Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-5-15
P. 8

June 5, 2015                  NEWS                                                                               Thunderbolt

                                Washington D.C.                      South Korea

                                 A group of Sanders Corner El-        The 8th Fighter Wing hosted members
                                 ementary School Girl Scouts look-    IURPWKH6RXWK.RUHDQDLUIRUFH¶V
                                 LQJWRDFKLHYHWKHLU%URQ]H$ZDUG   123rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, 20th
                                 and the Girls Can Do Anything        Fighter Wing at Seosan Air Base, to
                                 Badge visited Airmen at the Penta-   participate in exercise Buddy Wing
                                 gon May 21.                          15-4 Monday through today.

Hawaii                                                               Southwest Asia

 The Defense Department awarded                                      To keep the mission moving, a handful of
 contracts to four colleges and univer-                              GHGLFDWHG$LUPHQZKRVSHFLDOL]HLQPDLQ-
 sities to provide in-resident college                               taining material handling equipment from
 and graduate programs at overseas                                   the Expeditionary Logistics Readiness
 military installations across U.S. Pa-                              Squadron are ready to do it all — repairs,
 FL¿F&RPPDQGWRLQFOXGHPDLQODQG                                   adjustments and overhauls — on some of
 Japan, Okinawa, South Korea and                                     WKHODUJHVWHTXLSPHQWLQWKH$LU)RUFH¶V
 Guam.                                                               arsenal.
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