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Vol. 80, No. 37                     March Air Reserve Base, California                                    Friday, September 18, 2015

    NEWS BRIEFS                     Happy 68th birthday U.S. Air Force!

  LOT SALE SEP 17-20
   The March Commissary’s
next case lot sale is scheduled
for September 17 - 20. Sale
hours will be Thursday, Friday
and Saturday, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
and Sunday, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. In
addition to the case lot sale out-
side, there will be extra savings
on items in the meat and pro-
duce departments inside! Save
the dates.


   Sam’s Club at 6378 Valley        (from           of the US Military Forces. The     in the first completely jet aerial                 U.S. Air Force graphic
Spring Pkwy, Riverside, will be                                        result was the creation of a sin-  combat during the Korean War.
hosting an open house in honor         The official date of the         gle Defense Department with        The F-86 Saberjet scored im-       F-117; strategic bomber capa-
of the U.S. military on Septem-     founding of the U.S. Air Force     a strong Joint Chiefs of Staff     pressive aerial victories against  bility was increased with the
ber 19, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. No         is Sept. 18, 1947. It was a mo-    with Army, Navy, and Air Force     the enemy MiG-15.                  deployment of the B-1.
membership is required. Join        mentous event that more than       chiefs. In 1947 President Tru-
them for some fun, games, free      six decades later has demon-       man signed the National Secu-         1954: The first B-52 Strato-        1990s: USAF played a ma-
gift bag, snacks and refresh-       strated the achievement of an      rity Act which established this    fortress came into the USAF in-    jor role in the swift defeat of
ments.                              Air Force second-to-none, yet      new defense organization, and      ventory and has served in every    the Iraqi military forces in the
                                    the Air Force’s history and heri-  along with it the creation of the  conflict since its appearance.      first Persian Gulf War. The Air
      INSTALLATION                  tage goes back a lot further.      U.S. Air Force as an indepen-                                         Force underwent a major reor-
 VOTING ASSISTANCE                                                     dent service, equal to the U.S.       1960s: The development and      ganization with the formation
                                       From the time that the U.S.     Army and U.S. Navy.                deployment of Intercontinental     of Air Force Reserve Com-
           OFFICER                  military purchased its first air-                                      Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) as a    mand, Air Combat Command,
   With the onslaught of po-        craft in 1909 up to 1947, the         Through the years history       major component of the aerial      Air Mobility Command, and
litical debates in the news, it’s   U.S. Air Force did not exist       has shown the wisdom and           defense capability of the Unit-    Air Force Materiel Command.
time to consider your right to      as a separate and independent      foresight of the creation of a     ed States.                         The USAF supported the war
vote. Are you registered? Do        military service organization. It  separate Air Force. The U.S. Air                                      in the Balkans, and the U.S. in-
you understand military and         went through a series of desig-    Force emerged quickly from its        1964-1973: War in Vietnam       tervention Operation UPHOLD
federal employee guidelines for     nations: Aeronautical Section,     cradle and began to create its        1970s: The development of       DEMOCRACY in Haiti.
participating in a political rally  Signal Corps (1909); Aviation      own history and heritage.          laser-guided bombs and TV-
or event? Are your social media     Section, Signal Corps (1914);                                         guided air-to-ground missiles.        2000: present: The Expe-
postings getting political? The     United States Army Air Service        1949: The flight of the          Air mobility took a major step     ditionary Air Force concept
March Air Reserve Base Instal-      (1918); United States Army Air     “Lucky Lady II” demonstrated       forward with the introduction      was a major transition in how
lation Voting Assistance Of-        Corps (1926), United States        the Air Force’s capability to      of the C-5 Galaxy in the Air       the Air Force employed forc-
ficer, Maj. Jessica Ditson, can      Army Air Forces (1941).            fly, non-stop around the world,     Force inventory. Other aircraft    es. The Global War on Terror-
help you find the information                                           showing it could take off from     systems introduced in this         ism brought the USAF into
you need. She can be reached at        WWII illustrated the value      the U.S. and drop bombs any-       decade were the F-15, A-10,        Operations ENDURING and l or by     of airpower, and the need to       where in the world.                AWACS, and F-16.                   IRAQI FREEDOM.
                                    change the basic organization                                            1980s: Stealth Technol-
             See BRIEFS page 3                                            1950-1953: USAF engaged         ogy was revealed advent of the
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