Page 16 - March ARB Beacon 9-11-15
P. 16
16 September 11, 2015
by Linda Welz
452 AMW public affairs
Michael Quiboloy “Q”, formerly 163rd Recon- Book jacket designed by Michael Quiboloy, former 163rd Reconnaissance Wing Airman.
naissance Wing public affairs, left the California
Air National Guard last year to pursue his writ- Duquette, a former co-worker, started it. I used his of a series, having a trend or pattern between them,
ing and graphic design career. He is one of the existing template, and polished it to make it work.” so you recognize it,” he said. “Each book has a dif-
founding members of Think Kings Publishing and ferent feel or color, but is similar to the rest.”
a self-taught graphic designer, using the Internet Although he doesn’t read the books before de-
to learn. “Everything is out there if you just look signing the covers, Q said Covington tells him the With Covington’s pace picking up, Q said he
for it,” he said. book’s climax and just enough of the story to know doesn’t know if he will be able to keep up.
what the front and back covers should look like.
Also an aspiring author, Q was at a conference in “Graphic design is hard work, really taxing. I can
Coronado, California, with Capt. Perry Covington, “You want the covers to all look like they are part only do a book jacket about once every six months.”
452nd Air Mobility Wing (formerly 163 RW), and a
group of friends, talking about how difficult it is to
get an agent and publish their stories, when Q jok-
ingly said, “We should publish our own stuff!”
That’s how Think Kings was born and the rest is
history, he said.
Practicing graphic design in high school, Q said
he learned that there were computer programs that he
could use to make pictures of his friends look stupid.
When Covington, another founding member of
Think Kings, asked Q to complete one of seven book
covers for a series Covington was writing, Q agreed.
Covington had sketches, stick figures of his first
book cover, a vague concept, Q said. “I could have
never developed the cover from scratch,” Q said.
“I was standing on the shoulders of giants who
laid the foundation for that first book,” he said. “Paul
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