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How VA Health Care outdoes private sector6 February 5, 2016
by Suzanne Gordon
Because the nation’s media has been -HUU\/3HWWLV0HPRULDO9$0HGLFDO&HQWHU/RPD/LQGD&DOLIRUQLD
focused almost exclusively on the prob-
lems of America’s largest, and only be successful in life,” said Maguen. amends, while shame has been linked In the debate about VHA privatiza-
publicly funded, fully integrated health- Members of the military were experi- with reckless risk-taking, social with- tion, which is now taking place in Con-
care system – the Veterans Health Ad- drawal, and even decreased empathy gress and through a Congressionally
ministration — we barely hear anything encing what is now called moral injury, for others. mandated Commission on Care which
about the successes of VHA healthcare. which happens when people violate mor- is considering the future of the system,
Pioneering treatments for Post-Trau- al rules or beliefs. “In war,” Maguen elab- Maguen and her team developed a there has been a great deal of discussion
matic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (from orates, “people have to make quick deci- special treatment, that can supplement of shifting more mental health services to
which anywhere from 18-30% of veter- sions.” When those wars occur in urban others, to deal with killing and moral the private sector. One must ask whether
ans suffer) is one of the most significant environments like Iraq, this may mean injury. In a randomized control trial the kind of research Maguen and others
of those successes. Recent studies have killing a child or civilian who someone jointly funded by the University of Cali- are doing would be possible if veterans
documented that the VHA’s mobile thinks may be carrying a gun or who gets fornia at San Francisco (UCSF) and the were seen by private sector profession-
phone app PTSD coach is highly valued caught in cross fire or explosions. VHA, one group of veterans, some of als who only had a scattering of former
by veterans and that the VHA performs whom were already in PTSD treatment, service members in their practices and
better on the delivery of medication Maguen and her colleagues began to began by filling out the Killing Cogni- little experience with the nuances of
treatment for mental health needs than measure the impact of killing in three tion Scale so therapists could gain a military related PTSD? Or is this kind
the private sector. different eras – Vietnam, the Gulf War, nuanced understanding of their symp- of work dependent on the VHA’s large,
and Iraq – and consistently found that toms. This was followed by individual national community of clinicians and
Many innovations in health care are killing was associated with PTSD and therapy sessions, after which a process researchers who deliver healthcare to a
being pioneered at the San Francisco significant emotional problems that of amends is implemented where pa- very particular population of patients?
VA Medical Center (SFVAMC) at Fort often made it hard for people to func- tient and therapist create a forgiveness When I asked Maguen these questions,
Miley, where I have spent over a year tion in civilian life. At the SFVAMC and an amends plan for the future, thus she told me that, “This work would not
observing caregivers and their patients the research team held seven focus assuring that the therapeutic experience be possible in the private sector because
for my forthcoming book on the VHA. groups with 26 veterans. They used the is not only present but sustainable over the majority of psychologists, psychia-
One of the research projects I will be information and insights they gained the long term. trists, social workers, psychiatric NPs,
writing about explores the impact of to construct a specific measure, called whomever, would probably not special-
killing on veterans who have been in the Killing Cognition Scale (KCS). The After this trial, Maguen and her ize in a veteran population. Even those
combat and how it influences their re- KCS captures the various ways that vet- colleagues found that those who par- who treat PTSD might have some veter-
sponse to PTSD treatment. The project erans may think about or perceive their ticipated in the treatment had reduced ans scattered among his or her patients.
‘s lead investigator is clinical psycholo- past actions. In particular, the KCS mental health and PTSD symptoms. This would not provide the kind of vol-
gist Shira Maguen — Mental Health tracks the guilt or shame they may ex- Depression, and anxiety symptoms ume that leads to the kind of question-
Director of the OEF/OIF Integrated perience, as well as their ability to for- were reduced. Veterans were also able ing that goes on in an institution where
Care Clinic and Staff Psychologist on give themselves, or ask for forgiveness to be more intimate with a partner, ru- everyone treated is a veteran and has
the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Clini- from others. minated less on bad experiences, and shared a certain set or at least subset of
cal Team (PCT). engaged in more community events. As experiences.”
“The KCS helps us get a sense of they forgave themselves, they were able
Maguen began her research when where are veterans most stuck. Is their to be more compassionate and accept- Hopefully, Congress will heed this
she worked as an intern and then a post- problem guilt? Is it shame, or a sense of ing of others. kind of logic as it considers the fate of
doctoral fellow at the VHA’s National having been contaminated by their ex- the VHA
Center for PTSD at the Boston VA perience? If we understand the distinc- The researchers are publishing a pa-
Medical Center. She was impressed by tions we can better craft treatments.” per on this innovative therapy and hope Find the complete story at
the fact that a number of her patients Guilt, Maguen explains, may lead to roll it out at multiple VHA facilities
who had undergone treatment weren’t people to reach out to others to make across the country.
doing as well as she had hoped. The
usual focus of PTSD therapy was on the
deprivation or threats the patient had
experienced, on what had been done to
him. Was this approach missing some-
thing, Maguen wanted to know?
Maguen and a team of other men-
tal health clinicians held focus groups
with veterans from many different eras.
“Many of the people we talked with
were suffering tremendously not just
because of what was done to them but
because of what they did in war.”
Veterans who had been in therapy for
years, told researchers they had never
talked about these things and felt terrible
guilt, shame and contamination because
of these experiences. “They felt they
didn’t deserve a family or to have children
or to have successful relationships or even