Page 6 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, November 2020
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6 November 2020 Desert Lightning News Desert Lightning News November 2020 7
563rd RQG
tRains foR hiGh-end fiGht
by Senior Airman Super Stallions from the Marine helicopter, which allows them to and improve our crews’ ability
JAcob T. STephenS Aviation Weapons and Tactics perform rescue missions in places to deploy at a moment’s notice.”
Squadron One and HH-60G Pave others can’t.” Rescue Airmen from across the
355th Wing Public Affairs
Hawks from the 55th RQS and the Honing these skills helps fur- 355th Wing are a critical part of
The 563rd Rescue Group con- 305th RQS.” ther the combat capabilities of the DOD’s ability to successfully
ducted a variety of mission train- This training not only high- the 563rd RQG and its Airmen. In execute the mission downrange.
ing sorties from Sept. 28 to Oct. 9, lighted the 563rd Rescue Group’s doing this, the group ensures it is These Airmen must be ready to go
across Arizona and California. interoperability across its multiple ready to answer the call any time into a potentially degraded, austere
Airmen from the 48th, 55th, 68th squadrons and mission sets, but they are needed with the ability to environment to save someone on
and 79th rescue squadrons worked also the group’s ability to support work seamlessly with its mission one of their worst days.
together to conduct airdrops, para- missions across different branches partners. “These Airmen are tasked to
rescue jumps, helicopter air-to-air of the Department of Defense. “A successful rescue involves deploy anywhere in the world at
refueling and other combat capa- “This is one of many training the coordinated efforts of mul- a moment’s notice to ensure every
bilities. events required to be the world’s tiple units in high-risk, denied American and friendly force comes
“From Sept. 28 through Oct. 2, best rescue Airmen,” said Lt. Col. environments,” Swengel said. home safely,” Gray said. “This
the 79th RQS conducted high alti- Andrew Gray, 563rd Rescue Group “Everything we do, from high- mission would never be successful
tude water and land airdrops with deputy commander. “It takes ev- altitude airdrops to air-to-air without close cooperation between
pararescuemen from the 48th and eryone involved working together refueling to flying with night vi- the squadrons here at home sta-
68th RQS,” said Capt. Kyle Swen- to pull off a successful mission, in- sion goggles, involves some level tion, and these unsung heroes are
gel, 79th RQS pilot. “From Oct. cluding air refueling. The ability to of risk. By flying these demand- working hard every day to make
5-9, the 79th RQS refueled CH-53 air refuel increases the range of the ing sorties, we lower this risk sure they are ready to protect us.”
Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens
Two U.S. Air Force HH-60G Pave Hawks fly over Arizona, Oct. 7. The HH-60s are assigned to the 55th Rescue Squadron and are tasked to execute personnel recovery and other rescue missions.
Senior Airman Blake J. Gonzales Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens
Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens An Airman looks out of an HC-130J Combat King II over the Pacific Ocean, Oct. 1. Airmen from the A U.S. Air Force HH-60G Pave Hawk receives fuel from a HC-130J Combat King II over Arizona, Oct. 7. This helicopter air-to-air refuel mission was part of ongo-
An Airman looks out of an HC-130J Combat King II over Arizona, Oct. 7. 563rd Rescue Group constantly train to maintain and build on their state of high-end readiness. ing training across the 563rd Rescue Group to ensure combat ready rescue forces anywhere, anytime.