Page 10 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt August 2016
P. 10

August 2016                                                FEATURE                                                                                                       Thunderbolt

Chrach: Decorated MWD retires
   After eight years of serving in the military,                      there to nd bombs and get the bad guys.”       Scott Emmick, 56th SFS MWD handler,
Chrach (pronounced “crash”), 56th Security                               From the beginning Alltop made it clear     who said, “I trust him with my life when                                                                  Courtesy photo
Forces Squadron Military Working Dog,                                                                                called upon to be in dangerous situations
retired in May and was given into the care                            Chrach was his dog, that anyone else           due to his training and the awless tests            Staff Sgt. Scott Emmick, 56th SFS MWD
of his rst trainer at Luke Air Force Base.                            Chrach worked with was just “borrowing”        he has passed in his line of duty.”                 handler, and Chrach, 56th SFS MWD,
                                                                      the dog. Alltop trained Keller when she                                                            received the 12th Annual Animal Hero
   An 8-year old German shepherd from                                 entered the Luke canine unit, and she took        Through the years, Chrach developed              Award in 2015.
the Netherlands, he was a puppy when he                               Chrach on his second Gulf tour. Alltop’s fel-  medical issues in his lower back caused
joined the Air Force and began training                               low handlers took good care of Chrach, and     mostly by walking, so he was given retire-
at Lackland AFB, San Antonio. This was                                they say he took good care of them.            ment. In 2015, Chrach received the 12th
basic training canine style. Chrach learned                                                                          Annual Animal Hero Award.
foundational obedience and began learning                                Chrach was attached to Luke for his
bomb detection.                                                       entire career. Besides being sent to the          In a ceremony this May, held at the West-
                                                                      Middle East four times, he had many            ern Region K-9 Trials in Goodyear, Keller
   In 2008, when Chrach arrived at Luke, he                           shorter assignments including Mexico with      handed Chrach’s leash to Alltop.
met then Staff Sgt. Kyle Alltop, 56th SFS                             the Secret Service and the vice president
MWD handler, whose job it was to make                                 and to Chicago to provide security for the        Even though Chrach is retired, Alltop
Chrach ready for deployment.                                          president.                                     trains him daily, keeping his skills sharp,
                                                                                                                     and Wednesdays, they train with police
   Their rst assignment was checking cars                                Chrach’s third handler, Tech. Sgt. Ste-     department K-9 teams near Prescott. He
entering the area of the United Nations                               ven Bruner, was awarded the Bronze Star        also keeps Chrach’s scent detection skills
General Assembly in New York. Chrach                                  and Combat Action Medal largely for the        sharp by hiding things for him to nd.
immediately proved himself by nding two                               detection successes of Chrach on their
bombs. He also worked at the World Trade                              2012 Afghanistan deployment. Chrach was           Chrach loves to swim so that has become
Center and at the Statue of Liberty, along                            credited with signi cant roadside bomb         part of his program. Alltop says Chrach’s
with more than 100 other dog teams includ-                                                                           life is going to be hanging out with the
ing a second team from Luke.                                           nds that saved lives and enabled safe         family, swimming in the lake and having
                                                                      movement for troops, the host nation and       the best life he can have.
   During his career, Chrach deployed to Ku-                          the local population.
wait for two years with Alltop. Besides his                                                                                            Courtesy of Phoenix Dog Magazine
regular duties, Chrach boosted the morale                                Chrach did his fourth tour with Staff Sgt.
of other service members.

   “On deployment, Soldiers would come up
and lay down with him or pet him,” Alltop
said. “When my child was born, I was with
Chrach. When my dad passed, Tech. Sgt.
Jessica Keller, (56th SFS MWD handler),
brought him to my dad’s funeral. He’s the
best therapy dog you could ask for. While
dogs are classi ed as equipment, we treat
them like dogs, with affection, respect
and admiration. They are tools to use in
war, but they also provide companionship
and a friendly tail wag to someone hav-
ing a bad day. Of course, in the end, he’s

                                                      Courtesy photo                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Courtesy photo

Chrach, 56th SFS MWD, and his handler                                 Tech. Sgt. Jessica Keller, 56th Security Forces Squadron Military Working Dog handler, performs pushups while Chrach, 56th
pose for a photo while on deployment.                                 SFS MWD, stands on her back.
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