Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt August 2016
P. 5

Thunderbolt                                                                      NEWS                                                                                                                                                   August 2016  5                                                                                                                                                                               

Zika: Spread of disease preventable

             by Staff Sgt.                food sources it consumed earlier and   T:9.5”                                                                                                                        Courtesy graphic
         LILY GONZALEZ                    infection occurs.

                       56th Fighter Wing     Although this is the primary route
                                          of infection, there has been one con-
   Chikungunya, dengue and Ebola
are not names of exotic cuisine but        rmed sexually transmitted case in
rather diseases. Joining the array        Texas.
of names at the forefront is the Zika
virus. Taking a closer look at what          Those who have recently traveled
the virus is and how it is transmitted    to an area with Zika virus, should
will help Arizona residents assist in     practice safe sex. The most effective
preventing the spread of Zika.            way to prevent sexually transmitted
                                          Zika virus is abstinence.
   Zika is not a new disease. As pro-
tocol dictates, Zika was named after         Prevention is key and creating a
the forest for which the rst case         mosquito barrier is vital. The best
was discovered in 1947. Since then        way is for individuals to wear long-
outbreaks of the virus have been          sleeved shirts and long pants. Stay
reported in tropical Africa, Southeast    indoors in air-conditioned places if
Asia and the Paci c Islands.              possible, and ensure door and window
                                          screens are keeping mosquitos out.
   Due to its mild symptoms it has re-
ceived some attention. Recently, news        Additionally, use Environmental
agencies have reported the Zika virus     Protection Agency-registered insect
can cause a serious birth defect called   repellents per manufacturer recom-
microcephaly, where a baby is born        mendations.
with a smaller than normal head size,
as well as other fetal brain defects.        There is no current vaccine to
                                          prevent Zika virus, and the same
   Unfortunately, Zika will continue      mosquito that spreads dengue and
to spread since the primary agent         chikungunya viruses also spreads
that transmits the disease is the         Zika.
mosquito. While the mosquito draws
in blood from a human body, it depos-        For more information, visit the
its uids into the blood stream from       56th Medical Group Public Health
                                          Of ce in the Luke Air Force Base
                                          clinic, second floor, or call 623-

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