Page 23 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt August 2016
P. 23
Thunderbolt NEWS August 2016
JUSTICE REPORT to airman rst class, suspended forfeiture of GRADS (from Page 6)
$1,041 pay per month for two months and a
The following is a list of administrative ac- cocaine. The individual received a reduction reprimand. around the globe, and many
tions issued at Luke Air Force Base in June: in rank to airman basic, 30 days hard labor of them will nd themselves
without con nement and a reprimand. Administrative discharges conducting strikes against
56th Operations Group • An airman was discharged for minor dis- enemies in Syria and Af-
Articles 15 ciplinary infractions. ghanistan, or holding the
Articles 15 • A senior airman received nonjudicial • An airman first class was discharged for line against North Korea in
• A senior airman received nonjudicial punishment for abusive sexual contact. The minor disciplinary infractions. the next few months.
punishment for public intoxication by con- individual received a reduction in rank to Administrative demotions
sumption of alcohol and making a false of cial airman, suspended forfeiture of $878 pay and • A senior airman was demoted to the rank This milestone was only
statement. The individual received a reduction a reprimand. of airman rst class for failure to ful ll re- possible due to tremendous
in rank to airman rst class, suspended forfei- • An airman first class received nonjudicial sponsibilities by driving under the in uence efforts from around the 54th
ture of $1,041 pay per month for two months punishment for failure to obey a lawful order. of alcohol. Fighter Group and the 56th
and a reprimand. The individual received a reduction in rank Fighter Wing. At this time
• A technical sergeant received nonjudicial to airman, forfeiture of $65 pay per month for 56th Medical Group last year, the 314th FS was
punishment for failure to obey a lawful order. two months, suspended forfeiture of $813 pay still just a great idea wait-
The individual received a reduction in rank per month for two months and a reprimand. Articles 15 ing to open for business. It
to staff sergeant, suspended forfeiture of Administrative discharges • A senior airman received nonjudicial pun- took a dedicated cadre of
$1,583 pay per month for two months and a • An airman first class was discharged for ishment for assault consummated by a battery. incredible instructor pilots
reprimand. drug abuse. The individual received a reduction in rank to pass their knowledge and
Administrative discharges • An airman was discharged for minor dis- to airman rst class, suspended forfeiture of skills to the next generation
• A first lieutenant was discharged for drug ciplinary infractions. $1,041 pay and a reprimand. of ghter pilots. The 314th
abuse. • A staff sergeant received nonjudicial pun- Aircraft Maintenance Unit
• A senior airman was discharged for un- 56th Mission Support Group ishment for an unprofessional relationship. and the 54th Maintenance
satisfactory performance. The individual received suspended reduction Squadron worked day, night
• A senior airman was discharged for minor Articles 15 to the rank of a senior airman, suspended and many weekends to keep
disciplinary infractions. • A technical sergeant received nonjudicial forfeiture of $1,041 pay per month for two some of the Air Force’s oldest
punishment for improper labeling and storage months and a reprimand. F-16s combat ready. It also
56th Maintenance Group of weapons. The individual received a reduc- Punishments for similar offenses may vary took concerted efforts from
tion in rank to staff sergeant and a reprimand. from case to case based on the circumstances numerous 56th FW agencies
Courts-martial • A senior airman received nonjudicial of the offense and factors such as an offender’s to make the idea a reality,
• A staff sergeant was found guilty of one punishment for refusing to complete training. age, military and disciplinary record, nancial and the Warhawks thank ev-
charge and speci cation of wrongful use of The individual received a reduction in rank condition, and suitability for continued ser- eryone of the Thunderbo1st
vice. To ensure fair administration of justice Lt.s for their support.
throughout the Luke AFB community, the legal
of ce reviews all cases. Congratulations 15-BBH,
and best of luck with your
Courtesy of the 56th Fighter Wing Legal Office combat assignments! War-
hawks … Strike!
per credit 623.845.3333
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