Page 9 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, November 19, 2021
P. 9

8   November 19, 2021  News  Desert lightNiNg News s. NevaDa  Desert lightNiNg News s. NevaDa                                         November 19, 2021    9           

                                                                                         Dentistry For Children
 A new kind of myPay account for military gray-area retirees                    Specializing in dentistry for children of all ages, including those with special needs.

                                                                            Board Certified Pediatric Dentists                            Special ServiceS
 by Aerotech staff and wire reports  where they can start receiv-  member is generally not  their email and mailing   To find out more, Gray   Dr. Jon P. Galea  • Nitrous Oxide
 ing retired pay. The time  eligible to start receiving  addresses to stay informed  Area Retirees are encour-                                • Sedation
 The Defense Finance   between retirement from  retired pay until they reach  about news related to their  aged to visit https://www.  Dr. Elizabeth J. McGee  • Hospital Dentistry
 and Accounting Service   service and the date when  age 60; however, some peri-  upcoming retired pay. Ad-
 has launched a new kind of   they are eligible to begin  ods of active duty or active  ditionally, when they apply   DFAS offers myPay as a   702-853-7322
 myPay account specifically   receiving retired pay is  service can reduce the age  for retired pay and have a  pay management portal. It   Most insurances accepted.
 for Air National Guard and   known as the “gray area.”  requirement below 60 years  current email address in  is used by approximately 5  •  6365 Simmons St., Suite 100  •  North Las Vegas  •  Located at the SW corner of Aliante and Centennial Parkway
 Air  Force  Reserve  “gray-  The “gray area” moniker  of age.  their account, DFAS will  million military members,
 area retirees” awaiting age   applies even if the member   In the new basic myPay  email them notifications  federal civilian employees,
 60 to receive retired pay.  is in the Retired Reserve.  account, gray-area retir-  about the status of their  and military retirees and   CURE  PREVENT  TREAT
 The new type of account   A  Guard  or  Reserve  ees can confirm or update  application.  annuitants.
 was created to help these
 individuals stay connected            Creative Real
 and informed between the           Estate Associates
 time they stop drilling and       RENTAL HOMES IN
 the time they start receiving      • North Las Vegas
 military retired pay.              • Las Vegas
 Gray-area retirees are
 ser v ice members who              • Henderson
 served in the Guard or Re-  A CFC participant.  Rents from $750
 serve, qualified for retired   Provided as a public service.  Contact us
 pay, have retired from their         702-450-5778
 service (stopped drilling),
 but are not yet at the age
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