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Vol. 81, No. 5 March Air Reserve Base, California Friday, February 5, 2016
NEWS BRIEFS Team March 101: The Air and Marine
Operations Center or “AMOC”
If you would like to sign
up as a volunteer to assist
in booths at the Air Show,
please email your request
to marbairfest.volunteer@ You must have
a DOD-issued ID card with
base access to volunteer. The
amount of volunteers needed
is not known at this time. Vol-
unteers will be notified once
the concessionaire contract
has been awarded.
March Private Orgs: If
you would like to sign up for
a booth to sell specific unit
items, email your request to
Vendors: All vendor re-
quests must be emailed to
EDUCATION BOARD by Tina Parker nates operations with the North American government partner across the country.
Air Reserve Personnel AMOC public information officer Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), The AMOC hosts up to 2,500 personnel
Center officials will release and the governments of Mexico, Canada,
the Invitation to Apply and Located right here at March Field is and the Bahamas. annually from throughout the Department
open the application cycle for The Air and Marine Operations Center or of Homeland Security, other federal agen-
the annual Enlisted Devel- AMOC, a facility within U.S. Customs and Following the September 11, 2001, ter- cies and international partners with com-
opmental Education Board Border Protection (CBP), Air and Marine rorist attacks, the national demand for the plementary and interdependent missions.
Friday, Feb. 5. The EDEB Operations (AMO). It is an international, AMOC’s unique abilities increased. In re- The AMOC has two auxiliary facilities; the
will convene May 16 at HQ multi-domain federal law enforcement sponse, the AMOC expanded by advancing Caribbean Air and Marine Operations Cen-
ARPC. All applications are center. Established in 1988 at March Air its capabilities and increasing its partner- ter, which focuses on suspect aircraft and
due to ARPC no later than Reserve Base, the facility is a state-of-the- ships. The AMOC applies sophisticated vessels in the Caribbean area of respon-
April 15, 4:30 p.m. MT. Call art law enforcement operations and domain technology to detect, identify, track, and sibility; and the Capital Regional Unit,
the Total Force Service Cen- awareness center that focuses on suspicious direct the interdiction of suspect aviation which supports air security and defense
ter at DSN 665-0102 or 210- general aviation and non-commercial mar- and maritime threats. The center integrates operations in the National Capital Region
565-0102 for questions or itime activities in the Western Hemisphere. data from more than 430 domestic and in- of Washington, D.C.
further information. ternational radars and sensors coupled with
The AMOC monitors air and marine extensive law enforcement and intelligence “General Muncy and the 452nd AMW
MARCH FIELD movements within and around the United databases and communications networks are terrific partners,” said AMOC Execu-
AIRFEST ON States. They conduct air and marine sur- to coordinate a law enforcement response tive Director, Tony Crowder. “AMOC en-
SOCIAL MEDIA veillance operations, providing direct co- to suspect aviation and maritime activities joys unparalleled support from ‘Team
Follow us on Facebook, ordination to AMO; CBP law enforcement throughout the United States. Its command March.’ Congress has chosen to expand
Twitter and Instagram for officers performing interdiction missions; and control system provides a single dis- AMOC, in part, due to the amenities pres-
AirFest updates. On Face- and other federal, state, and local law en- play that is capable of tracking more than ent on March Air Reserve Base,” Crowder
book, find us at March forcement agencies conducting criminal 85,000 individual targets and they provide said. “A larger facility, and more person-
Field AirFest: Thunder Over investigations. The AMOC also coordi- feeds from their system to more than 140 nel in the near future, are part of the payoff
from the ‘One Team’ approach.”
See BRIEFS page 3