Page 5 - March ARB Beacon 9-18-15
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb                                                                                                 September 18, 2015                                                                      5

From BRIEFS page 1                        p.m. For more information, call them at     CombatArms training
                                          951-653-2121.                               facility opens for business
   Daily Fitness Schedule is:
   Mondays: 6 a.m. — Virtual Fusion         THE 452ND AIR MOBILITY                                                                 86$LU)RUFHSKRWR6HQLRU$LUPDQ.HYLQ0LWWHUKRO]HU
Yoga; 10:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. — In-     WING’S 2015 MILITARY BALL
tro TRX; 11 a.m. —Virtual Spin                                                        7HFK6JW+HFWRU&DEUHUD&RPEDW$UPVLQVWUXFWRUQG6HFXULW\)RUFHV
   Tuesdays: 11 a.m. — Virtual Strength      The 452nd Air Mobility Wing’s 2015       6TXDGURQ0DUFK$LU5HVHUYH%DVHJLYHVLQVWUXFWLRQVWRPHPEHUVSDUWLFLSDW-
“Fit for Duty;” 12:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. —   Military Ball is scheduled for Saturday,    LQJLQWDUJHWVKRRWLQJDWWKH&RPEDW$UPVWUDLQLQJIDFLOLW\6HSW
Circuit Training                          November 21. This year’s location re-       0HPEHUVLQDWWHQGDQFHZHUHSDUWRIWKH¿UVWTXDOLI\LQJFODVVDWWKHQHZO\
   Wednesdays: 6 a.m. — Virtual Fusion    mains the Riverside Convention Center,      RSHQHG&RPEDW$UPVWUDLQLQJIDFLOLW\RQEDVH
Yoga; 11 a.m. — Zumba; 12:15 p.m. —       and this year we will have a Holiday
Virtual Fusion Yoga; 12:30 p.m. and 5     Theme. This will be a fantastic evening
p.m. — Battle Ropes Circuit Training      and one you do not want to miss. Ticket
   Thursdays: 11 a.m. —Virtual Spin;      prices dropped to $60 per person. See
12:15 p.m. — Virtual Strength “Fit for    your first sergeant to purchase tickets
Duty;” 12:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. — Circuit    or contact SMSgt. Griffey at 951-655-
Training                                  3999. There are 40 rooms available
   Fridays: 10 a.m. — Zumba; 10:30        at the Marriott for $123 each, and 50
a.m. and 5 p.m. — Intermediate TRX;       rooms available at the Hyatt Place for
11:15 a.m. — Virtual Cardio               $105 each (the Hyatt Place price in-
   UTA Saturdays: (A UTA) 5 p.m.          cludes breakfast). When you call to
— Virtual Strength “Fit for Duty;” (B     make a reservation, mention the 2015
UTA) 5-7 p.m. — Pick-up Basketball        Military Ball to get the correct rate. You
   Call the Fitness & Sports center at    can contact The Marriott at 1-800-228-
951-655-2292 to sign up or for more in-   9290 or (951)784-8000 for reservations
formation on these programs.              and The Hyatt Place at 1-888-553-1300
                                          or (951)321-3500. ROOM RATE IN-
             GRILL NIGHT                  CREASE-The Marriott Hotel advises
        AT SALLY’S ALLEY                  that the room rates for the 2015 military
   Every Wednesday night starting at 4    ball were increased from $110 to $123
p.m., Sally’s Alley is open for business  due to the FY 16 military per diem rate
with Grill Night. Sally’s Alley is also   change that was recently released.
now open every Pre-UTA Thursday at 4

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                                                              We offer programs in:

                                                              The Art Institute of California – Inland Empire, a campus of Argosy University        for program duration, tuition, fees, and other costs, median debt,
                                                              &BTU#SJFS%SJWFt4BO#FSOBrdino, CA 92408-2800                                           federal salary data, alumni success, and other important info.

                                                              The Art Institute of California – Inland Empire, a campus of Argosy University, is one of The
                                                              Art Institutes, a system of over 50 schools throughout North America. Programs, credential
                                                              levels, technology, and scheduling options arFTVCKFDUUPDIBOHF4FWFSBMJOTUJUVUJPOT
                                                              included in The Art Institutes system arFDBNQVTFTPG4PVUI6OJWFSTJUZPS"rgosy University.
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