Page 1 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, November 19, 2021
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vol. 5, no. 24                   Serving Southern Nevada’s military community, including Nellis, Creech and NTTR             nov. 19, 2021

                             An Aerotech news And review publicAtion •

          Nellis facility wins Air Force 2021 Air Force design award

          by Mila Cisneros
          JB San Antonio-Lackland, Texas

            The Air Force Civil Engineer Center at
          Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas,
          recently announced the winners of the
          2021 Air Force Design Awards, recogniz-
          ing 10 standout building projects in design
          and efficiency and a facility at Nellis Air
          Force Base, Nev., won tops honors
            The Nellis Virtual Warfare Center de-
          sign was named as a 2021 Honor Award.
            “Delivering lethality and readiness
          requires modern and sustainable facilities
          and we continue to ensure Air and Space
          Force installations have the infrastructure
          they need to achieve their missions,” said
          Col. David Norton, deputy director of AF-
          CEC’s Facility Engineering Directorate.
          “This year’s winning projects demonstrate
          outstanding designs focused on the great-
          est value, innovation and construction
          excellence, setting the standard for design
          quality expected on our installations.”
            The design awards program, in its 46th
          year, honors the Air Force’s top projects.
          Since 1976, the program and the Air
          Force’s private-sector partners recognize
          those projects that achieve design excel-
          lence related to the natural and built
            The program gives three level of
          awards: The Honor Award, which is the
          top prize, followed by the Merit and Cita-
          tion Awards.
            The 2021 program gave two Honor                                                                                                        Air Force graphic
          Awards, one Merit Award and seven    Congratulations to Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., on its 2021 Air Force Design Awards Honor Award in the Facility Design category for the
          Citation Awards out of 18 entries to the   Nellis Virtual Warfare Center Design.
          following recipients:
          2021 Honor Awards                     Traffic Control Tower, McConnell Air   evaluated the entries based on aesthetic  infrastructure for air and space missions.
            • Facility Design: Nellis Virtual War-  Force Base, Kansas.              merits, a fusion of functionality, sus-  The directorate provides engineering
          fare Center Design, Nellis AFB.         • Facility Renovations and Ad-     tainability, and overall cost control, and  solutions to include design, planning
            • Facility Design: Dental Clinic Re-  ditions: F-35 Maintenance Hangar   energy efficiency.                   and execution for military construction
          placement, Joint Base Andrews, Md.    Renovation, Burlington Air National    “This year’s design awards saw a vari-  and facility, sustainment, restoration and
          2021 Merit Awards                     Guard Base, Vt.                      ety of project submissions from facility  modernization across the Department of
            • Facility Design: Air Force Reserve   • Facility Design: C-17 Hangar,   design to facility renovations and addi-  the Air Force enterprise.
          Command – Consolidated Mission        Pittsburgh International Airport Air   tions. The winning projects exemplify   “This is my first year leading this
          Complex Phase 1, Robins Air Force     Reserve Station, Penn.               the Air Force’s continued commitment  program and it has truly been an honor
          Base, Ga.                               • Facility Renovations and Addi-   to providing quality facilities that are  to manage a program that recognizes
          2021 Citation Awards                  tions: Cressman Dining Facility Room,   truly a benchmark of design excellence  and promotes sustainable, functional,
            • Facility Design: Tactical Response   Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas.  and built to last,” said Michael Jackson,  creative and resource-efficient design
          Force Alert Facility, Malmstrom Air     • Facility Design: New Squadron    Air Force architect and Air Force Design  solutions for quality Air Force facilities
          Force Base, Mont.                     Operations Facility, Alabama Air Na-  Awards program manager.             and installations,” Jackson said.
            • Facility Design: Distributed Com-  tional Guard, Montgomery, Ala.        This awards program is led by AFCEC’s   The awards presentation will take
          mon Ground Station Operations Center,   The four-person jury, made up of  Facility Engineering Directorate, the unit  place during the annual, virtual AFCEC
          Beale Air Force Base, Calif.          architects and engineers from AF-    responsible for the design and construc-  Design & Construction Partnering Sym-
            • Facility Design: McConnell Air    CEC’s Standards & Evaluations Branch,  tion of cost effective and sustainably built  posium, scheduled for Dec. 14-15, 2021.
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