Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt August 2016
P. 12
August 2016 NEWS Thunderbolt
Paralegal career field opens
136 T-bolts selected for Tech. Sgt.
by Staff Sgt. 11.6 percent in the promote recommendation group. The paralegal career eld is AQE score of 51, have very little
STACI MILLER This matches the intent of those with a promote now opening up for those interested to no derogatory information
receiving a “signi cant advantage over their peers,” in training for a change. in their records, and obtain
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs those with a must promote receiving an “advantage recommendation letters from
over their peers” and those with a promote rating given “Retraining into the 5J0X1 the current leadership chain. In
LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz. — The Air Force a rating “relative to their peers.” paralegal career eld provides addition, a two-part interview
selected 136 Luke staff sergeants for promotion to a great environment for those will be conducted with the staff
technical sergeant. These percentages show that the system is highlight- looking for a career that offers judge advocate and law of ce
a sense of pride, independence, superintendent.
The Luke selection rate was 21.69 percent, with an ing top performers while still affording opportunities personal growth and accom-
average selectee overall score of 380. This is the rst plishment at the end of each The Air Force enlisted legal
technical sergeant promotion release since the imple- to high performing Airmen with a promote recom- work day,” said Senior Master career eld was established on
mentation of the new Enlisted Evaluation System. Sgt. Deanna Commack, 56th May 1, 1955, and continues to
mendation. Fighter Wing Legal Of ce. play a prominent role in the
“We began this process several months ago with a Judge Advocate General’s Corps.
crawl, walk, run method, and we are continuing to gain “When I realized I was selected my rst time with a The paralegal has a direct TJAGC’s primary mission is to
momentum with our understanding of the process and impact on all facets of the legal provide legal counsel to com-
con dence with the system,” said Chief Master Sgt. promote recommendation, I felt elation that my hard field. This includes military manders, rst sergeants, and
Randall Kwiatkowski, 56th Fighter Wing command justice, claims, civil law, legal other key personnel on a broad
chief. “Every Airman in the chain of command’s involve- work and studying payed off in the end,” said Staff Sgt. assistance, contracts, environ- spectrum of legal and quasi-
ment is pivotal to getting our promotion system right; mental and operations law, to legal matters.
beginning with our front-line supervisors’ expectations Deborah Rutledge, Air Combat Command Training name a few. Within these divi-
to our Airmen’s performance, bracketed by open and sions, paralegals conduct legal “Eighty-three 5J retraining
honest feedback throughout the rating period, to the Support Squadron, Detachment 9 courseware developer. research, interview victims and quotas will be available in scal
commander’s promotion recommendation at the end. witnesses, and team with attor- 2017 and typically ll quickly,”
When we get this right, we end up with the right Airmen “My wish is that all Airmen who test with the new neys to draft opinions and other Commack said.
earning their promotion which is exactly what we have.” documents. They also support
promotion system will feel it’s possible to be selected investigations of serious inci- To submit a retraining ap-
Air Force selectees’ average time-in-grade was 4.6 dents, such as aircraft, missile plication, contact the retraining
years and time-in-service was 9.51 years. The overall even without the top two promotion recommendations.” or rocket accidents. section of the MPS or see a Luke
score was based on point averages of 219.73 for enlisted Looking ahead, the selectees will be challenged with Air Force Base career advisor.
performance reports, 5.57 for decorations, 69.24 for To be eligible to retrain into
the promotion tness examination and 67.39 for the new roles and expectations. the paralegal career eld, indi- For more information about
specialty knowledge test. “These phenomenal Airmen have earned their right viduals must meet certain cri- the paralegal career eld or to
teria, which include the ability set-up an informal interview,
Within the promotion recommendation groups, 97.5 to lead at the next level, and Thunderbolt Nation is to type a minimum of 25 words call the law of ce superinten-
percent of eligible Airmen with a promote now recom- excited to see the impact these men and women are go- per minute, a minimum general dent at 623-856-9537.
mendation were selected, 63.5 percent of those in the ing to have on the future of our Air Force,” Kwiatkowski Courtesy of 56th FW Legal Office
must promote recommendation group were selected and said. “This promotion marks a great transformation
from a leadership and expectations perspective, and
none of our Airmen should endure this transformation
alone. Selectees should learn from those who came
before, and use their experience and lessons to help
navigate through the storms of leadership.”
Selectees will be promoted in order of promotion
sequence number beginning with 0-700 in August.
For names of selects, see Page 15.
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