Page 12 - March ARB Beacon 9-11-15
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and three-year credit monitoring contract

   Victims of Cybercrime to Receive         monitoring, identity theft insurance, and       You may place a fraud alert on your        tion. This includes following links sent
Three Years of Services                     identity restoration services for a pe-      credit file to let creditors know to con-      in email.
                                            riod of three years. This task order was     tact you before opening a new account
   WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Of-          awarded under GSA’s Blanket Purchase         in your name. Simply call TransUnion®            Do not send sensitive information
fice of Personnel Management (OPM)           Agreements (BPA) for Identity Monitor-       at 1-800-680-7289 to place this alert.        over the Internet before checking a web-
and the U.S. Department of Defense          ing, Data Breach Response and Protec-        TransUnion® will then notify the other        site’s security (for more information,
(DoD) today announced the award of a        tion Services which GSA awarded today.       two credit bureaus on your behalf.            see Protecting Your Privacy, http://www.
$133,263,550 contract to Identity Theft                                                                                      
Guard Solutions LLC, doing business as         The U.S. Government, through                 How to avoid being a victim:
ID Experts, for identity theft protection   the Department of Defense, will no-             Be suspicious of unsolicited phone            Pay attention to the URL of a website.
services for 21.5 million individuals       tify those impacted beginning later this     calls, visits, or email messages from indi-   Malicious websites may look identical
whose personal information was stolen       month and continue over the next sev-        viduals asking about employees or other       to a legitimate site, but the URL may
in one of the largest cybercrimes ever      eral weeks. Notifications will be sent        internal information. If an unknown in-       use a variation in spelling or a different
carried out against the United States       directly to impacted individuals.            dividual claims to be from a legitimate       domain (e.g., .com vs. .net).
Government. These services will be                                                       organization, try to verify his or her iden-
provided at no cost to the victims whose       For more information, or to sign up       tity directly with the company.                  If you are unsure whether an email
sensitive information, including Social     for email alerts, please visit https://         Do not provide personal information        request is legitimate, try to verify it by
Security numbers, were compromised                   or information about your organization,       contacting the company directly. Do
in the cyber incident involving back-                                                    including its structure or networks, un-      not use contact information provided
ground investigations.                         OPM has previously issued the fol-        less you are certain of a person’s author-    on a website connected to the request;
                                            lowing guidance to affected individuals:     ity to have the information.                  instead, check previous statements for
   “We remain fully committed to as-                                                        Do not reveal personal or financial in-     contact information. Information about
sisting the victims of these serious cy-       Monitor financial account statements       formation in email, and do not respond        known phishing attacks is also available
bercrimes and to taking every step pos-     and immediately report any suspicious or     to email solicitations for this informa-      online from groups such as the Anti-
sible to prevent the theft of sensitive     unusual activity to financial institutions.                                                 Phishing Working Group (http://www.
data in the future,” said Beth Cobert,
actingdirector of the Office of Person-         Request a free credit report at www.                                                                              See OPM page 13
nel Management. “Millions of individu- or by calling
als, through no fault of their own, had     1-877-322-8228. Consumers are en-
their personal information stolen and       titled by law to one free credit report per
we’re committed to standing by them,        year from each of the three major credit
supporting them, and protecting them        bureaus – Equifax®, Experian®, and
against further victimization. And as       TransUnion® – for a total of three re-
someone whose own information was           ports every year. Contact information
stolen, I completely understand the con-    for the credit bureaus can be found on
cern and frustration people are feeling.”   the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
   ID Experts will provide all impacted
individuals and their dependent minor          Review resources provided on the
children (under the age of 18 as of July    FTC identity theft website, www.ftc.
1, 2015) with credit monitoring, identity   gov/idtheft. The FTC maintains a vari-
                                            ety of consumer publications providing
                                            comprehensive information on comput-
                                            er intrusions and identity theft.

From APP page 11                            Force resources to access assistance no         The site also hosts more than 3,000        any sense of all 400 at once. Start-
designed to engage these 105,400 cit-       matter where Guard Airmen and fami-          independent pieces of content, includ-        ing this summer, everybody who uses
izen-airmen and their families, wher-       lies happen to be.                           ing short-format mobile videos pro-  will have the ability
ever they may be.”                                                                       duced for Airmen on a large number of         to rate, qualitatively, what they’ve got-
                                               Ready Airman’s mobile app, avail-         topics which are two to three minutes         ten out of each site. [Users] will be able
   The new Ready Airman portfolio           able for most smart phone platforms,         and designed for leaders to easily put        to go through and rate each one on a
puts users in touch with specific care       has additional features to summon help       into a briefing, commander’s call or           5-Star system. You can also add your
providers or resources in their area,       quickly, should an Airman or family          Wingman Day program. Units hosting            comments. For example, ‘I rated this a
who are familiar with issues airmen         member find him or herself in an emer-        a Wingman Day can also take advan-            three because of X, Y and Z,’ and you
and families face.                          gency situation.                             tage of the multiple pre-built agendas,       can go forward from there.”
                                                                                         or use the site to customize their own
   “Ready Airman gives Airmen and              “It’s called the Fearless Five,” said     program, Vaughan said.                           ANG Airmen and their families are
families the ability to locate their near-  Vaughan. “Fearless Five allows any                                                         often geographically separated from their
est care provider,” said Dave Schoen-       Airman or family member to program              Vaughan also highlighted the site’s        bases and have very few of those bases
berg, ANG Suicide Prevention Program        in the five people closest to them, who       use of crowdsourcing to help Airmen           with housing. Ready Airman’s content is
manager. “Whether it’s a chaplain, Di-      are interested in helping them in a cri-     and family members find the existing           derived directly from feedback from them.
rector of Psychological Health, Master      sis situation. In an emergency, one push     resources that best work for them.
Resilience Trainer, Airman and Family       of a button on that mobile app sends an                                                       “We now have the ability to reach
Readiness Program Manager, so on and        urgent message, similar to an Amber             “There’s an awful lot of websites out      them with messages from ANG leader-
so forth. Airmen and families can locate    Alert, to all of those five people at the     there and one of the biggest problems is      ship and the CAIB,” said Vaughan. “In
the person nearest to them, or in their     same time, and not only are they noti-       how can anyone sort through them all          those messages we talk about taking
geographical region, with a tap on their    fied that you’re in trouble, they then can    and know which ones to use,” he said.         care of each other, the wingman con-
mobile app.”                                push a button and using your GPS loca-       “We went out and found 400 websites           cept, Ask Care Escort (suicide preven-
                                            tion, get directions to navigate to where    that allege to help Airmen and Soldiers.      tion), and we can make those resources
   The site also contains information       you are and render aid.”                     Most of them do, but nobody can make          available when they need it.”
for Department of Defense and Air
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