Page 5 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, November 2020
P. 5
4 November 2020 Desert Lightning News Desert Lightning News November 2020 5
Chaplain’s thoughts ... Coffee with cops
A not so secret ingredient Life can sometimes feel like that disappoint-
ing casserole. On the outside we appear perfectly by Airman 1st Class no gear,” said Airman 1st Class
by Chaplain normal with seasons of success, happiness, good KAiTLYN J. eRgiSh Michael McKinley, 355th SFS de-
(Capt.) friendships and strengthening families. We label 355th Wing Public Affairs fender. “The community can come
JoNAThAN it a win if the paycheck keeps coming and the out and just see a friendly face. A
LAMpLeY supervisor seems happy. Even if things aren’t The 355th Security Forces lot of people think if you’re talking
going so well, we put on a smile and try to Squadron held a monthly com- to us that you’re in trouble, but
355th Wing
“fake it till we make it.” Just by looking, people munity involved event, “Coffee that’s not always the case. We are
It’s Thanksgiving. wouldn’t know any different. However, we know with Cops,” Oct. 16. here to help.”
The table is set, every- down deep in our hearts something is missing. Coffee with Cops is a new way The 355th SFS defends the en-
one has arrived, and Maybe we should take a lesson from grandma for Davis-Monthan defenders tire installation, to include critical
you start digging in and take just a pinch of the secret ingredient to integrate and connect with rescue and attack capabilities,
to your favorite yearly to life. No, it’s not a spice or more success or the community to help identify and is responsible for more than
delicacies. You fill a another promotion: it’s thanksgiving. It’s the problems and potential improve- 11,000 Airmen and their families,
plate with all the fix- ability to intentionally focus on the people or ments that will ensure the safety as well as a large retiree popula-
chaplain (capt.) of the base, its Airmen and their tion.
Jonathan Lampley ings, but there’s one things that give us meaning and hope. Maybe
dish in particular you we find hope in our religious faith or family families. “Coffee with Cops is a “Being able to give this tool
scoop with anticipation. Biting into what you think heritage. Maybe seeing our children improve community policing event that we to squadron leadership helps
is your grandmother’s famous homemade casserole in school or finally receiving the quarterly are doing the third Friday of every support our base community,
you quickly deduce a problem. It tastes different. award reminds us that hard work does pay off. month,” said Staff Sgt. Alyssa especially in base housing. This
Something seems to be missing. You can’t put a finger Whether big or small, everyone has something Reilly, 355th SFS defender and helps mitigate any issues that THANK YOU,
on the answer, but you know with absolute certainty to be thankful for. event coordinator. “The intent is are going on and helps clear up
what you tasted is not the casserole you grew up on. When we focus on the blessings in life, our to open up the lines of communi- any miscommunications that
After some investigation, you find out a distant perspective changes. Regardless of the season cation within the community, to might be out there,” Reilly said.
cousin wanted to try cooking the famous dish. we find ourselves in, facing challenging times really get involved and identify “If they ever feel like they’re not
Your conclusion — the attempt is an utter failure. or living through the most difficult day, we any ongoing issues that we can being supported, this is a prime
Finally, after a few jokes are made on the cousin’s find a hope to hold on to like an anchor. That, help with.” opportunity to connect with our VETERANS
poor attempt, grandma leans over and mentions in turn, affects our attitude, which eventually At this event, law enforcement leadership.”
how she missed the secret ingredient. The dish spills over to our actions. We end up a stronger, personnel listen to the problems Coffee with Cops showcases the
needs only a pinch, she says, and nothing more. more resilient and more capable people. Little that are occurring to find solu- commitment of Airmen through-
However, that little bit of spice is just enough to did we know how much could be changed from tions to the concerns of those who out the 355th SFS to their mis-
spread through and enhance the combination of such a little thing called thanksgiving. Maybe live on and occupy the base. sion and is part of an ongoing
flavors to create perfection. grandma knew about more than just casseroles. “We are coming out to a neu- effort to make the installation as
tral setting in base housing with secure as possible. On Veterans Day, we celebrate the men and
women who took the oath to serve the nation.
Today, and every day, we thank you for
answering the call to serve.
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