Page 8 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, November 2020
P. 8

8                                                          November 2020                                       Desert Lightning News                           Desert Lightning News                                         November 2020                                                                    9
   TraInIng              (from Page 1)                                                                                  backshOp           (from Page 1)            Air University’s Barnes Center begins beta-testing for ALS dLC
   will now immediately transition from                                                                                 355th Aircraft Maintenance Squad-
   class to working on the flightline. This                                                                             ron at Davis-Monthan; and the 66th
   means that the skills they learn here                                                                                Weapons Squadron at Nellis Air Force
   with us can immediately be put into                                                                                  Base, Nevada, totaling approximately                     by                                                                                                         students to continue to study, even
   practice, which helps them retain more                                                                               263 TF-34 engines.                                 Air University                                                                                                   when internet service is unavail-
   of those skills. And, units can avoid                                                                                 “We ended fiscal 2020 by producing                   Public Affairs                                                                                                able. Additionally, students can
   reteaching Airmen as they arrive at                                                                                  77 engines,” Hayes said. “Generally we                                                                                                                              take their assessments at home
   their first duty station.”                                                                                           will produce somewhere between four           MAXWeLL AiR FoRCe BASe,                                                                                               on their own devices, saving them
     Airmen are the most valuable asset                                                                                 and seven engines a month.”                 Ala. — The Thomas N. Barnes Cen-                                                                                        a trip to the education office.
   the Air Force has and training them                                                                                   Airmen in the backshop work hard           ter for Enlisted Education has begun                                                                                      “Our Citizen-Airmen have mul-
   to reach their maximum potential is                                                                                  to analyze what maintenance the en-         a beta-test of its completely updated                                                                                   tiple demands for their time and
   critical for mission success. This course                                                                            gines need when they are brought in         Airman Leadership School Distance                                                                                       cannot always leave their civilian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            job to attend professional military
   transition will impact close to 200 new                                                                              and how to fix the problems to ensure       Learning Course, ALS DLC 1.0. The                                                                                       education courses,” said Chief Mas-
                                                                                                                                                                    course is scheduled for release to
   Airmen a year by giving them a head                                                                                  turnaround time meets production            Air National Guard and Air Force                                                                                        ter Sgt. Sherry Marnell, Barnes
   start in being the best maintainers                                                          Staff Sgt. Sergio A. Gamboa  standards.                             Reserve Airmen in November.                                                                                             Center ANG advisor. “This Airman
   possible.                          A U.S. Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II moves down the flightline at Davis-Monthan Air Force   “We have certain goals that need to   The Noncommissioned Officer                                                                                         Leadership Course allows all Air-
     “Everyone is trying to be more ef-  Base, Sept. 24. The A-10 is a highly versatile and survivable airframe that executes a vari-  be met during each day of an engine   Distance Learning Course (NCO                                                                                  men to have the same education
   fective with fewer resources, so we   ety of mission sets including close air support and combat search and rescue.  build and it is my job to make sure         DLC 2.0), released in July, received                                                                                    as those attending in-residence.
   were able to make this change to al-                                                           Staff Sgt. Tommie     we meet or exceed those goals,” said        high praise from ANG and Reserve                                                                                        The feedback I’ve received from
   leviate the training burden on units                                                           Reed, 372nd Train-    Senior Airman Kai Enright, 355th            technical sergeants for being more                                                                                      the students thus far has been very
   who will now receive more competent                                                            ing Squadron A-10     CMS Propulsion Flight aerospace             relevant to the way NCOs work and                                                                                       positive.”
   maintainers,” Luke said.  “This will                                                           Thunderbolt II crew   propulsion journeyman. “By providing        learn. The positive feedback about                                                                                        ALS DLC is open to all Air
   ultimately help the Air Force alleviate                                                        chief instructor,     serviceable TF-34 engines, we enable        the curriculum, interactive media,                                                                                      National Guard and Air Force
   the maintainer shortage by reducing                                                            trains students       the A-10 to be mission capable at all       and course delivery was considered                                                                                      Reserve senior Airmen and staff
   the training load in units and allow                                                           on the flightline at   times. The A-10 is essential not only to   while creating the new ALS DLC to                                                                                       sergeants. Students may self-enroll
   more experienced crew chiefs to dedi-                                                          Davis-Monthan Air     Air Force combat missions today, but        create a meaningful and engaging                                                                                        at any time, and they will have four
   cate more time to maintaining the A-10                                                         Force Base, Oct.      also training missions that prepare us      course.                                                                                                                 months to complete the course.
   fleet and ensuring its readiness.”                                                             21. Reed is one of    for the future.”                              The ALS DLC curriculum focuses                                                  U.s. air Force graphic by senior airman alexa culbert   Like the NCO DLC 2.0, students
     This new program is enabling units                                                           the instructors that   As the highest-producing TF-34             on four outcome-based, multime-  The Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education at Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama,   are not restricted to a specific class
   to better use resources to ensure their                                                        helped the 372nd      shop in the Air Force, the Airmen of        dia modules: leadership, culture,   has begun a beta-test of its completely updated Airman Leadership School Distance Learning Course,   start date, so they can fit the course
   ability to function at maximum capac-                                                          TRS transition from   the 355th CMS A-10 engine backshop          problem-solving and mission. The   ALS DLC 1.0. It is scheduled for release to Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve Airmen in November.   into their schedules when it is most
   ity. In doing this, they become better at                                                      the Mission Ready     strive for nothing but the best. Provid-    modules contain 22 lessons, each                                                                                        convenient.
   producing the safest, most ready and                                                           Airman training       ing safe and quick maintenance allows       based on national strategic docu-  critical to their development as lead-  The course is designed to be   on YouTube and are accessible any   For more information on the ALS
   lethal aircraft required to deter and                                                          program to the        A-10 combat operations to continue to       ments, which prepare front-line   ers. Each lesson consists of reading   device agnostic, ensuring ease of   place, anytime, anywhere. The stu-  DL course, visit https://auportal.
   defeat any threat or adversary that                                                            Right Time Training   provide support for combatant com-          Guard and Reserve enlisted leaders   assignments, videos, audio clips and   operation and compatibility across   dent readings and audio files are (CAC re-
   may arise.                                                            senior airman Jacob T. stephens   program.     manders anywhere in the world.              with the most pertinent information,   knowledge checks.    various devices. Videos are housed   also downloadable, which allows   quired).

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