Page 8 - March ARB Beacon 9-11-15
P. 8

8 September 11, 2015          

March Airmen line field at Padre’s game

   March Air Reserve Base Airmen
participate in the San Diego Pa-
dres’ Military Appreciation Game
at PETCO Park in San Diego, Sept.
6, 2015. The Padres recognized a
different branch of the service each
month, so September’s game fell to
the Air Force. The ceremonial game
included a swearing-in of newly-
enlisted Airmen by Maj. General
John C. Flournoy Jr., Headquarters
4th Air Force commander, followed
the by the lining of the bases by Team
March Airmen. Second Lt. Jeffrey
Collins, 452nd Medical Group, sang
the national anthem to kick off the
game. The hosts provided free tick-
ets to each Airmen to enjoy the event
with a family or friend.
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