Page 22 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt August 2016
P. 22
August 2016 NEWS Thunderbolt
Technical sergeant selects announced STREET BEAT (from Page 15)
The Air Force announced the following staff 56th Mission Support Group tape identifying an individual attempting to depart without rendering payment.
sergeants have been selected for promotion Glendale police responded and took control.
to technical sergeant at Luke Air Force Base: Derek Arnold, Anthony Barnot, Andrew
Bauman, Kyle Beck, Kurtis Buchawiecki, July 9: Security forces responded to a report of shoplifting at the Exchange.
56th Fighter Wing Garret Christensen, Ian Coye, Travis Security forces viewed the surveillance tape identifying an individual attempting
Cumpston, Steven Dauck, Daniel Evans, to depart without rendering payment. Glendale police responded and took control.
Christina Johnson, Staci Miller and Andrea Robert Fanton, Jesus Garcia, Donald Grun-
Sanchez den, Latrice Harris, Jose Hernandez, Joshua July 11: Security forces identi ed an individual attempting to enter the base
Hoffman, Carissa Jackson, Giovonna Jor- at South Gate Visitors Center with an active warrant. Glendale police responded
56th Operations Group dan, Jonah Kalmes, Yvonne Love, Andreas and took control.
Moeller, Michael Pane, Kimberly Prater,
Andrew Anderson, Edward Berger, Gerald Jared Purvis, Kenneth Richmond, Ashley July 14: Security forces responded to a report of shoplifting at the base exchange.
Creech, Christopher Doran, Travis Fifth, Rodriguez, Vivian Ross, Stacy Salonish, John Security forces viewed the surveillance tape identifying an individual attempting
Walter Lemen, Chrystal McDonough, Scherstuhl, Michael Schleinkofer, Craig to depart without rendering payment. Glendale police responded and took control.
Adrian Parker Jr., Jaime Rios, Karl Saenz, Smart, Ryan Stanley, Perry Vitali, Jasmine
Leah Semik, Mark Smith, Jeremy Tharp Wilson and Donivyn Zanders July 15: Security forces identi ed an individual with an active warrant attempt-
and Deirdre Torres ing to enter the base at South Gate Visitors Center. Glendale police responded and
56th Medical Group took control.
56th Maintenance Group
Alexander Balok, Regina Denman, Antonio July 17: Security forces responded to a report of shoplifting at the Exchange.
Darius Alesna, Jared Alexander, Jer- Hamilton and Kellie Kasischke Security forces viewed the surveillance tape identifying an individual attempting
emy Bray, Cedrick Calza, Jason Chavez, to depart without rendering payment. Glendale police responded and took control.
Steven Cummins, Alexander Dillman, Detachment 9, ACC Training
Aleksander Dolgikh, Christopher Gris- Squadron July 21: Security forces identi ed two individuals with active warrants attempt-
more, Felix Harris III, Patrick Hoffman, ing to enter the installation at the South Gate Visitors Center. Glendale police
Earnest Huston, Andrew Jackson, Lone Deborah Rutledge responded and took control.
Jennings, Ryan Jones, Eric Kimberlin,
Brittney Lehr, Keli Manglona, Meghan Detachment 12, 372nd July 22: Security forces responded to reports of shoplifting at the Exchange.
McDonald, Bryan Meyer, Nathan Miller, Training Squadron Security forces viewed the surveillance tape identifying an individual attempting
Jospeh Misiewicz, Isaiah Morgan, Derriel to depart without rendering payment. Glendale police responded and took control.
Morris, Thomas Obrien, Bryce Pacheco, Daniel Bartolucci, Trevor Bell, Michael
Mario Quintana, Denise Russell, Bryan Conran, Edward Cunningham, Jakob July 28: Security forces identi ed an individual discovered to have contraband
Saye, Timothy Simmons, Lonnie Strick- Grieves, Mitchell Newton and Jacob during a random vehicle inspection. Glendale police responded and issued a cita-
land, Benjamin Sylvester, Jon Tokay, Spanaus tion to the individual. The individual was released.
Robert Torres, David Walker, Adam
Wheaton, John Williams, Jason Wright Courtesy of Staff Sgt. Kimberly Edwards Brandon, Alarm activations
and Amy Zmak 56th Force Support Squadron
Security forces responded to 41 alarm activations on base.
Tip of the week
While playing Pikémon Go on base, be cooperative if police stop you on a report
of being suspicious. Understand community concerns are greater than game play-
ing. Calmly explain what you are doing and show police you are willing to listen.
Resisting or being uncooperative creates more suspicion.
Courtesy of Staff Sgt. Christopher Washburn, 56th SFS
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