Page 4 - March ARB Beacon 2-5-16
P. 4
As military integrates combat jobs, a new push4 February 5, 2016
to position women as leaders

by Leo Shane III                                           don’t feel like they have a community where they be-                                                                86$UP\SKRWR
Military Times                                             long,” she said. “They don’t really know where to turn.
   Women in the U.S. military will step into a host of        “We’re hoping that because we’re by women,              ZLWK6SF+HLGL*HUNHDW)RUZDUG2SHUDWLQJ%DVH
new combat and command roles in coming months.             for women, they’ll be more willing to look at what         +DGULDQLQ8UX]JDQSURYLQFH$IJKDQLVWDQLQ
Outside advocates want them to be leaders in the vet-      we’re providing.”                                          7KH6HUYLFH:RPHQ¶V$FWLRQ1HWZRUNLVKROGLQJD
eran’s community, too.                                                                                                IRUXPWRGLVFXVVWKHSUREOHPDWLFLVVXHVRIGLVFULPL
                                                              Multiple veterans groups have made women’s is-          QDWLRQELDVDQGXQIDLUH[SHFWDWLRQVEXWDOVRWKH
   Next week, officials from the Service Women’s            sues a major focus in recent years, pushing for expand-    RSSRUWXQLWLHVDQGUHVRXUFHVDYDLODEOHWRZRPHQLQ
Action Network will host a Washington, D.C., fo-           ed medical services within the Department of Veterans      WKHVHUYLFHV
rum on integration of combat jobs and connected            Affairs and targeted resources to ease their reintegra-
cultural changes.                                          tion to civilian society.                                     “We see this as the decade of service women,” Pat-

   The event is expected to bring together several doz-       Patterson praised that work, but said it hasn’t neces-  terson said. “So many of them still don’t self-identify
en thought leaders and would-be leaders to discuss the     sarily translated into more female leaders in the vet-
problematic issues of discrimination, bias and unfair      eran’s community.                                          as veterans, feel a lack of respect and support. So part
expectations, but also the opportunities and resources
available to women in the services.                           And Defense Secretary Ash Carter’s decision last        of this is a public education and a public awareness
                                                           month to open all combat jobs to women by late spring
   It’s the latest event in SWAN’s Leadership Institute    has put more attention — and pressure — on those           campaign.”
program, an ongoing effort to “provide the knowl-          female veterans.
edge and tools (military women) need to reach their                                                                      More information about the program is available on
personal and professional goals and to increase their         The Leadership Institute has been holding week-
participation at the top levels of local and national or-  long sessions with women veterans on health care re-       SWAN’s website at
ganizations.”                                              sources, post-deployment reintegration and advocacy
                                                           training in an effort to find individuals to step into
   Judy Patterson, CEO of the group, said the program      those roles.
is designed to fill a void among military women, many
who still struggle to define their roles as veterans de-       In coming months, the program will mix in
spite their service in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.   one-day sessions on policy development, sexual
                                                           assault response, community engagement and
   “What we hear from our members is that they still       nonprofit management.
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