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Thunderbolt                                                                             NEWS                                                                                                                                           June 5, 2015  9                                                                                                                                                                               

 PEOPLE                                                :HOVK ,,, ´6HFUHWDU\ RI WKH $LU )RUFH               )RUFH&KLHIRI6WDII*HQ0DUN:HOVK,,,                                  Participation in the program varies from
                                                       'HERUDK /HH -DPHV DQG , H[SHFW DQ DZ-                                                                                         EDVHWREDVH
   FIRST                                               ful lot out of our four-star generals in the         
                                                       $LU )RUFH :H H[SHFW WKDW WKH\ EH DEOH WR             Article/589441/air-force-releases-strategic-mas-               
   Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is        defend the nation, protect the institution                                                                                              Article/590154/programs-provide-opportunities-
compiled from information from the Air Force           and lead, inspire and nurture the Airmen                                                                     ter-plan.aspx
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Support          DQGIDPLOLHVZKRJLYHRXULQVWLWXWLRQOLIHµ                                                                                                                          for-internships-jobs.aspx
Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness Flight,                                                                       Programs provide job
9HWHUDQV$IIDLUVWKHFLYLOLDQSHUVRQQHORIÀFHDQG           internship prospects                                                     EOD senior NCOs
armed forces news services. For the complete story,     Article/590267/womens-af-history-expands-with-                                                                                       added to CSRB list
go to the web address listed at the end of the story.                                                                  5HFHQW FROOHJH JUDGXDWHV LQWHUHVWHG LQ
                                                                                                new-four-star.aspx  federal employment can take advantage                                       Explosive ordnance disposal master
:RPHQ¶V$LU)RUFHKLVWRU\                                                                                           RI FXUUHQW RSHQ UHFUXLWLQJ IRU WKH 5HFHQW                         and senior master sergeants may now be
                                                       Air Force releases                                           *UDGXDWHV3URJUDPDVZHOODVWKUHHRWKHU                                HOLJLEOHIRUDFULWLFDOVNLOOVUHWHQWLRQERQXV
expands with new four-star                             Strategic Master Plan                                        SURJUDPVRIIHUHGE\WKH2IÀFHRI3HUVRQQHO
                                                                                                                    Management to make becoming a federal                                       In an effort to meet mission requirements
   In Air Force history a legacy has been                 7KH$LU)RUFHRIÀFLDOO\UHOHDVHGWKH6WUDWH-              HPSOR\HHHDVLHU                                                         and retain senior-level experienced Airmen
ZULWWHQE\ZRPHQIRUZRPHQ7KHZDOOVRI            gic Master Plan in late May, which is the latest                                                                                      LQFULWLFDOO\XQGHUPDQQHGVSHFLDOWLHV(2'
the Women in Military Service for America              in a series of strategic documents designed to                  7KH5HFHQW*UDGXDWHV3URJUDPWKH$LU                                KDVEHHQDGGHGWRWKH&65%OLVWHIIHFWLYH
0HPRULDODUHÀOOHGZLWKVWRULHVRIKLVWRULF           guide the organizing, training and equipping                 Force Summer Internship Program, the                                     LQ0D\
DQG LFRQLF ZRPHQ IURP DOO 86 PLOLWDU\         RIWKHIRUFHRYHUWKHFRPLQJGHFDGHV                        Internship Program and the reinvigorated
VHUYLFHVWKDWKDYHVHUYHGWKHQDWLRQ                                                                               Presidential Management Fellows Program                                     (2'PDVWHUDQGVHQLRUPDVWHUVHUJHDQWV
                                                          The SMP builds on the strategic impera-                   are developmental programs collectively                                  ZKRKDYHDWOHDVW\HDUVRIVHUYLFHEXW
   +LVWRU\ KDV RQFH DJDLQ EHHQ ZULWWHQ          tives and vectors described in the capstone                  NQRZQDVWKH3DWKZD\V3URJUDP                                           QR PRUH WKDQ  \HDUV RI VHUYLFH ZLOO EH
7KRVH KDOOV QRZ KROG D QHZ VWRU\ DV /W       document, America’s Air Force: A Call to                                                                                              RIIHUHG WKH ERQXV 0DVWHU VHUJHDQWV ZLOO
*HQ (OOHQ 3DZOLNRZVNL WKH DVVLVWDQW             WKH)XWXUHUHOHDVHGODVWVXPPHU)URPWKLV                    5HFHQW *UDGXDWHV 3URJUDP 7KLV SUR-                               automatically get a high year tenure waiver
secretary of the Air Force for acquisition,            JXLGDQFHWKH603DUWLFXODWHVVWUDWHJLF                  gram offers careers positions in the civil                               upon reenlisting under the retention pro-
military deputy, was promoted to the rank              goals for the institution, with supporting                   service for individuals who graduated in the                             JUDP0DVWHUVHUJHDQWVZKRDFFHSW&65%
RI JHQHUDO HIIHFWLYH 0RQGD\ 6KH LV QRZ        REMHFWLYHVDQGWDVNVODLGRXWIRUHDFKJRDO                 last two years from a qualifying educational                             DW  \HDUV RU PRUH ZLOO KDYH WKHLU +<7
the third female four-star general in Air                                                                           institution with an associate’s, bachelor’s                              DGMXVWHGWR\HDUVWKHPD[LPXPDOORZHG
Force history, following in the footsteps                 Primarily written for Air Force planners,                 or master’s degree; professional, doctorate,                             XQGHUWKH&65%SURJUDP
RIUHPDUNDEOHZRPHQZKRSDYHGWKHZD\                 this document bridges the gap between                        YRFDWLRQDORUWHFKQLFDOGHJUHHRUFHUWLÀFDWH
                                                       broader ideas and activities required to                     Program selectees receive developmental                                     'HSHQGLQJ RQ WKH LQGLYLGXDO VLWXDWLRQ
   ´7KLV LV D JUHDW GD\ IRU (OOHQ DQG KHU   UHDOL]H WKH VWUDWHJLF YLVLRQ 7KH $LU )RUFH           experiences in the federal government,                                   bonuses could be between $30,000 and
IDPLO\ DQG IURP P\ SHUVSHFWLYH LW LV D       chief of staff lauded the document as the                    guided career planning, professional devel-                              $75,000 total, payable in a lump sum or
great day for the United States Air Force,”            ÀUVW RI LWV NLQG LQ LWV FRPSUHKHQVLYHQHVV             opment and competitive opportunities for                                 SHULRGLFLQVWDOOPHQWV(OLJLEOH$LUPHQZKR
VDLG $LU )RUFH &KLHI RI 6WDII *HQ 0DUN         DQGUHOHYDQFH                                               FDUHHUDGYDQFHPHQW                                                      reenlist on or after the May 13 effective
                                                          “One of the most important things the                        To be eligible, applicants must apply
                                                       Strategic Master Plan accomplishes is                        within two years of completing a degree                                     Additional information, including eligi-
                                                       tightening the alignment of our plan-                        RUHDUQLQJDFHUWLÀFDWHZLWKWKHH[FHSWLRQ                             ELOLW\FULWHULDLVDYDLODEOHRQWKHP\3HUV
                                                       ning activities across the Air Force                         of veterans who have up to six years after
                                                       toward a common set of goals,” said Air                      GHJUHHRUFHUWLÀFDWHFRPSOHWLRQWRDSSO\                       

SOUND                                                                “Washington.                                   “Disney World                                                            “Hawaii. I’ve     “Maldives. It’s
 OFF!                                                                The weather                                    with the kids.                                                           heard nothing     isolated with no
                                                                     is nice, and                                   We like to take                                                          but great things  one around and
                                                                     it’s close to the                              them places.”                                                            about it.”        good to relax.”

What is your dream                Airman 1st Class                                      6WDII6JW                                  Civilian                                                                  Airman 1st Class
vacation location?                                                                                                                   RAYMOND WELLS                                                             BRANDON DUBBS
                                  KARL HINGST                                           REBECCA HARO                                                                                                           56th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
         Why?                     56th Component Maintenance Squadron 348th Transportation Company

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and 1 pound of Freon (if needed)  ŽLŽ6ČIą        

1 out of 5 units will need Freon

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