Page 13 - March ARB Beacon 9-11-15
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb September 11, 2015 13
From OPM page 12 Mentorship is vital to professional growth After Deborah Lee James
Install and maintain anti-virus software, firewalls, and email A letter to Airmen from Deborah Lee James,
Secretary of the Air Force
filters to reduce some of this traffic (for more information, see Airmen are the Air Force’s most important as-
Understanding Firewalls, set. Over my 30 years in defense and industry, I’ve
ST04-004; Understanding Anti-Virus Software, learned the importance of mentorship. Leaders at; and Reducing Spam, http://www. all levels should be actively involved in their Air- men’s development, and all Airmen should actively
seek direction and mentorship throughout their ca-
Take advantage of any anti-phishing features offered by your reers. We have developed an innovative Total Force
email client and web browser. platform to support your continued professional
Affected individuals can obtain additional information about MyVector is available to all Airmen as a place
the steps they can take to avoid identity theft from the following for mentors and mentees to come together and develop positive, professional relation-
agencies. The FTC also encourages those who discover that their ships; give helpful, honest guidance; and find sound advice. The new application allows
information has been misused to file a complaint with them. you to request a specific mentor via “Direct Connect.” If you don’t have a specific mentor
in mind, MyVector has a mentor-matching capability based on characteristics you choose
For California Residents: Visit the California Office of Pri- via “Find a Mentor.” The system has a real-time Mentoring Plan. Every officer, enlisted,
vacyProtection ( for additional informa- and civilian Airman has a career field pyramid available to start discussions. Users can
tion on protectionagainst identity theft. document achievements and share information with their mentor. You can find answers
to mentoring questions on the resource page. Individuals interested in sharing knowledge
For Kentucky Residents:Visit the Office of the Attorney Gen- can access public and private forums to discuss with their peers, leaders, and subordinates.
eral of Kentucky, 700 Capitol Avenue, Suite 118, Frankfort, Ken- Forums generate a wide variety of input and feedback on trending topics, important poli-
tucky 40601. ( Telephone: 1-502-696-5300. cies, and Air Force life. I built my mentor profile and look forward to personally mentor-
ing four Airmen—please come join me at
For Maryland Residents: Visit the Office of the Attorney Gen- If you have any questions or need further information, please contact the MyVector
eral of MarylandConsumer Protection Division, 200 St. Paul POCs in AF/A1D, Maj Holly Chadwick, or Capt T.C. Mc-
Place, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. ( Nitt,, Comm: (703) 695-3594 or DSN: 225-3594.
sumer) Telephone: 1-888-743-0023.
For North Carolina Residents: Visit the Office of the Attorney
General of North Carolina, 9001 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,
N.C. 27699-9001 ( Telephone: 1-919-716-6400.
For all other U.S. Residents: Visit the Identity Theft Clear-
inghouse, Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Av-
enue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20580 (
1-877-IDTHEFT (438-4338) or TDD: 1-202-326-2502.
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