Page 7 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, November 19, 2021
P. 7

6   November 19, 2021  Desert lightNiNg News s. NevaDa  Desert lightNiNg News s. NevaDa                                               November 19, 2021    7           

 Team 432 chaplain’s legacy lives on

 by Senior Airman Christian Clausen  FREEDoM ISN’T FREE;
 Creech AFB, Nev.
 Whether it’s working as a United States Air Force
 chaplain, a U.S. Army Apache helicopter pilot, an en-
 listed airborne infantryman, a husband or even a father,   the story of a POW veteran
 Matthew Mendenhall dedicated his career to loving and
 caring for others.  by Senior Airman Bailee A. Darbasie
 Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Christian Clausen  Maj. Matthew Mendenhall, 432nd Wing/432nd Air
 Chaplain Matthew’s hat sits alongside his military coins and  Expeditionary Wing chaplain, retired on October 1,   Nellis AFB, Nev.  the shrapnel, I had also been shot through the arm,”
 patches accumulated from 22 years in the U.S. Army as an  2021 after 28 years of serving his country, yet his legacy   said Ramos.
 infantryman, honor guardsman, and Apache helicopter  continues on with his son whom also serves in the U.S.   A black hat, the word “VETERAN” in an eye-  The next morning, Chinese forces swept the area,
 pilot prior to becoming a U.S. Air Force Chaplain. He now  Air Force.  catching, bold yellow font and several colorful rib-  collecting the wounded Soldiers and taking them as
 leverages his combat experience to further help combat   Before officially retiring, Matthew completed his   bons stitched to the front — it’s a typical sight on   prisoners of war.
 Airmen at Creech Air Force Base, Nev.   last duty as an officer in the Air Force re-enlisting his   Air Force photograph by Senior Airman William Rio Rosado  military installations.   “They tied us arm to arm in a single file column,”
 son, Staff Sgt. Ethan Mendenhall, 99th Healthcare   Staff Sgt. Ethan Mendenhall, 99th Healthcare Operations   The men and women who wear these hats wear   said Ramos. “They had us march all the way from the
 Operations Squadron aerospace medical technician.   Squadron aerospace medical technician, holds a folded   them with honor as they walk amongst the service   Kansas line to their labor camps.”
 Thus, extending the long blue line as we celebrate the   flag during his father’s retirement ceremony at Creech   members on base. Each hat is unique — not because   Injured and exhausted, the Soldiers had one mo-
 75th Anniversary of the U.S. Air Force.  Air Force Base, Nevada, Oct. 1, 2021. Maj. Matthew, 432nd   of the various ribbons, words or pins attached — but   tivation during the taxing journey to the camps —
 “My grandpa served on active duty, my dad served in   Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing chaplain, flew with   because of the veteran wearing the hat and the story   staying alive.
 the Marine Corps on active duty, I served and honestly,   this flag in back of his Apache helicopter when he was a   of their service.  “Anyone who fell out was thrown into a ditch and
 it’s just a big part of who our family is,” Matthew said.  pilot in the U.S. Army.   Like every veteran, retired U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class   killed,” said Ramos. “Throughout the trip, the march-
 Ahead of joining the Air Force, Matthew carried on   Eugene Ramos has a story.                               ing would stop, we’d hear a gunshot soon after and
 the family legacy by enlisting in the Army as an air-  to an end but the family tradition of serving carries on   He recalled it as “the coldest winter in 100 years.”  then the marching would continue.”
 borne infantryman and eventually became a warrant  through Ethan; a son turned Airman.  The commander-in-chief of the United Nations   Despite the course of events Ramos had endured,
 Courtesy photograph  officer, earning his wings as an Apache pilot. Matthew   “My family has always served in some aspect,” Ethan   Command, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, had planned   the worst was revealed when they finally arrived at
 Matthew, Northrup Grumman chief pilot, prepares to take  embodied the Air Force’s core values before he even  said. “I think it’s really important that we carry on that   for a rapid invasion of the Korean peninsula, with   the prisoner of war camp.
 off in his Russian Mi-17 helicopter in Afghanistan in 2011.  knew them.  tradition.”  an end goal of having U.S. troops back home by   Soldiers spent their days cold, hungry and in si-
 During this point in his career, Matthew also served in the   He showed his integrity first through his courage    The urge to volunteer for service, the drive to sacri-  Christmas.  lence.
 U.S. Army Reserves while taking seminary classes online  and commitment during multiple deployments and put  fice, and the motivation to exceed in all they do runs in   “It was so cold that the ground was frozen,” said   Every day, the prisoners lined up for chow where
 which would lead to his current assignment as a U.S. Air  his service before himself as he sacrificed many seasons  the veins of each member of their family whether they   Ramos. “We needed to make foxholes to keep from   they were served what Ramos described as “soupy
 Force chaplain at Creech Air Force Base, Nev.  away from his family to serve his country.  chose to serve or not. The Mendenhall’s are innovators   freezing to death during the night, so I took my shovel   rice.”
 As a young soldier he exceeded expectations at every  who have passed on family traditions and as a result,   and began digging into the hard ground.”  “They’d boil just a few cups of rice and add it to
 level and proved his excellence in all he did as he tran-  carried service heritage with them.  Cold and exhausted from chipping away at icy   a giant pot of water,” he recalled. “That’s all they’d
 sitioned from an enlisted member, to warrant officer,   Matthew believes leaving behind a legacy, means   dirt for several hours, Ramos settled for the shallow   provide for the hundreds of us imprisoned there.”
                                                                           Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Bryan Guthrie
 and commissioned to the ranks of an officer.  living life every day with the future in mind. One of   10-inch hole he managed to dig, and that became his   Eugene Ramos, former prisoner of war (POW) while   The new life of those captured also included wear-
 While Matthew’s military career progressed, a blue  the forefathers of the Air Force, Gen. Henry H. “Hap”   bed to stay warm in.  ing lice-infested clothing and sleeping on floors with
 light inside of young Ethan began to flicker. This light  Arnold said “We must think in terms of tomorrow.”   Ramos was assigned to the 3rd Infantry Division as   assigned to 3rd Infantry Division in the Korean War, attends   no bedding. Their living quarters were overly crowded,
                                                            the POW/MIA ceremony in Freedom Park at Nellis Air Force
 would soon turn into a flame that burns like the fire  These are the reasons Airmen are able to innovate, ac-  a machine gunner. Their mission was to establish and   Base, Nev., Sept. 20, 2019. In 1951, Ramos was attacked and   forcing Soldiers to sleep curled up on their sides just
 inside of his father to serve.  celerate, and continue to thrive after 75 years.  maintain the lines used to evacuate service members   captured by the Chinese and was finally freed in 1953.  so there was enough space for everyone to lay down
 Ethan traveled around the world as a dependent, fol-  Caring for others has always been a big part of Mat-  to the coast of the peninsula. From there, combat-  at night.
 lowing his dad’s career wherever it took them. His great  thew’s life. He has lived every day with a purpose, on   worn Soldiers and Marines would board ships and   Through their shared suffering and uncertainty
 grandfather, grandfather and his dad served and Ethan  purpose. The retired chaplain served 28 years and hopes   return home to the states.  machine gun, rapidly unleashing nearly 250 rounds  of the future, the prisoners had grown to know and
 knew when he was old enough that he would serve too.  the legacy he is part of is great enough to be carried on   Ramos and his infantry division spent four long  into the darkness, towards what he rightfully identi-  understand each other — forging unbreakable bonds.
 “I wanted to follow in my dad’s footsteps,” Ethan  for generations. The USAF is the world’s greatest Air   months marching across South Korea, from Busan  fied as a threat.  “But we couldn’t talk,” expressed Ramos. “If they
 said. “He’s leaving behind a really awesome legacy and  Force because of the Airmen who have gone before   to Seoul, to a point known as the Kansas line. They   “I emptied one box of ammo and I said ‘alright  saw a guy talking too much or to too many people,
 it’s my job to continue that.”  – whether it be Ethan, his father, or any Airman who   were ordered to hunker down and prepare to hold  another box,’” said Ramos. “That went on for a while  they’d think he was planning to escape and just kill
 Matthew’s time serving this country may have come  has served.  the line, no matter the cost.   because once I opened fire, everyone else opened up  him.”
 Courtesy photograph  For more about Matthew’s
 Matthew, Northrup Grumman chief pilot, stands in front   background and story, visit   “At that point, I had been there a day shy of six  too. I went through almost 3,000 rounds that night.”  Battling the hostility of their captors every day,
 of his Russian Mil Mi-17 helicopter in Afghanistan in 2011.  months,” stated Ramos.   After Ramos and his team depleted their ammuni-  Ramos and the rest of the camp were also forced to
 During this point in his career, Matthew also served in the   nellisafb/2018/09/07/from-helos-  After six months of continuous service while de-  tion supply, he began to throw hand grenades as the  watch communist propaganda. Prisoners were placed
 U.S. Army Reserves while taking seminary classes online   to-chapels-the-journey-to-help-  ployed, the Army was allowing selected Soldiers to  enemy approached the line. Despite his unwavering  outside in the cold and told to sit down on planks of
 which would lead to his current assignment as a U.S. Air   ing-others-2/  take rest and recovery leave for two weeks in Japan  dedication to defending the line and his fellow Sol-  hard wood and watch videos on converting to com-
 Force Chaplain at Creech Air Force Base, Nev.  before returning to combat in Korea. Ramos was one  diers, he knew it was only a matter of minutes before  munism for hours.
          of the names selected.                            the Chinese troops zeroed in on his exact location and   “They were trying to brainwash us. They hoped I
            “All I needed to do was set up my machine gun  overran the area.
 LEFT: Chaplain Matthew, 432nd                                                                                would turn on my country, but I never did.”
 Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary   and stand by until the morning,” said Ramos. “Then   “I had the idea of handing them a grenade when   Ramos spent over two years as a prisoner of war.
 Wing chaplain, speaks with   I would go on my R&R.”        they finally got to me,” said Ramos. “So, I prepared the   Finally liberated in August of 1953, he weighed only
 Senior Airman Devin, 432nd   Unfortunately, Ramos never made it to his rest  grenade and told my assistant gunner to stay down.”  97 pounds and had limited mobility in his arm from
 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron   and recovery time. That night, the Chinese forces   Four Chinese troops approached; Ramos pulled the  the night he was wounded before capture.
 avionics specialist, in the work   advanced upon the line his division was holding.  pin and counted to three in his head.   He attributes his survival of those harsh years to
 center Aug. 10, 2018, at Creech Air   “We could hear commotion going on, but it was   “One, two, three,” he recounted.  his fellow POWs.
 Force Base, Nev. Matthew spent   far away,” said Ramos. “We didn’t expect anyone to   He handed off the grenade and immediately jumped   “You have to stick true to who you are and rely on
 22 years in the U.S. Army as an   come our way.”           in the opposite direction, strategically landing in a  the good people around you to get you through a time
 infantryman, honor guardsman,   Just as he had convinced himself it was nothing to  foxhole.                 like that,” said Ramos.
 Air Force photograph by Senior Airman William Rio Rosado  and Apache helicopter pilot prior   worry about, Ramos began to hear an unusual noise   But the blast of the explosion sent countless shards   Despite the freezing nights, brush with death and
 A U.S. Air Force retiree pin rests on a decoration before a   to becoming a U.S. Air Force   just several feet ahead of him — the cutting of barbed  of shrapnel into Ramos’ body, wounding him and  years as a prisoner of war, Ramos was dedicated to
 retirement ceremony at Creech Air Force Base, Nev., Oct.   Chaplain. He now leverages his   wire, the Kansas line’s first form of defense.  making it impossible to escape. As he laid in the fox-  continuing to serve the United States of America.
 1, 2021. Maj. Matthew Mendenhall, 432nd Wing/432nd Air   combat experience to further   “I looked down past our barrier, and I saw a big mass  hole the remainder of the night, he felt an excessive  After being repatriated, Ramos stayed in the Army
 Expeditionary Wing chaplain, retired from the uniformed   help combat Airmen.   in front of the barbed wire fencing,” recalled Ramos.  amount of blood running down his arm.  and retired after 22 years with an honorable discharge.
 services after 28 years.   Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Christian Clausen  Without hesitation, Ramos opened fire with his   “I didn’t know that along with being wounded by   “Freedom isn’t free,” stated Ramos. “It’s earned.”
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