Page 4 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, November 19, 2021
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4 November 19, 2021 News Desert lightNiNg News s. NevaDa Desert lightNiNg News s. NevaDa News November 19, 2021 5
Lt. Dan BanD Members of the Lt. Dan Band
perform for Airmen at Nellis Air
Two Creech airmen selected for STEP promotion to technical sergeant Force Base, Nev., Nov. 5, 2021. This
event was the first time Gary Sinise
and the Lt. Dan Band held a live
by Aerotech staff and wire reports performs at nellis aFB performance since the start of the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Two staff
sergeants at
Creech Air by Michael Hasenauer for the troops and their families here.
Force Base, “This concert is a message from
Nev., were Nellis AFB, Nev. the American people who support
r e c en t ly Gary Sinise and The Lt. Dan Band the Gary Sinise Foundation that we
promoted performed a free concert Nov. 5, 2021, love and appreciate our troops and are
to techni- at Pavilion Park at Nellis Air Force grateful for their service to their coun-
cal sergeant Base, Nev., to show their support for try. I’m happy to be back,” he said.
under the the military. The Foundation also sponsored
Stripes for Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the attendance of approximately 200
Exceptional this event was the band’s first show Wounded Warriors from the sur-
Performers (STEP) program. in nearly two years. rounding area.
Congratulations to Tech. Sgt. Teresa The free concert was sponsored by “It was our honor to host Mr. Sinise
(432nd SPTS), and Tech. Sgt. Harry (432nd the Gary Sinise Foundation and was and the Lt. Dan Band here at Nellis,”
WSA) on their promotion. open to all Nellis and Creech Airmen, said Col. Todd Dyer, 99th Air Base
The STEP program allows major com- civilians and family members with Wing commander. “This was an op-
mand, field operating agency and direct base access. portunity to support resiliency and
reporting unit commanders, as well as senior “It’s great to get the band back to- highlight solidarity between our cur-
Air Force officers with large enlisted popula- gether and to kick it off at Nellis Air rent active force and the veterans who
tions, to select a limited number of airmen Force Base,” said Gary Sinise, award- came before us.”
with exceptional potential for promotion to winning actor and founder of the The last time Sinise and the band Air Force photographs by Senior Airman Bailee Darbasie
the grades of staff sergeant through master Gary Sinise Foundation. “The band performed in Las Vegas was Nov. The Lt. Dan Band perform for Airmen at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Nov. 5, 2021. This event was
sergeant. Courtesy photo was created in 2003 to uplift our na- 9, 2019, for a “Salute to the Troops” the first time Gary Sinise and the Lt. Dan Band held a live performance since the start of the
tion’s servicemen and women, and we wounded veterens’ appreciation COVID-19 pandemic. Base officials executed extra social distancing measures to ensure Airmen
couldn’t be more excited to perform concert. were safe and adhering to Department of Defense guidelines during the show.
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