Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt August 2016
P. 15

Thunderbolt                                        NEWS                                                                                                                   August 2016

         STREET                                    police responded and took control.             to a report of a domestic disturbance in       two were barred from base and escorted
                                                      July 13: Security forces responded to       base housing. Security forces arrived on       off the installation.
           BEAT                                                                                   scene, separated individuals and took a
                                                   a report of a minor vehicle accident near      report. Glendale police responded and             July 15: Security forces responded to
   The 56th Security Forces Squadron               Bldg. 431. There were no injuries.             took control.                                  a report of a medical emergency in the
handled the following incidents June 27                                                                                                          CE compound. An individual reported
through July 31 at Luke Air Force Base:               July 18: Security forces responded to          July 1: Security forces responded to a      having chest pains. The individual was
                                                   a report of a minor vehicle accident on        report of a missing person with dementia.      transported to a hospital.
Tickets                                            Perimeter Road. There were no injuries.        Security forces located the individual who
                                                   One individual was cited.                      was escorted back to family.                      July 24: Security forces responded to
   Security forces issued citations for 41                                                                                                       a report of a medical emergency at the
moving and 11 nonmoving violations.                   July 18: Security forces responded to          July 4: Security forces responded to a re-  mass parking area. The individual was
                                                   a report of a minor vehicle accident near      port of a medical emergency at the South       reportedly suffering from severe fever
Traffic-related incidents                          Bldg. 931. There were no injuries. One         Gate. Security forces controlled traf c for    and lightheadedness. The individual was
                                                   individual was cited.                          arrival of medical services. The individual    transported to a hospital.
   June 29: Security forces responded to a                                                        reportedly slipped off the curb injuring an
report of a minor vehicle accident near the           July 20: Security forces responded to       ankle and was transported to a hospital.       Nonemergency responses
satellite pharmacy. There were no injuries.        a report of a minor vehicle accident near
                                                   the commissary. There were no injuries.           July 4: Security forces responded to a re-     July 1: Security forces identi ed an indi-
   June 29: Security forces responded to                                                          port of an individual with heat exhaustion     vidual with an active warrant attempting
a report of a minor vehicle accident near             July 23: Security forces identi ed an       at Fowler Park. Security forces controlled     to enter the installation through the South
Bldg. 330. The driver struck a curb, at-           individual with an open container at-          traf c for arrival of medical services. The    Gate Visitors Center. Glendale police re-
tening a tire. There were no injuries.             tempting to enter to the installation. The     individual was transported to Phoenix          sponded and took control.
                                                   individual was detained until Glendale         Children’s Hospital.
   July 1: Security forces responded to a          police responded and took control. The                                                           July 3: Security forces responded to
report of a minor vehicle accident near the        individual was cited and released.                July 5: Security forces responded to        a report of shoplifting at the Luke AFB
Exchange. There were no injuries.                                                                 a medical emergency in base housing.           Exchange. Security forces viewed the
                                                      July 28: Security forces responded to       Security forces identi ed an unconscious       surveillance tape identifying a retired
   July 4: Security forces responded to a          a report of a minor vehicle accident near      individual who had complained of chest         military member attempting to depart
report of a minor vehicle accident near            Bldg. 909. There were no injuries.             pains. The individual was transported to       without rendering payment. Glendale
the commissary. There were no injuries.                                                           a hospital.                                    police responded and took control.
                                                      July 29: Security forces responded to a
   July 7: Security forces responded to a          report of a minor vehicle accident in the         July 14: Security forces responded to a        July 5: Security forces identi ed an indi-
report of a minor vehicle accident near            mass parking area. There were no injuries.     report of a medical emergency in housing.      vidual with an active warrant attempting
Bldg. 1266. There were no injuries.                                                               The individual appeared to be suffering        to enter the installation through the South
                                                      July 29: Security forces responded to       from an altered state of consciousness and     Gate Visitors Center. Glendale police re-
   July 13: Security forces responded to a         a report of a minor vehicle accident near      was transported to a hospital.                 sponded and took control.
report of a major vehicle accident at South        Bldg. 1150. There were no injuries.
Gate. There were no injuries. Glendale                                                               July 15: Security forces responded to          July 8: Security forces responded to
                                                      July 31: Security forces responded to       a report of a gate runner at South Gate.       a report of shoplifting at the Exchange.
                                                   a report of a minor vehicle accident near      Security forces stopped the vehicle and        Security forces viewed the surveillance
                                                   the base exchange. There were no injuries.     identi ed two unaf liated civilians. The
                                                                                                                                                                        See STREET BEAT, Page 22
                                                   Emergency responses

                                                      June 30: Security forces responded

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