I and contagious. success will ensure the mission at
must pay every time I take leave and have Luke remains strong throughout the
to book my doggie into the local pet spa. Just a thought … perhaps we could be years, Kwiatkowski said.
more doglike and learn to love, forgive
Perhaps you are sensing some frus- and rejoice over the people and things “My vision for Luke Air Force
tration, and I’m sure I should talk with that come our way. Base is to guarantee the success of
someone about this. I’m just trying to nd our mission of training the world’s
Thanks for your service and sacri ce. greatest F-35 and F-16 fighter pilots
as one team, united in purpose, and
Courtesy of Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Larry Fowler, the belief of a better future for our
56th Fighter Wing Chapel Air Force.”