Page 2 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt August 2016
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August 2016                                                                                           COMMENTARY                                                                                                         Thunderbolt
                                                                                                                 Embrace diversity: Lead from front
                                                                                                                                               by Col.                                                                   our mission, regardless of the visible or invisible attributes
   Airman and Family Readiness Center ................................. 623-856-6550                                                   GREG GILMOUR                                                                      that contribute to diversity within our ranks. These attri-
   Airman’s Attic ......................................................................... 623-856-6415                                                                                                                 butes include things like gender, race, and age as well as
   Armed Forces Bank ............................................................... 623-535-9766                                                   315th Airlift Wing commander                                         education, religion or sexual orientation, just to name a few.
   Base Exchange main store ..................................................... 623-935-2671
   Base taxi ................................................................................... 623-856-6866       JOINT BASE CHARLESTON, S.C. — Often times                                                               So, does this mean that the days of inequality are over
   Beauty shop ............................................................................. 623-536-1897        when we hear terms like diversity and inclusion, we think                                               and the glass ceiling has been shattered? Certainly not,
   Chapel ...................................................................................... 623-856-6211    of them more as buzz words or a way to hold someone ac-                                                 and we have a long way to go. But, if we recognize there
   Chapel (after duty hours) ....................................................... 623-856-5600                countable for not doing the right thing.                                                                are cultural and stereotypical biases in each one of us, and
   Child development center ...................................................... 623-856-6338
   Clothing sales .......................................................................... 623-856-6310           However, what does diversity actually mean to us in the                                               ght to overcome those biases, we will be well on our way
   Club Five Six ........................................................................... 623-856-6446        Air Force? To me, it’s simple: place the right people in the                                            to leveling the playing eld for all Airmen.
   Command post ........................................................................ 623-856-5600            right positions to execute our mission.
   Commissary ............................................................................ 623-935-3821                                                                                                                     As I think about how, as an Air Force, we can con-
   Community center .................................................................. 623-856-7152                 I recently had the opportunity to re ect on this after I se-                                         tinue this trend of promoting the best and brightest by
   Computer IT service desk .................................................... DSN 945-2900                    lected the incoming 315th Maintenance Group commander                                                   leveraging the best talent we have and capitalizing on
   Crime Stop ............................................................................... 623-856-6666       who just happens to be a woman. Looking over our organi-                                                opportunities. I can tell you that the process does not
   Dental clinic ............................................................................. 623-856-2273      zation, I realized that in a male-dominated community, we                                               start at the wing commander level; it starts with every
   Dermatology ............................................................................ 623-856-2273         are certainly unique. Soon, all three group commanders in                                               Airman and every supervisor. I charge every one of you
   Dining hall ............................................................................... 623-856-6396      the 315th Airlift Wing will be females as well as our vice                                              to personally evaluate your internal biases, regardless of
   Dorm management ................................................................. 623-856-7841                wing commander and one O-6 squadron commander.                                                          how small, set them aside and always continue to push
   Education center ..................................................................... 623-856-7722                                                                                                                   our Air Force forward.
   EMERGENCY ONLY ............................................................................ 911                  In the Air Force, women comprise 29 percent of the total
   Equal opportunity ................................................................... 623-856-7711            force and, according to a recent study by Diversity Central,                                               I would love to see a day when statistics are no longer
   Eye clinic ................................................................................. 623-856-7965     in the civilian sector women only hold 6 percent of chief                                               needed and the best individual is always pushed to the top,
   Falcon Dunes Golf Course .................................................... 623-535-9334                    executive roles in America.                                                                             regardless of gender. We have the world’s most powerful Air
   Family health clinic ................................................................ 623-856-2273                                                                                                                    Force and the reason for that is not because of our weapon
   Family housing ....................................................................... 623-388-3515              So, this may leave a person to wonder, why do women                                                  systems, it is because of our Airmen. So, take care of each
   Fire station ............................................................................... 623-856-6641     hold two-thirds of the senior leader positions in the 315th                                             other, embrace your core value of integrity rst, and always
   Firestone Car Care .................................................................. 623-271-8104            AW? I think that answer is also simple.                                                                 recognize your best and brightest no matter what.
   Fitness center ........................................................................... 623-856-6241
   Flight medicine ....................................................................... 623-856-2273             We placed the right people in the right positions to move
   Food court ................................................................................ 623-935-2671
   Fort Tuthill ............................................................................... 623-856-3401     Ending silence opens door to triumph over abuse
   Fraud, waste and abuse hotline ............................................. 623-856-6149
   Hobby shop ............................................................................. 623-856-6722            Editor’s note: The author’s name was     helped pull me out of the toxic fog of                      reach you. I hope they empower you to
   Housing assistance section .................................................... 623-856-7643                  redacted to protect the person’s identity.  the life I had been living.                                 reach out to the green, to an already
   Housing facilities section ....................................................... 623-856-3007                                                                                                                       established safety net that will catch
   Housing maintenance ............................................................. 623-935-2676                   ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. —                A green dot is any behavior, choice,                     you, help you and give you your voice
   Identification cards .................................................................. 623-856-7832          I’m tired of the sound of silence.          word or attitude that promotes safety                       back.
   Information, tickets and travel ............................................... 623-856-6000                                                              for all of our citizens and communi-
   Law enforcement desk ........................................................... 623-856-5970                    At a recent Green Dot leadership         cates utter intolerance for violence.                          The momentum of the Green Dot
   Legal assistance ....................................................................... 623-856-6901         training session, I was asked to write                                                                  program needs to not only propel its
   Library ...................................................................................... 623-856-7191   down on a piece of paper an action I           Walking on eggshells just to keep                        way through our service, but through-
   Lightning Gate visitor reception center ................................ 623-856-4880                         would do as a leader to help implement      the peace isn’t living. Making excuses                      out our society, establishing healthy
   Lodging office/switchboard ................................................... 623-856-3941                   culture change.                             for explosive behavior in public isn’t                      boundaries that banish toxic red dots.
   Maintenance control center ................................................... 623-856-5469                                                               living. Neither is being called names
   Marine Corps ........................................................................... 623-856-2417            I wrote, “Write a commentary on do-      that cut you to the core. There are
   Marine Corps 24-hour duty desk .......................................... 602-421-5806                        mestic assault, which I experienced.”       people in this world who only feel good
   Marketing ................................................................................ 623-856-3245                                                   if they’re causing someone else pain.
   Medical appointments ............................................................ 623-856-2273                   Experiencing domestic abuse took         That is not love, and that was the hell
   Military equal opportunity ..................................................... 623-856-7711                 my voice away, and during the thick         I lived in until I clawed my way out,
   Military pay ............................................................................. 623-856-7028       of it, I didn’t even recognize myself.      re-establishing my boundaries and
   Navy Operations Support Center .......................................... 602-353-3008                        Well, I have my voice back, and I’m         understanding what I experienced
   OB/GYN clinic ....................................................................... 623-856-2273            breaking my silence.                        was abuse.
   Office of Special Investigations ............................................ 623-856-6821
   Optometrist .............................................................................. 623-856-2273          According to the training, red dots         Moving on from abuse, I keep a
   Orthopedic clinic ..................................................................... 623-856-2273          represent an act of power-based per-        quote from Maya Angelou close to my
   Outdoor recreation .................................................................. 623-856-6267            sonal violence or the choice to tolerate,   heart as a baseline of my boundaries.
   Pass and registration ............................................................... 623-856-4880            justify or perpetuate violence. My
   Patient advocate ...................................................................... 623-856-8968          whole life at one point was a red dot          It reads, “When someone shows
   Pediatric clinic ......................................................................... 623-856-2273       where my body and boundaries were           you who they are, believe them the
   Pharmacy refill call-in ............................................................ 623-856-3969             abused, but I turned to my green dots
   Photo services .......................................................................... 623-856-6168        — family, colleagues and leadership          rst time.”
   Post Office ............................................................................... 623-935-1343      — for help.                                    I ignored the red ags, lost my voice
   Public affairs ............................................................................ 623-856-6011                                                  and had my world shattered. Sharing
   Recycling information ............................................................ 623-856-4749                  It’s through programs, like Green        this story, I am your green dot.
   Rodgers Travel ........................................................................ 623-856-6894          Dot, that the Air Force is changing            If you’re experiencing life living
   Safety ........................................................................................ 623-856-6941  toxic red dots to green.                    around red dots, I hope these words
   Security forces ..........................................................................623-856-5970
   Security incidents .................................................................... 623-856-7777             I clung to these green dots, and they
   Service calls CE maintenance ............................................... 623-856-7232
   Sexual Assault Prevention/Response ................................... 623-856-4878                                               Thunderbolt editorial sta                                                           Luke Air Force Base website and social media and is the source for articles and
   Shoppette ................................................................................. 623-266-0040                                                                                                              photos published in the Thunderbolt. The Thunderbolt editor is authorized to use
   Sick call .................................................................................... 623-856-2273   Publisher .................................................... Aerotech News and Review                 photos and articles from other .mil or .gov websites.
   South Gate VRC ..................................................................... 623-856-4768             Editor ........................................................................... Deborah Leuthold
   Straight-Talk line ..................................................................... 623-856-7064         Designer .................................................................................Tinna Sellie       Submission deadline is at noon the 15th day prior to the month of publication.
   Telephone repair (Base) ......................................................... 623-856-4400                                                                                                                        Contributions for the Thunderbolt can be made via email to 56FWPAThunderbolt@
   Thrift store ............................................................................... 623-935-5782                             Luke Air Force Base                                                    The editor can be reached at 623-856-5998 or
   Ticket/tour office ..................................................................... 623-856-6000
   Travel management office household goods ....................... 623-856-6425                                 Commander.................................................... Brig. Gen. Brook Leonard                       The Thunderbolt uses material from the Armed Forces Information Service, Air
   TMO passenger travel ............................................................ 623-856-7035                Public Affairs chief ................................................ Lt. Col. Matt Hasson              Force News Service, AETC News Service and other sources. All advertising is han-
   Transient alert .......................................................................... 623-856-6204       Public Affairs deputy chief .......................................... Kiley Dougherty                  dled by Aerotech News and Review. They can be reached by calling 480-307-1772.
   Travel pay ................................................................................ 623-856-7028      Internal information.............................................. Staff Sgt. Staci Miller
   Vehicle maintenance ............................................................... 623-935-6576                                                                                                                           Contents of the Thunderbolt are not necessarily the official views of, or en-
   Veterinary services .................................................................. 623-856-6354                                  Editorial Information                                                            dorsed by, the U.S. government, the Department of Defense or the Department
   Weather .................................................................................... 623-856-6805                                                                                                             of the Air Force.
   Wellness center ........................................................................ 623-856-2273                               For past issues of the Thunderbolt, go to
   Youth center ............................................................................. 623-856-7470          and click on PDF edition                                           The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supple-
                                                                                                                      The Thunderbolt is published by Aerotech News and Review, a private firm in no                     ments, does not constitute endorsement of the products or services advertised by
                                                                                                                 way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive written contract with the 56th                   the DOD, the DAF or Aerotech News and Review. Everything advertised in this
                                                                                                                 Fighter Wing, Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. This civilian enterprise Air Force news-                    publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard
                                                                                                                 paper is an authorized monthly publication for members of the U.S. military services.                   to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap,
                                                                                                                      The 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs Office prepares all editorial content for the                 political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. All
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         photographs are Air Force photographs unless otherwise indicated.
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